Racist Trump already starting his demonisation of black American heroes

She was pretty clear in calling people who were racist, sexist, xeonophobs "deplorable" did you not understand that?
She was pretty clear calling Trump supporters deplorable's. What part of that don't you remember?
I remember her words. Go back and listen to or read her actual words and show me where she calls all Trump supporters deplorable. You're a puppet eating up the spin
That's right she called half of his supporters deplorable, and you defend that as if it is meaningless.
Show me the quote... you are regurgitating manipulated spin

In Context: Hillary Clinton and the 'basket of deplorables'
She is clearly talking about people who are racist and sexist etc. deplorable was a direct dig on those views... then she lumped Trump supporters in with the deplorables and they threw a hissy fit. And the hissy fit worked, so bravo. You won. You can stop pretending now
Was it so kindergarten when Obama said "I won, get over it"?
Or when he said, "But I don’t want the folks who created the mess to do a lot of talking. I want them to get out of the way so we can clean up the mess. I don’t mind cleaning up after them, but don’t do a lot of talking.”

You know...Trump should have ignored Lewis. That's one of Trumps huge failings - he can't ignore. Obama managed to do that, but Trump doesn't seem capable of it. Not everything is worth responding to. Lewis said he considered Trump illegitimate. Kind of puts Lewis in the same category as the Republican politicians who endorsed the birther conspiracy theory doesn't it?
Nope, he did exactly the right thing. The next Dem douche bag who considers attacking Trump will now think long and hard before he does. Lewis has made himself a laughing stock. Trump hit him right between the eyes, and it was a beautiful sight.

It's so kindergarten, and accomplishes nothing. That's what's pathetic.

I am trying to remember when Obama went out of his way to relentlessly attack individuals who criticized him.
You mean like when he childishly tried to get Fox Banned from the Whit House? Or perhaps when he said he was at war with all republicans and ask his "army" to mobilize?
You mean when Trump lied and said he supported going in invading ocuppying iraq and then he said he wasn't for it.

69) I Never Said I Supported Invading Iraq

Perhaps one of Trump’s most frequent lies is that he opposed the U.S. invasion of Iraq from the beginning. In fact, the only time Trump spoke publicly about the conflict before the invasion was an interview with Howard Stern in which he said he said he supported invading Iraq. Soon after the war started, he hailed it as “a tremendous success.” Trump did come out against the war in 2004, a year after it started.

70) I Never Talked About Intervention In Libya

In February, Trump said he “never discussed” whether the U.S. should have a role in the 2011 military intervention in Libya that ultimately overthrew Muammar Gaddafi. Trump, in fact, said that “we would be so much better off if Gaddafi were in charge right now.”

However, in February 2011, one month before the beginning of NATO’s Libyan intervention, Trump recorded a video calling for intervention against Gaddafi:

I can’t believe what our country is doing. Gaddafi, in Libya, is killing thousands of people, nobody knows how bad it is, and we’re sitting around we have soldiers all over the Middle East, and we’re not bringing them in to stop this horrible carnage and that’s what it is: It’s a carnage. You talk about things that have happened in history; this could be one of the worst. Now, we should go in, we should stop this guy, which would be very easy and very quick. We could do it surgically, stop him from doing it, and save these lives. This is absolutely nuts. We don’t want to get involved and you’re gonna end up with something like you’ve never seen before.

We have to go in to save these lives. These people are being slaughtered like animals. It’s horrible what’s going on. It has to be stopped. We’re making decisions like trade embargoes? What does this have to do with a trade embargo? He’s killing people with machine guns in the streets. We should do, on a humanitarian basis, immediately go into Libya and knock this guy out.

He also told Piers Morgan that “if you don’t get rid of Gaddafi, it’s a major, major black eye for this country.”

71) I Never Said I Have A Relationship With Putin

On several occasions, Trump has bragged about speaking with Vladimir Putin and having a relationship with the Russian president.

In 2013, Trump was asked in a Moscow interview with Thomas Roberts of MSNBC, “Do you have a relationship with Vladimir Putin?”

“I do have a relationship with him,” he said. “He’s done a very brilliant job in terms of what he represents and who he’s representing.”

