Racist Trump already starting his demonisation of black American heroes

HE's made plenty of "compassion and empathy" statements about minorities.

His policies, if implemented, will disproportionately benefit minorities.

The vile lefty media, has been lying.
Thats your opinion... I'm guessing you are white, am i right? Fact is, many many minorities have been offended by Trumps words and are fearful of some of his policies. When he gets critiqued he attacks and demeans instead of clarifying and putting peoples minds at ease. I get it, he was campaigning as a tough guy and had to consider his base. I actually think he is much more liberal and accepting of minorities as he comes across... Its his ego that gets in the way of allowing him to respond to his opponents in a respectable way.

Yes, I am white.

Many minorities have been race baited and panic mongered within an inch of their lives.

THe media is the enemy of the RIght. ANy republican who tries to "clarify" is playing the game of the vile left and setting himself up to be smeared over and over again. Fuck that shit.

Responding to opponents is a respectful way does work in today's world. Such civility is seen as weakness by the jackals of the Media and Pop Culture.
You give the media too much power and dismiss peoples ability to think for themselves. I think it is pretty clear that most people are very skeptical of what the media tells them. There are enough quotes, tweets and video interviews to hear statements from the horses mouth... can't manipulate that too much.

You do realize that many on the left believe the reason Clinton lost was because of the media constantly covering Trump.

I find that both extreme sides are easily manipulated by the media.
The media gives plenty of ammo for people to reenforce their agenda and it also pours plenty of fuel on the fire. When it comes to core issues I believe the majority of people are smart enough to think for themselves and choose what is important for themselves and their families.

I'm of the same belief. I believe that in many categories of life.
HE's made plenty of "compassion and empathy" statements about minorities.

His policies, if implemented, will disproportionately benefit minorities.

The vile lefty media, has been lying.
Thats your opinion... I'm guessing you are white, am i right? Fact is, many many minorities have been offended by Trumps words and are fearful of some of his policies. When he gets critiqued he attacks and demeans instead of clarifying and putting peoples minds at ease. I get it, he was campaigning as a tough guy and had to consider his base. I actually think he is much more liberal and accepting of minorities as he comes across... Its his ego that gets in the way of allowing him to respond to his opponents in a respectable way.

Yes, I am white.

Many minorities have been race baited and panic mongered within an inch of their lives.

THe media is the enemy of the RIght. ANy republican who tries to "clarify" is playing the game of the vile left and setting himself up to be smeared over and over again. Fuck that shit.

Responding to opponents is a respectful way does work in today's world. Such civility is seen as weakness by the jackals of the Media and Pop Culture.
You give the media too much power and dismiss peoples ability to think for themselves. I think it is pretty clear that most people are very skeptical of what the media tells them. There are enough quotes, tweets and video interviews to hear statements from the horses mouth... can't manipulate that too much.

You do realize that many on the left believe the reason Clinton lost was because of the media constantly covering Trump.

I find that both extreme sides are easily manipulated by the media.
The media gives plenty of ammo for people to reenforce their agenda and it also pours plenty of fuel on the fire. When it comes to core issues I believe the majority of people are smart enough to think for themselves and choose what is important for themselves and their families.
Sadly, I think that you are wrong here. People are not interested in truth in media and the current extreme bias in the media reveals it. The trend for most news sources to grossly bias their reporting (and I use news and reporting very loosely) and deliver what amounts to false accusations continually is an indication of what their audiences want. The average person does not want to be bothered with thinking about politics or issues - they want already established beliefs to simply be reinforced.

The speed and tenacity for false news is another indication of this. If the majority of people really were checking what they read and objectively thinking about it such sites would not last a day and no one would be talking about them at all. Instead, we see blatantly false narratives repeated throughout the country.
Thats your opinion... I'm guessing you are white, am i right? Fact is, many many minorities have been offended by Trumps words and are fearful of some of his policies. When he gets critiqued he attacks and demeans instead of clarifying and putting peoples minds at ease. I get it, he was campaigning as a tough guy and had to consider his base. I actually think he is much more liberal and accepting of minorities as he comes across... Its his ego that gets in the way of allowing him to respond to his opponents in a respectable way.

