Racist motivated murder

Random killings of white people is a staple of the black gang culture. When I heard this story, I immediately thought of the black gang initiation ritual where a gang will drive at night without their headlights on in the hopes of attracting a white guy to flash his headlights as a friendly reminder only to be turned into prey for the evening. This almost happened to myself in the 90s in DC when some black youths in a car slowed down to try and bait me into flashing my lights. Thankfully, I was wise to what was going on and instead sped away.
Something has to be done about the culture that spawns this.
That is exactly right, and where do you start - with the parents. They should suffer punishment for the acts of their teens.

Rats breed rats; poor, stupid, ignorant, morally void losers breed ... What kind of a idiot can live in a crime ridden, gang banging ghetto with shitty schools, and breed - it's beyond me.
Derelict parents must feel punishment - they are endangering our lives, and what's left of our economy, and they are obviously oblivious to the calculous! I say we sterilize all youths that show a propensity for violence; the gene pool is severely tanted.
Random killings of white people is a staple of the black gang culture. When I heard this story, I immediately thought of the black gang initiation ritual where a gang will drive at night without their headlights on in the hopes of attracting a white guy to flash his headlights as a friendly reminder only to be turned into prey for the evening. This almost happened to myself in the 90s in DC when some black youths in a car slowed down to try and bait me into flashing my lights. Thankfully, I was wise to what was going on and instead sped away.

Please elaborate, I've never heard of such activities.

When I see an idiot w/o his headlights on I assume he's drunk, or his lights don't work. I stay away. I've never heard of a gang thing behind it.
You are 100% right on this. If this was 3 white kids in Oklahoma....or God forbid in Florida or Alabama or somewhere in the Deep South..........and they shot an innocent black kid jogging down the street 'for fun', we would probably have riots right now. If not that, the MSM would be on-site broadcasting live from there. It'd be the top story on most channels.

That type of hypocrisy sickens me. This crime itself does to.

It's almost as of the crime doesn't matter toy you. You just want a chance to call us hypocrites.
It's more than parents. The culture of hate, of grievance, payback, revenge, justification for any crime is in the media, the music, the sports teams, the schools and community centers.

The movie The Butler is supposed to be "true". It isn't. There never was a butler that served seven presidents. It is very loosely based on a butler that served four presidents. He wasn't born in racist Georgia but in Virginia. His mother wasn't raped and his father wasn't shot. There was no oldest son who was a freedom rider and looked down on his uncle tom daddy. This is Django Unchained with white gloves. It is one more morsel feeding the grievance industry and the dead ball player was no more than a snack.

That's what has to change. The parents are afterthoughts.
What an actual racist motivated murder looks and sounds like. MSM basically silent on the matter~

ONE of the teenagers charged with the murder of Melbourne baseball star Chris Lane posted racist tweets saying he hated white people in the months before the shooting.

James Edwards, 15, posted statements on his Twitter feed including a comment on April 29 where he tweeted "90% of white ppl are nasty. #HATE THEM".

No Cookies | Herald Sun

Why is it racist?

?HATE THEM?: Here?s What Teen Accused of Murdering Australian Student Had to Say About ?White? People, Guns and Killing on Twitter | TheBlaze.com

Racist enough for you?

My God...I'm a 68 year old black man. I'm so ashamed of these young bloods. Where are the Parents??? Where is "Reverend" Jackson??? Where is "Reverend" Sharpton???
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Random killings of white people is a staple of the black gang culture. When I heard this story, I immediately thought of the black gang initiation ritual where a gang will drive at night without their headlights on in the hopes of attracting a white guy to flash his headlights as a friendly reminder only to be turned into prey for the evening. This almost happened to myself in the 90s in DC when some black youths in a car slowed down to try and bait me into flashing my lights. Thankfully, I was wise to what was going on and instead sped away.

Please elaborate, I've never heard of such activities.

When I see an idiot w/o his headlights on I assume he's drunk, or his lights don't work. I stay away. I've never heard of a gang thing behind it.

You never heard of this! That's shocking. I thought everyone knew about this practice. It's been going on for over 20 years.
What an actual racist motivated murder looks and sounds like. MSM basically silent on the matter~

ONE of the teenagers charged with the murder of Melbourne baseball star Chris Lane posted racist tweets saying he hated white people in the months before the shooting.

