Racist political ad?


Classical Liberal
May 24, 2011
This ad is being run in Florida against Allen West. Regardless of what you might think of Representative West's policies, I wonder who else finds this ad horribly racist. I am the only one? Maybe it's just me...so I'm looking for feedback.

Shock Video: Liberal Ad Depicts Allen West Punching Out White Women | MRCTV

I can't image if this were turned around and the ad was about a Black Democrat punching out white women, that every Progressive/Liberal wouldn't be SCREAMING racism...no?
It depends on your point of view if it was a Republican ad portraying Obama hitting a white woman it would be called racist in a minute because it is a Democrat ad showing a black Republican hitting a white women it will be ignored or rationalized. This is typical but hardly new.
It depends on your point of view if it was a Republican ad portraying Obama hitting a white woman it would be called racist in a minute because it is a Democrat ad showing a black Republican hitting a white women it will be ignored or rationalized. This is typical but hardly new.

It sure seems that way to me...but it's just so blatant, so clearly racists...to me anyway...that I can't imagine how anyone could defend it. But, I've been wrong before, so I'm putting it out there for comment. Maybe I'm missing something...
This ad is being run in Florida against Allen West. Regardless of what you might think of Representative West's policies, I wonder who else finds this ad horribly racist. I am the only one? Maybe it's just me...so I'm looking for feedback.

Shock Video: Liberal Ad Depicts Allen West Punching Out White Women | MRCTV

I can't image if this were turned around and the ad was about a Black Democrat punching out white women, that every Progressive/Liberal wouldn't be SCREAMING racism...no?

Before even watching I'll say that the ad is likely brewing with racist undertones due to the fact that it's an ad against West.
Democrats HATE "coloreds" who don't keep in line and they seem to have not problem illustrating that fact.
This ad is being run in Florida against Allen West. Regardless of what you might think of Representative West's policies, I wonder who else finds this ad horribly racist. I am the only one? Maybe it's just me...so I'm looking for feedback.

Shock Video: Liberal Ad Depicts Allen West Punching Out White Women | MRCTV

I can't image if this were turned around and the ad was about a Black Democrat punching out white women, that every Progressive/Liberal wouldn't be SCREAMING racism...no?

Nah it is not Racist. Classless, Dishonest and Vile... For sure but not Racist.

However you are 100% correct that if a Republican ran this same add about a Black Democrat it would be called Racist by the Left and the Media.
Not racist only because its run by Democratics. People forget they ran the KKK Tuskegee experiments and held up the civil right bill for 7 years oh and LBJ likely had both mlk and Malcolm X whacked

Now if it were a Republican ad...
This ad is being run in Florida against Allen West. Regardless of what you might think of Representative West's policies, I wonder who else finds this ad horribly racist. I am the only one? Maybe it's just me...so I'm looking for feedback.

Shock Video: Liberal Ad Depicts Allen West Punching Out White Women | MRCTV

I can't image if this were turned around and the ad was about a Black Democrat punching out white women, that every Progressive/Liberal wouldn't be SCREAMING racism...no?

Nah it is not Racist. Classless, Dishonest and Vile... For sure but not Racist.

However you are 100% correct that if a Republican ran this same add about a Black Democrat it would be called Racist by the Left and the Media.

However one describes it, I can't image anyone on the Left not going absolutely ape shit if the tables were turned. Perhaps someone on the Left will chime in with an argument to the contrary. I'd love to hear it.

I don't know if it's racist, but I do know that we've reached a point where this campaign has become a daily embarrassment, and there's still plenty of time left to go.

Whenever a repub sees racism...its involves Allen West

Well...I'm not a Republican. But that's beside the point. I'm not defending or supporting Representative West either. The question is do you or do you not consider this ad racist or otherwise offensive? If not, that's fine, but would you feel the same way if the tables were turned and a similar ad showed a Black Dem punching white women?

Pretty safe to say that if West had a (D) after his name, the Left would be going absolutely mental right now.

Whenever a repub sees racism...its involves Allen West

Well...I'm not a Republican. But that's beside the point. I'm not defending or supporting Representative West either. The question is do you or do you not consider this ad racist or otherwise offensive? If not, that's fine, but would you feel the same way if the tables were turned and a similar ad showed a Black Dem punching white women?

Punching someone of another race is a violent act but not racist. You can punch someone for a variety of reasons besides jumping to the "thats racist" bullshit.

But hey, accuse dems of always screaming racist while screaming racist seems to work in some circles
Whenever a repub sees racism...its involves Allen West

whenever a dem sees racism it's alwys the white who is the evil oppressor and the black the innocent victim

Sorry bud, blame white peoples history of oppression.

Ah so what you are saying is because Whites were Racist in the past, it's ok to Hate all white people today and hold them accountable for the Actions of people from the past.

Thanks for showing us all how the left really feels. It's Ok to Be Racists against Whites. Period.

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