But when George Stephanopoulos asked Trump earlier this year why he said for three years that he has a relationship with Putin, Trump said he didn’t make such a statement and has no relationship with him.

A few months later, Trump told “Extra” that he would not recant saying he had a relationship with Putin, while also insisting he never said that he said that.
More racist fake news tweets by the racist in chief Trump, claiming that icon John Lewis is all talk and no action.

Trump is starting his race war.

But only is Trump an illegitimate bastard president, he's also a sexual pervert, a liar, a tax cheat, and totally disrespectful of everyone that disagrees with him.

How can anyone be president of this country, that tells halve of the country to "go fuck themselves"? He can't.
Maybe he should have called them Deplorables?

halve the country?

Last I heard, blacks were only 12% of the country.

The rest of your post?

I'm glad you're venting here, and not on any possible children you may have
She was pretty clear in calling people who were racist, sexist, xeonophobs "deplorable" did you not understand that?

The problem is everybody that doesn't agree with liberals are considered that by the left. Therefore she insulted all Trump supporters.
She only insulted these voters.......
Unlike the deflections you pull out of your ass?

Such as?
You keep ignoring the answers to your question and deflecting when ever any one criticizes someone you support.

That's a nice general answer. What deflection?
I repeat respond to the answers to your question not deflecting with this word game.

No. You can't provide any examples. So you just throw in generalities. No word games there.
Thats what Guny Sgt's do they are real anal about everything and do not have common sense
She was pretty clear calling Trump supporters deplorable's. What part of that don't you remember?
I remember her words. Go back and listen to or read her actual words and show me where she calls all Trump supporters deplorable. You're a puppet eating up the spin
That's right she called half of his supporters deplorable, and you defend that as if it is meaningless.
Show me the quote... you are regurgitating manipulated spin

In Context: Hillary Clinton and the 'basket of deplorables'
She is clearly talking about people who are racist and sexist etc. deplorable was a direct dig on those views... then she lumped Trump supporters in with the deplorables and they threw a hissy fit. And the hissy fit worked, so bravo. You won. You can stop pretending now

It had nothing to do with a hissy fit, it had to do with everybody who supported Trump being offended.

"Half of Trump supporters" Okay, does she mean me or not? Am in in that half (in her opinion) or not?

What if Trump came out and said half of Hillary supporters were Communist? Would you know if he meant you? If you were convinced he didn't mean you, how would that make you feel being associated with the other half? After all, the US Communist Party supported Hillary and Obama.

Trump supporters didn't turn her words on her, her words spoke for herself.
Unlike the deflections you pull out of your ass?

Such as?
You keep ignoring the answers to your question and deflecting when ever any one criticizes someone you support.

That's a nice general answer. What deflection?
I repeat respond to the answers to your question not deflecting with this word game.

No. You can't provide any examples. So you just throw in generalities. No word games there.
And still you pretend we did not answer your ignorant questions about Obama and prove you were wrong.
I remember her words. Go back and listen to or read her actual words and show me where she calls all Trump supporters deplorable. You're a puppet eating up the spin
That's right she called half of his supporters deplorable, and you defend that as if it is meaningless.
Show me the quote... you are regurgitating manipulated spin

In Context: Hillary Clinton and the 'basket of deplorables'
She is clearly talking about people who are racist and sexist etc. deplorable was a direct dig on those views... then she lumped Trump supporters in with the deplorables and they threw a hissy fit. And the hissy fit worked, so bravo. You won. You can stop pretending now

It had nothing to do with a hissy fit, it had to do with everybody who supported Trump being offended.

"Half of Trump supporters" Okay, does she mean me or not? Am in in that half (in her opinion) or not?

What if Trump came out and said half of Hillary supporters were Communist? Would you know if he meant you? If you were convinced he didn't mean you, how would that make you feel being associated with the other half? After all, the US Communist Party supported Hillary and Obama.