James Edwards, 15, posted statements on his Twitter feed including a comment on April 29 where he tweeted "90% of white ppl are nasty. #HATE THEM".

No Cookies | Herald Sun

Why is it racist?

You're too uneducated to understand.

Zona said:
It's almost as of the crime doesn't matter toy you. You just want a chance to call us hypocrites.

We don't need to have a crime happen to tell people like you what hypocrites you are.
What an actual racist motivated murder looks and sounds like. MSM basically silent on the matter~

ONE of the teenagers charged with the murder of Melbourne baseball star Chris Lane posted racist tweets saying he hated white people in the months before the shooting.

No Cookies | Herald Sun

Why is it racist?

For the same reason you said Zimmerman killing Martin was racist. Except your reason had no merit.

wait a minute here

they had to edit Zimmermans call to 911 to make him sound racist so he is racist

now we have kid that said he hated people of another race

and then shot one in cold blood randomly

and it isnt racist

go figure
What an actual racist motivated murder looks and sounds like. MSM basically silent on the matter~

ONE of the teenagers charged with the murder of Melbourne baseball star Chris Lane posted racist tweets saying he hated white people in the months before the shooting.

No Cookies | Herald Sun

Why is it racist?
Because they were racist - you stupid fucking dick sucking liberal hack!
No evidence that Zimmerman was a racist, but you fucking nut job liberals convicted him of being a white racist, and of murder!
These 3, little demons are self proclaimed, and shot this helpless guy in the back, and you scumbags will not entertain that race was at play - fuck you!


couldn't have said it any better myself.., although, may i add, they make plague carrying rats look like heros.., and Duped is a fucking maggot.., yes, i know, that makes real maggots look bad. :lmao:
Random killings of white people is a staple of the black gang culture. When I heard this story, I immediately thought of the black gang initiation ritual where a gang will drive at night without their headlights on in the hopes of attracting a white guy to flash his headlights as a friendly reminder only to be turned into prey for the evening. This almost happened to myself in the 90s in DC when some black youths in a car slowed down to try and bait me into flashing my lights. Thankfully, I was wise to what was going on and instead sped away.

thank you for that bit of info, i did not know that, i think that would be fun i would like to do the same thing, except i never drive at night, if i turned the baiting around then blow away everyone of those fucking ******* with something that will take their head completely off !! :lol: :lmao:
What an actual racist motivated murder looks and sounds like. MSM basically silent on the matter~

ONE of the teenagers charged with the murder of Melbourne baseball star Chris Lane posted racist tweets saying he hated white people in the months before the shooting.

James Edwards, 15, posted statements on his Twitter feed including a comment on April 29 where he tweeted "90% of white ppl are nasty. #HATE THEM".

No Cookies | Herald Sun

ok, so how do you know it was racially motivated?:confused:

Seriously? How dense are you?
The race fear of the pathetic far right reactionaries here has been elevated to the bed wetting level of a small child's fear of the bogeyman under the bed.

Howevere, reactionary right wing fear cannot convince a rational person from a solid suspicion that the shooting was not racially motivated.
Let's keep a couple of things straight:

1. This differs from the Zimmerman case in that the killers have been arrested right away, and it is not self defense.

2. The hypocrisy lies in that if you change the skin color of everyone involved, it goes from an example of left wing and media hypocrisy, to a major national scandal.
What an actual racist motivated murder looks and sounds like. MSM basically silent on the matter~

ONE of the teenagers charged with the murder of Melbourne baseball star Chris Lane posted racist tweets saying he hated white people in the months before the shooting.

James Edwards, 15, posted statements on his Twitter feed including a comment on April 29 where he tweeted "90% of white ppl are nasty. #HATE THEM".

No Cookies | Herald Sun

That would be excellent evidence towards proving this being a hate crime.
Does one liberal have the guts to say that this was racist, and that blacks can be racist too. Or do you wan't to keep pushing the partitian divide further, and further, and just be all hack whacks?

There are plenty of racist blacks out there, no doubt about that. I don't know if this shooting was race based at this point. One of the thugs is white.

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