Racist Trump already starting his demonisation of black American heroes

Why do you think i'm a partisan Lib?
oh, I don't know, cause you post like one?
The first post I did on this thread on page one was defending Trump and criticizing the partisan "racist" slurs that were being thrown at him. How does that figure into your theory?
post #276.
It helps if you post what you are talking about. Copy and Paste is an easy thing, let me know if you need a tutorial. Here is my post that you are referring to. How does this make me a partisan Lib?

In response to Ray's comment that everybody who disagrees with Liberals are called Deplorable or Irredeemable...

"Thats complete bullshit... Maybe true for some wingnuts on the left... just as right leaning wingnuts think all liberals are mooching communists... but many and i would argue most rational people can debate political views without playing the cheap cards. Unfortunately this board has a higher concentration of wingnuts."
you couldn't read your post in #276? your statement--"That's complete bullshit". What was complete bullshit? you reacted like a lib.
What do you mean "I couldn't read..." I just posted it! I suggested that if you want to make a claim about me a reference a statement then post the statement.

Regarding the "Bullshit" statement... I was pretty clear that the generalized claim that everybody who disagrees with liberals are labeled as deplorable, irredeemable, racist, bigots, like Ray claimed is Complete Bullshit. Want proof? You consider me a Liberal right? Well I absolutely do not think these things about conservatives. Most of my family are very conservative and I agree with and respect many of their views, especially when it comes to size of government and fiscal policy.

There are racist, deplorable, bigots in all Political parties and ideologies....
I'd say this board has more rightnuts than leftnuts... Both have a big presence though. Im hoping the new year brings a round of objective thinkers that can carry more non-partisan debates
says the partisan lib.
Why do you think i'm a partisan Lib?
See post 327.
I agree with what you said in #327 but don't see the point you are trying to get across in regards to jc's implication that i'm a Liberal Partisan.
I thought it was self explanatory - partisans only see partisans.

Your positions are irreverent in that respect.
Are you implying that I am a partisan or that JC is a partisan?
I deny that I am a partisan... I have both Liberal and Conservative beliefs
And yet you waste absolutely no time deflecting and defending every liberal claim and post no matter who made it.
Every claim?? Really? The first post I made on this thread #10 was a liberal claim when I told the OP that the race card was being overplayed and Trump never made those kind of statements? You are a judgmental idiot.
No what you do is taking the outrageous claims and then deflect them and pretend that they either were not said or were simply a misunderstanding or mistake, for example you defense of Clinton and her deplorable comments.
Way to ignore and deflect while accusing me of ignoring and deflecting. Can you be any more hypocritical?? I defended Trump in response to the OP's claim that he is a racist and I explained Hillary's statement without the partisan spin while also saying that it was a stupid statement and poor judgement.
seems I'm not the only one who sees you as a libturd. Maybe how you reply is your issue. Not ours I'll tell you that.
You are the one trying to make it a partisan issue. I make comments on both sides, but you don't seem able to engage in reasonable debate, instead you jump to the judgmental name calling.
says the partisan lib.
Why do you think i'm a partisan Lib?
See post 327.
I agree with what you said in #327 but don't see the point you are trying to get across in regards to jc's implication that i'm a Liberal Partisan.
I thought it was self explanatory - partisans only see partisans.

