Racist math; the case for separate schools.


Platinum Member
Dec 9, 2021
CRT threatens to further dumb down academics in integrated schools, something we certainly don't need in a time of global competition for all things necessary for advancement, and even survival.

Creating all-black schools is certainly a solution to this issue. Blacks can then set their own standards of achievement.
Overgeneralizing due to skin color is not the answer. Plenty of highly intelligent brown skin people out there.
Maybe separate schools or just separate classes for high IQ children would be a better answer.
CRT threatens to further dumb down academics in integrated schools, something we certainly don't need in a time of global competition for all things necessary for advancement, and even survival.

Creating all-black schools is certainly a solution to this issue. Blacks can then set their own standards of achievement.
Uh...blacks were kind of forced into this...you know, in the good old days prior to 1954 or so when the SC ruled on segregation. They weren't allowed to go to white schools.
So..you want to go back to segregation?

That won't solve anything.
Overgeneralizing due to skin color is not the answer. Plenty of highly intelligent brown skin people out there.
Maybe separate schools or just separate classes for high IQ children would be a better answer.
Separate schools for those who have a problem with "white" curriculums. High achieving minorities would still be welcome in 'white' schools.
Uh...blacks were kind of forced into this...you know, in the good old days prior to 1954 or so when the SC ruled on segregation. They weren't allowed to go to white schools.
So..you want to go back to segregation?

That won't solve anything.
It will solve the CRT problem in schools. Blacks can then have their own dumbed-down curriculum. ;)
The academic and social justification for "Black" schools and for women's/girl's schools is not entirely specious or harmful. Funding them with tax dollars is problematic because they, by definition, would discrimination on the basis of race (or gender).

The problem would arise when the products of "Black" schools would at some point have to be compared academically to the products of the integrated schools, and we all know how that would turn out.

The uncomfortable (for Blacks) is that there is NOTHING preventing any Black child from succeeding in an American public school, regardless of its racial, ethnic, or gender make-up.
Uh...blacks were kind of forced into this...you know, in the good old days prior to 1954 or so when the SC ruled on segregation. They weren't allowed to go to white schools.
So..you want to go back to segregation?

That won't solve anything.
In my experience, living in the ghetto, blacks are extremely self-segregating. I say let them self-segregate.
The academic and social justification for "Black" schools and for women's/girl's schools is not entirely specious or harmful. Funding them with tax dollars is problematic because they, by definition, would discrimination on the basis of race (or gender).
We make a deal with them. Reduce crime in your neighborhoods and more money will be available for education. For every cop no longer needed a teacher can be funded.
Segregation, exclusion, and avoidance is not the way to improve education. That's a weak and simplistic approach to any challenge.
I support limiting the basketball teams to short, plodding doofs who can't shoot or jump, myself.

It's because I am Woke and so realize that all meritocracy must be eliminated since it does not reward failure in even the slightest.
Sometimes the simple answer is the best one. :)
Complex problems rarely have simple answers. People like simple ideas because they are easy to hold on to, repeat endlessly, and put on a t-shirt, but in the long run that doesn't work.
Blacks are recreating severe segregation. In the quest for black safe spaces they have demanded and gotten completely black classes, organizations and events like the all black graduation. Self segregation has gotten so bad that there is even a term for the result, it's default whiteness. Once blacks leave on their own incentive the result is that whites, by default, are free to engage with one another.
CRT threatens to further dumb down academics in integrated schools, something we certainly don't need in a time of global competition for all things necessary for advancement, and even survival.

Creating all-black schools is certainly a solution to this issue. Blacks can then set their own standards of achievement.
Yes, in 20 years they'll all be living in mud huts.
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Complex problems rarely have simple answers. People like simple ideas because they are easy to hold on to, repeat endlessly, and put on a t-shirt, but in the long run that doesn't work.
I think it's the avoidance of obvious, simple answers that leads to more serious problems. Take the drug problem for example. The simple answer is to 'just say no'. However, those who want to take drugs have all sorts of complex reasonings why they should.
Yes in 20 years they'll all be living in mud huts.
We have plenty of mud. ;)
Complex problems rarely have simple answers. People like simple ideas because they are easy to hold on to, repeat endlessly, and put on a t-shirt, but in the long run that doesn't work.
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