Yes, I am white.

Many minorities have been race baited and panic mongered within an inch of their lives.

THe media is the enemy of the RIght. ANy republican who tries to "clarify" is playing the game of the vile left and setting himself up to be smeared over and over again. Fuck that shit.

Responding to opponents is a respectful way does work in today's world. Such civility is seen as weakness by the jackals of the Media and Pop Culture.
You give the media too much power and dismiss peoples ability to think for themselves. I think it is pretty clear that most people are very skeptical of what the media tells them. There are enough quotes, tweets and video interviews to hear statements from the horses mouth... can't manipulate that too much.

You do realize that many on the left believe the reason Clinton lost was because of the media constantly covering Trump.

I find that both extreme sides are easily manipulated by the media.
The media gives plenty of ammo for people to reenforce their agenda and it also pours plenty of fuel on the fire. When it comes to core issues I believe the majority of people are smart enough to think for themselves and choose what is important for themselves and their families.

I'm of the same belief. I believe that in many categories of life.
I no longer believe that when it comes to politics.

Things that matter to people OTOH, I would agree. Politics just does not seem to be one of those areas. It is used, instead, to simply reinforce long held beliefs.
CNN just called blacks 'Mediocre Negroes', and libs are attacking Trump?!

The DNC was exposed with its own personal leaked emails as being RACIST, sexist, homophobic Anti-Semites...and liberals are attacking Trump?!

Poor, sad, racist, partisan snowflakes...
All you cons know that Trump called Mexicans criminals, rapists and drug dealers. He also calls Muslims radical terrorists. The KKK and Aryans endorsed him for president. Trump calling Lewis all talk and no action, is just his next racist remark. And all of you that are trying to defend his racism, are just exposing your own racism.
Trump calling Lewis all talk and no action, is just his next racist remark.
How is that racist?
Because Trump stated it.

That seems to be the new standard that the partisans are running with now - everything that Trump says is racist. Just the other day he commented on the weather...

Damn racist.
It's hilarious when a partisan points his finger and calls the other side partisan. Deflect much?
CNN just called blacks 'Mediocre Negroes', and libs are attacking Trump?!

The DNC was exposed with its own personal leaked emails as being RACIST, sexist, homophobic Anti-Semites...and liberals are attacking Trump?!

Poor, sad, racist, partisan snowflakes...
All you cons know that Trump called Mexicans criminals, rapists and drug dealers. He also calls Muslims radical terrorists. The KKK and Aryans endorsed him for president. Trump calling Lewis all talk and no action, is just his next racist remark. And all of you that are trying to defend his racism, are just exposing your own racism.

You are a lying asshole. Fuck you.
Looks like a struck a racist nerve.
CNN just called blacks 'Mediocre Negroes', and libs are attacking Trump?!

The DNC was exposed with its own personal leaked emails as being RACIST, sexist, homophobic Anti-Semites...and liberals are attacking Trump?!

Poor, sad, racist, partisan snowflakes...
All you cons know that Trump called Mexicans criminals, rapists and drug dealers. He also calls Muslims radical terrorists. The KKK and Aryans endorsed him for president. Trump calling Lewis all talk and no action, is just his next racist remark. And all of you that are trying to defend his racism, are just exposing your own racism.

You are a lying asshole. Fuck you.
Looks like a struck a racist nerve.
The Democrats were exposed with their own e-mail as being racist, sexist, homophobes, and anti-Semites!

Lewis was caught in a LIE, after publicly attacking Trump. Trump defended himself and then exposed him as a liar. Meanwhile CNN, the political propaganda arm of the DNC, is running around calling minorities 'Mediocre Negroes'! :p
CNN just called blacks 'Mediocre Negroes', and libs are attacking Trump?!

The DNC was exposed with its own personal leaked emails as being RACIST, sexist, homophobic Anti-Semites...and liberals are attacking Trump?!