Your positions are irreverent in that respect.
Are you implying that I am a partisan or that JC is a partisan?
JC. You are not the one leveling the charge.
And yet you waste absolutely no time deflecting and defending every liberal claim and post no matter who made it.
Every claim?? Really? The first post I made on this thread #10 was a liberal claim when I told the OP that the race card was being overplayed and Trump never made those kind of statements? You are a judgmental idiot.
No what you do is taking the outrageous claims and then deflect them and pretend that they either were not said or were simply a misunderstanding or mistake, for example you defense of Clinton and her deplorable comments.
Way to ignore and deflect while accusing me of ignoring and deflecting. Can you be any more hypocritical?? I defended Trump in response to the OP's claim that he is a racist and I explained Hillary's statement without the partisan spin while also saying that it was a stupid statement and poor judgement.
seems I'm not the only one who sees you as a libturd. Maybe how you reply is your issue. Not ours I'll tell you that.
You are the one trying to make it a partisan issue. I make comments on both sides, but you don't seem able to engage in reasonable debate, instead you jump to the judgmental name calling.
Wrong you start out claiming something and then twist it into a defense of everything liberal.
And yet you waste absolutely no time deflecting and defending every liberal claim and post no matter who made it.
Every claim?? Really? The first post I made on this thread #10 was a liberal claim when I told the OP that the race card was being overplayed and Trump never made those kind of statements? You are a judgmental idiot.
No what you do is taking the outrageous claims and then deflect them and pretend that they either were not said or were simply a misunderstanding or mistake, for example you defense of Clinton and her deplorable comments.
Way to ignore and deflect while accusing me of ignoring and deflecting. Can you be any more hypocritical?? I defended Trump in response to the OP's claim that he is a racist and I explained Hillary's statement without the partisan spin while also saying that it was a stupid statement and poor judgement.
seems I'm not the only one who sees you as a libturd. Maybe how you reply is your issue. Not ours I'll tell you that.
You are the one trying to make it a partisan issue. I make comments on both sides, but you don't seem able to engage in reasonable debate, instead you jump to the judgmental name calling.
reasonable? calling bullshit to a truth statement from the right doesn't sway me away from my thoughts about you.
Every claim?? Really? The first post I made on this thread #10 was a liberal claim when I told the OP that the race card was being overplayed and Trump never made those kind of statements? You are a judgmental idiot.
No what you do is taking the outrageous claims and then deflect them and pretend that they either were not said or were simply a misunderstanding or mistake, for example you defense of Clinton and her deplorable comments.
Way to ignore and deflect while accusing me of ignoring and deflecting. Can you be any more hypocritical?? I defended Trump in response to the OP's claim that he is a racist and I explained Hillary's statement without the partisan spin while also saying that it was a stupid statement and poor judgement.
seems I'm not the only one who sees you as a libturd. Maybe how you reply is your issue. Not ours I'll tell you that.
You are the one trying to make it a partisan issue. I make comments on both sides, but you don't seem able to engage in reasonable debate, instead you jump to the judgmental name calling.
Wrong you start out claiming something and then twist it into a defense of everything liberal.
Really? How about we get back to my original post in this thread where told the OP that his claim of Trump being a racist was wrong. How exactly did I twist that? Try not to deflect this time.
Every claim?? Really? The first post I made on this thread #10 was a liberal claim when I told the OP that the race card was being overplayed and Trump never made those kind of statements? You are a judgmental idiot.
No what you do is taking the outrageous claims and then deflect them and pretend that they either were not said or were simply a misunderstanding or mistake, for example you defense of Clinton and her deplorable comments.
Way to ignore and deflect while accusing me of ignoring and deflecting. Can you be any more hypocritical?? I defended Trump in response to the OP's claim that he is a racist and I explained Hillary's statement without the partisan spin while also saying that it was a stupid statement and poor judgement.
seems I'm not the only one who sees you as a libturd. Maybe how you reply is your issue. Not ours I'll tell you that.
You are the one trying to make it a partisan issue. I make comments on both sides, but you don't seem able to engage in reasonable debate, instead you jump to the judgmental name calling.
reasonable? calling bullshit to a truth statement from the right doesn't sway me away from my thoughts about you.
It wasn't a truthful statement. I just proved it
We have enough ass kissing of the minorities for the last eight years. Time to stop that shit for awhile and get on with the business of making this country great again.
More racist fake news tweets by the racist in chief Trump, claiming that icon John Lewis is all talk and no action.

Trump is starting his race war.

But only is Trump an illegitimate bastard president, he's also a sexual pervert, a liar, a tax cheat, and totally disrespectful of everyone that disagrees with him.

How can anyone be president of this country, that tells halve of the country to "go fuck themselves"? He can't.
I'm far from a Trump supporter but if there is going to be a race war then people who talk like you are going to hold an equal share of the responsibility. Trump is a complete douche but the extent of his racism is a simple lack of sensitivity and compassion for minorities. He is not setting an agenda to increase discrimination but if you keep falsely Injecting that narrative into everything he does you will make something out of nothing. I suggest toning it down and sticking to real issues.
You do not deny racism you just try to have it both ways. While attacking Trump anyway.
More racist fake news tweets by the racist in chief Trump, claiming that icon John Lewis is all talk and no action.

Trump is starting his race war.

But only is Trump an illegitimate bastard president, he's also a sexual pervert, a liar, a tax cheat, and totally disrespectful of everyone that disagrees with him.

How can anyone be president of this country, that tells halve of the country to "go fuck themselves"? He can't.
I'm far from a Trump supporter but if there is going to be a race war then people who talk like you are going to hold an equal share of the responsibility. Trump is a complete douche but the extent of his racism is a simple lack of sensitivity and compassion for minorities. He is not setting an agenda to increase discrimination but if you keep falsely Injecting that narrative into everything he does you will make something out of nothing. I suggest toning it down and sticking to real issues.
You do not deny racism you just try to have it both ways. While attacking Trump anyway.
I don't deny racism and try to have it both ways?? What does that mean??

I think Trump is entertaining as hell. I do not respect him as a man or a leader. This isn't a partisan view, it is a personality thing. I was really hoping to vote for a conservative businessperson this election but was very disappointed with the options of candidates. I hold honesty, integrity, and character in very high regards and Trump falls short on many levels with his petty, bullying antics. That said, I do not condone unfair attacks against him like the OP made and I will speak out against that kind of spin and dishonesty regardless if it comes from the left or the right.

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