Racist Ms High Cheekbones patronizing black university, "The criminal justice system is RAAACIST."

Speaking Friday at a historically black university, potential Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren delivered what she called “the hard truth about our criminal justice system: It’s racist … I mean front to back.” The Massachusetts senator identified some of the system’s failures: disproportionate arrests of African-Americans for petty drug possession; an overloaded public defender system; and state laws that keep convicted felons from voting even after their sentences are complete. Warren was participating in a Q&A session hosted by Congressional Black Caucus Chairman Cedric Richmond at the historically black Dillard University in New Orleans.


Warren at black university: Criminal justice system 'racist''

I wonder when their slaves will wake up and realize who their massas are. Just beat down by the democrats. Mentally enslaved.

By the woman who took a job posing as a Native, claiming her Native American traits are her high cheekbones. Underneath her pale skin that is.

My mom told me I'm French Canadian same as her Mom told her. Have you proof she has no native American in her, does Trump have proof.

Do we have proof Trump is not from Russia and a spy?? The criminal justice system is racist, its fact.
You are asking to prove a negative in regards to Trump? LOL!!! You are a special one.

As far as pale face high cheekbones.....

Now watch folks, and behold who the true lying racists are. Penelope for one.

You might be 1/2 African American for all we know.

Well, I don't have a pale face.

Who says, for wall we know you are part goat.
You guys want to make fun of Native Americans and Blacks, even if you might be white , YOU ARE DOGS.
....I just posted a link in another thread where it said the majority of the crime was in the black neighborhoods---
especially murders/shootings----these shootings are not FAKE--they have bodies/etc!

Are you native American as well or maybe part Asian.
by the way-I am native American --undeniable
  1. 1.
    a person born in a specified place or associated with a place by birth, whether subsequently resident there or not.
....I just posted a link in another thread where it said the majority of the crime was in the black neighborhoods---
especially murders/shootings----these shootings are not FAKE--they have bodies/etc!

Are you native American as well or maybe part Asian.
by the way-I am native American --undeniable
  1. 1.
    a person born in a specified place or associated with a place by birth, whether subsequently resident there or not.

Well lets see Warner was born here as well. Me too, does that make both of us Native American, Trump too since he has endlessly made fun of her.
I have no problem if you claim to have Irish, Swedish, Mexican, or African decent. You can claim Martian, or Glaxxon 6 decent. Makes no difference. BUT if you are making money or are benefiting in any way from that claim you better be willing and able to prove it.

In Warren's career she has often made the claim and either profited or used it as an advantage. There for either put up or shut up.
....I just posted a link in another thread where it said the majority of the crime was in the black neighborhoods---
especially murders/shootings----these shootings are not FAKE--they have bodies/etc!

I am delighted to learn that those bullets embedded in, the brains of those guys lying motionless in the emergency room-----were a figment of my imagination.
C-T scans LIE

It is written that I have to go surgery to operate the C-Arm even though I have no medical degree of any kind. MD's lack common sense, period.
The right wing obsession with race continues.

Elizabeth Warren brought race up in a speech, so it seems the obsession is hers.

And of course if she also brings up her favoring crunchy peanut butter vs creamy, conservatives are thereby forced to comment on it.
And you see no difference in you hanging on every word the right speaks looking for something to jump up and down about. From every nuance of Trump's movements to someone on a forum who brings up anything about race. You sir are exceedingly funny.
....I just posted a link in another thread where it said the majority of the crime was in the black neighborhoods---
especially murders/shootings----these shootings are not FAKE--they have bodies/etc!

I am delighted to learn that those bullets embedded in, the brains of those guys lying motionless in the emergency room-----were a figment of my imagination.
C-T scans LIE

It is written that I have to go surgery to operate the C-Arm even though I have no medical degree of any kind. MD's lack common sense, period.

YOU have to go to surgery to learn how to operate a C-Arm?
why------someone is going to implant the information needed ---
IN YOUR BRAIN ---------sheeeeeesh------sorry, I know nothing
about the technology to which you refer
I think liberal white Americans need to find out if they too have victim blood. That way, they too don't need to live with the unbearable fact that they are just standard racist white people.

The right wing obsession with race continues.

Elizabeth Warren brought race up in a speech, so it seems the obsession is hers.

And of course if she also brings up her favoring crunchy peanut butter vs creamy, conservatives are thereby forced to comment on it.

She brought it up, the OP responded, is he obsessed or just commenting on Warren’s speech? You responded to the OP, so are you obessed or just responding to the OP?

Seems the person initiating the dialogue, in this case Warren had a take on a controversial issue, a person with a different take responds.

If she spoke of peanut butter then no one would care and those people that paid for her speech would be disappointed. She went with what sells, her choice.
The right wing obsession with race continues.

Elizabeth Warren brought race up in a speech, so it seems the obsession is hers.

And of course if she also brings up her favoring crunchy peanut butter vs creamy, conservatives are thereby forced to comment on it.
And you see no difference in you hanging on every word the right speaks looking for something to jump up and down about. From every nuance of Trump's movements to someone on a forum who brings up anything about race. You sir are exceedingly funny.

Humor is the spice of life.
Most people consider the Supreme Court to be the top of the criminal justice system but it was the racist democrat party that fought against the nomination of Justice Clarence Thomas.
The right wing obsession with race continues.

Elizabeth Warren brought race up in a speech, so it seems the obsession is hers.

And of course if she also brings up her favoring crunchy peanut butter vs creamy, conservatives are thereby forced to comment on it.

She brought it up, the OP responded, is he obsessed or just commenting on Warren’s speech? You responded to the OP, so are you obessed or just responding to the OP?

Seems the person initiating the dialogue, in this case Warren had a take on a controversial issue, a person with a different take responds.

If she spoke of peanut butter then no one would care and those people that paid for her speech would be disappointed. She went with what sells, her choice.

Someone should explain to you the difference between starting a thread on a message board and commenting on the thread. My bet is you wouldn’t understand the difference; you seem quite deficient.
I think liberal white Americans need to find out if they too have victim blood. That way, they too don't need to live with the unbearable fact that they are just standard racist white people.

As your messiah plays the victim card 24/7.
Someone should tell high cheekbones that the Cherokee owned slaves and fought for the confederacy.

I wonder why the left would have a problem with that FACT.

As it is, there has never been a Republican that owned a slave.

In fact Republican have been made honorary members of the Sioux tribe.

Coolidge signs Indian Citizen Act - Jun 02, 1924 - HISTORY.com

In 1925, he invited a group of Sioux from the Rosebud Reservation to the White House. Two years later, President Coolidge accepted honorary tribal membership from Sioux Chief Henry Standing Bear.

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