Trump supporters didn't turn her words on her, her words spoke for herself.
It ain't too difficult... are you a racist, sexist or xenophobic person? If No then she wasn't talking about you... With all the bitching y'all do about snowflakes, the "offended" trumpeters are sure acting flakey. Let's just be real... y'all don't give a shit what Clinton did or didnt call you... she left herself open for attack with that comment and you pounced. It's the game of politics. I don't see why you can't be honest about it at this point.
Half of Trumps supporters would be 32 MILLION Americans.And you think 32 million voters are what Hillary Clinton called them?
Typical Liberal horseshit narrative. This is the reason you jackasses are losing everywhere but the shitholes that have been Democratic for decades. Please keep up the stupidity and you'll lose it all.
It ain't too difficult... are you a racist, sexist or xenophobic person? If No then she wasn't talking about you... With all the bitching y'all do about snowflakes, the "offended" trumpeters are sure acting flakey. Let's just be real... y'all don't give a shit what Clinton did or didnt call you... she left herself open for attack with that comment and you pounced. It's the game of politics. I don't see why you can't be honest about it at this point.

We are being honest about it. That's what sunk her. I could care less about what any liberal thinks of me, but I'm not on the fence, I have a consistent way of voting.

But for those swing voters and Independents who were thinking about voting for Trump, I'm sure that comment was a decision maker for them. It doesn't matter if you think you are racist, sexist, homophobe or not, liberals call you that anyway just for disagreeing with them. So yes, all people voting (or thinking of voting) for Trump were insulted, especially people that didn't usually vote.
Last edited:
More racist fake news tweets by the racist in chief Trump, claiming that icon John Lewis is all talk and no action.

Trump is starting his race war.

But only is Trump an illegitimate bastard president, he's also a sexual pervert, a liar, a tax cheat, and totally disrespectful of everyone that disagrees with him.

How can anyone be president of this country, that tells halve of the country to "go fuck themselves"? He can't.

Trump called out a race hustler in Lewis. Lewis and everyone else crying about the Russians are pissed because the Russians exposed how Democrats truly feel about Latinos.

You crying Democrats need to realize that it was the content and character of Democrats that influenced the Election; not the Russians.
I, for one, will miss Congressman Lewis' presence at Donald's inauguration. He walked over a bridge with a bunch of Americans 50 odd years ago....sure beats working for a living.
This election I voted for democrats libertarians republicans. looked up there vote record and what they said. I have never been able to understand why most people just vote the same people in over and over again just because there members of there party of choice. tons of useless people both sides of the isle.
She was pretty clear calling Trump supporters deplorable's. What part of that don't you remember?
I remember her words. Go back and listen to or read her actual words and show me where she calls all Trump supporters deplorable. You're a puppet eating up the spin
She does not call ALL Trump supporters racist but then again that is really not the point here.

Hillary Clinton: 'half of Trump's supporters go into the basket of deplorables' - video

She directly called HALF of them racists, sexists etc. That is not spin and Trump supporters were clearly insulted. Spin is what you stated: "She was pretty clear in calling people who were racist, sexist, xeonophobs "deplorable" while leaving out the part where she also claims that half of Trumps supporters fall into that category.
Thank you. Yes she did say that and she reacted the "half" comment the next day. Point is she wasn't talking about people's support for Trump, she was talking about people's support of the deplorable acts. Racism, sexism xenophobia etc. the whole thing got spun to hell.
Not really.

She said:
"You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump's supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right? The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic -- you name it."

While she was calling them deplorable for those beliefs, she was still directly stating that about half of Trump supports belonged to that group. I could also care less that she retracts something once the political fallout for stating it becomes known - politicians do that crap all the time. It was not a misstep. She did not accidentally say the wrong thing. She purposefully stated that she thinks half of the people supporting trump were essentially deplorable people.
It's all word games and only idiots don't get the point of what she was saying... Trump does it in every other statement he makes. That's not literal, I don't mean half of every statement he makes, but you get the point, right?! ;-)

She tried a low blow and it blew up in her face. But don't pretend like is more than the partisan spin game. We all know what she was talking about.

The "deplorable and proud" groups are flaunting their support for Trump when the point of deplorables was directed at something much more ugly.
I get what she was saying. You seem to want to ignore it.

She was saying that Trump supporters were largely racists and bigots. There is no 'word games' with that. I have provided the exact quote and the exact words - things that you demanded.

Now you are calling people who do not agree with you that she did not actually mean what she said 'idiots.' It seems that you did not actually expect anyone to give you the exact words and point out how how she called half or Trump supporters bigots. The facts speak for themselves.

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