Racist motivated murder

What an actual racist motivated murder looks and sounds like. MSM basically silent on the matter~

ONE of the teenagers charged with the murder of Melbourne baseball star Chris Lane posted racist tweets saying he hated white people in the months before the shooting.

No Cookies | Herald Sun

Why is it racist?

The the black teens hated white people and out of boredom gunned one down...is that racially motivated or just coincidental that he was white?

Wasn't one of the teens white?
What an actual racist motivated murder looks and sounds like. MSM basically silent on the matter~

ONE of the teenagers charged with the murder of Melbourne baseball star Chris Lane posted racist tweets saying he hated white people in the months before the shooting.

James Edwards, 15, posted statements on his Twitter feed including a comment on April 29 where he tweeted "90% of white ppl are nasty. #HATE THEM".

No Cookies | Herald Sun

Gun laws and control does not work

Chilling 911 call details final moments of Melbourne baseballer Chris Lane's life | News.com.au
how did these teenagers get the firearm since the laws states they can't have one?
What an actual racist motivated murder looks and sounds like. MSM basically silent on the matter~

ONE of the teenagers charged with the murder of Melbourne baseball star Chris Lane posted racist tweets saying he hated white people in the months before the shooting.

James Edwards, 15, posted statements on his Twitter feed including a comment on April 29 where he tweeted "90% of white ppl are nasty. #HATE THEM".

No Cookies | Herald Sun

Gun laws and control does not work

Chilling 911 call details final moments of Melbourne baseballer Chris Lane's life | News.com.au
how did these teenagers get the firearm since the laws states they can't have one?

Laws mandate a lot of things, that doesn't mean everyone abides by them.

I'm guessing these guns were stolen from somewhere and sold on the street.

I'm sure the investigation will reveal just how these criminals acquired a weapon.
What an actual racist motivated murder looks and sounds like. MSM basically silent on the matter~

ONE of the teenagers charged with the murder of Melbourne baseball star Chris Lane posted racist tweets saying he hated white people in the months before the shooting.

James Edwards, 15, posted statements on his Twitter feed including a comment on April 29 where he tweeted "90% of white ppl are nasty. #HATE THEM".

No Cookies | Herald Sun

Gun laws and control does not work

Chilling 911 call details final moments of Melbourne baseballer Chris Lane's life | News.com.au
how did these teenagers get the firearm since the laws states they can't have one?

Ask Noomi. She knows all about it! HOHOHO
Too bad, so many are against hate crime legislation.

What is a " love" crime? When is a crime " nice " and not hateful?

Ever been mugged by a courteous thug?

May I have your wallet sir?

Thank you. Have a nice day.

Hate crime is the dumbest shit I've heard.

Hate crime legislation seeks to add mens rea as an aggravating or exacerbating factor the way murder one does.
Edwards posted statements on his Twitter feed including a comment on April 29 where he tweeted "90% of white ppl are nasty. #HATE THEM".
Edwards also weighed when George Zimmerman was acquitted over the death of Trayvon Martin.
"Ayeee I knocced out 5 woods since Zimmerman court!:) lol sh*t ima keep sleepin sh*t! #ayeeee."
"Woods" is derogatory slang for white people. The feed also contains tweets glorifying violence, guns and gangs.

Read more: No Cookies | Herald Sun
Too bad, so many are against hate crime legislation.

What is a " love" crime? When is a crime " nice " and not hateful?

Ever been mugged by a courteous thug?

May I have your wallet sir?

Thank you. Have a nice day.

Hate crime is the dumbest shit I've heard.

Hate crime legislation seeks to add mens rea as an aggravating or exacerbating factor the way murder one does.

In my opinion mens rea is a given.

"As an element of criminal responsibility, a guilty mind; a guilty or wrongful purpose; a criminal intent. Guilty knowledge and wilfulness."
Edwards posted statements on his Twitter feed including a comment on April 29 where he tweeted "90% of white ppl are nasty. #HATE THEM".
Edwards also weighed when George Zimmerman was acquitted over the death of Trayvon Martin.
"Ayeee I knocced out 5 woods since Zimmerman court!:) lol sh*t ima keep sleepin sh*t! #ayeeee."
"Woods" is derogatory slang for white people. The feed also contains tweets glorifying violence, guns and gangs.

Read more: No Cookies | Herald Sun

"Woods" is short for "peckerwood".

Just an FYI for context.
Edwards posted statements on his Twitter feed including a comment on April 29 where he tweeted "90% of white ppl are nasty. #HATE THEM".
Edwards also weighed when George Zimmerman was acquitted over the death of Trayvon Martin.
"Ayeee I knocced out 5 woods since Zimmerman court!:) lol sh*t ima keep sleepin sh*t! #ayeeee."
"Woods" is derogatory slang for white people. The feed also contains tweets glorifying violence, guns and gangs.

Read more: No Cookies | Herald Sun

"Woods" is short for "peckerwood".

Just an FYI for context.

It's what blacks called whites, they shorten it up and now just say woods.
What an actual racist motivated murder looks and sounds like. MSM basically silent on the matter~

ONE of the teenagers charged with the murder of Melbourne baseball star Chris Lane posted racist tweets saying he hated white people in the months before the shooting.

James Edwards, 15, posted statements on his Twitter feed including a comment on April 29 where he tweeted "90% of white ppl are nasty. #HATE THEM".

No Cookies | Herald Sun

Why is it racist?

He flat out said he hates white people. And then he goes out and shoots one.
How is that not racist?
What an actual racist motivated murder looks and sounds like. MSM basically silent on the matter~

ONE of the teenagers charged with the murder of Melbourne baseball star Chris Lane posted racist tweets saying he hated white people in the months before the shooting.

James Edwards, 15, posted statements on his Twitter feed including a comment on April 29 where he tweeted "90% of white ppl are nasty. #HATE THEM".

No Cookies | Herald Sun

Why is it racist?

Nigga Please.....
What an actual racist motivated murder looks and sounds like. MSM basically silent on the matter~

ONE of the teenagers charged with the murder of Melbourne baseball star Chris Lane posted racist tweets saying he hated white people in the months before the shooting.

James Edwards, 15, posted statements on his Twitter feed including a comment on April 29 where he tweeted "90% of white ppl are nasty. #HATE THEM".

No Cookies | Herald Sun

ok, so how do you know it was racially motivated?:confused:

The guy said he hates white people you stupid fuck!
RevRUND Jackson finally felt compelled to tweet this: "this kind of behavior is FROWNED UPON".

I'm surprised racial profiling hasn't been brought up. Even if these kids said they hated whites, I'm sure they mean white Americans or at the most including white Europeans.

The victim was Australian. I didn't read anything saying they hated Australians.

They racially profiled Chris Lang and got it wrong.

You would think blacks would be more sensitive to that kind of behavior.

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