Poor, sad, racist, partisan snowflakes...
All you cons know that Trump called Mexicans criminals, rapists and drug dealers. He also calls Muslims radical terrorists. The KKK and Aryans endorsed him for president. Trump calling Lewis all talk and no action, is just his next racist remark. And all of you that are trying to defend his racism, are just exposing your own racism.
Trump calling Lewis all talk and no action, is just his next racist remark.
How is that racist?
Because Trump stated it.

That seems to be the new standard that the partisans are running with now - everything that Trump says is racist. Just the other day he commented on the weather...

Damn racist.
It's hilarious when a partisan points his finger and calls the other side partisan. Deflect much?
Didn't deflect at all. You still have not answered a single question brought to you. There is noting to deflect from.

It is noteworthy that as a partisan hack, that is all you see around you. You cannot say why you think I am a partisan other than I pointed out how your presumption was bullshit.
Not really.

She said:
"You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump's supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right? The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic -- you name it."

While she was calling them deplorable for those beliefs, she was still directly stating that about half of Trump supports belonged to that group. I could also care less that she retracts something once the political fallout for stating it becomes known - politicians do that crap all the time. It was not a misstep. She did not accidentally say the wrong thing. She purposefully stated that she thinks half of the people supporting trump were essentially deplorable people.
It's all word games and only idiots don't get the point of what she was saying... Trump does it in every other statement he makes. That's not literal, I don't mean half of every statement he makes, but you get the point, right?! ;-)

She tried a low blow and it blew up in her face. But don't pretend like is more than the partisan spin game. We all know what she was talking about.

The "deplorable and proud" groups are flaunting their support for Trump when the point of deplorables was directed at something much more ugly.
I get what she was saying. You seem to want to ignore it.

She was saying that Trump supporters were largely racists and bigots. There is no 'word games' with that. I have provided the exact quote and the exact words - things that you demanded.

Now you are calling people who do not agree with you that she did not actually mean what she said 'idiots.' It seems that you did not actually expect anyone to give you the exact words and point out how how she called half or Trump supporters bigots. The facts speak for themselves.
Anybody that thinks Clinton was calling Trump supporters deplorable racists is an idiot. She was calling anybody who is racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic etc. deplorable. It's pretty simple. She did make a mistake with her "half" statement and she paid the price

Wrong! Her saying "half" was a stupid and dumb thing to say but it was no mistake, she was backpedaling try to minimize the damaged.
Agreed... by "mistake" I meant it was stupid and dumb... Not that it was an accident.
and she meant it and doubled down on it later. As well as others.
If the Clinton foundation wasn't pay for play(crooked), then why hes to donations dried up after she lost election

I'll wait for a proper answer please.

How come it is the Trump foundation being investigated and why is he trying to close it while being investigated ?

N.Y. attorney general: Donald Trump can't close foundation during Investigation...
you really aren't very well informed are you?
Thank you. Yes she did say that and she reacted the "half" comment the next day. Point is she wasn't talking about people's support for Trump, she was talking about people's support of the deplorable acts. Racism, sexism xenophobia etc. the whole thing got spun to hell.
Not really.

She said:
"You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump's supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right? The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic -- you name it."

While she was calling them deplorable for those beliefs, she was still directly stating that about half of Trump supports belonged to that group. I could also care less that she retracts something once the political fallout for stating it becomes known - politicians do that crap all the time. It was not a misstep. She did not accidentally say the wrong thing. She purposefully stated that she thinks half of the people supporting trump were essentially deplorable people.
It's all word games and only idiots don't get the point of what she was saying... Trump does it in every other statement he makes. That's not literal, I don't mean half of every statement he makes, but you get the point, right?! ;-)

She tried a low blow and it blew up in her face. But don't pretend like is more than the partisan spin game. We all know what she was talking about.

The "deplorable and proud" groups are flaunting their support for Trump when the point of deplorables was directed at something much more ugly.
I get what she was saying. You seem to want to ignore it.

She was saying that Trump supporters were largely racists and bigots. There is no 'word games' with that. I have provided the exact quote and the exact words - things that you demanded.

Now you are calling people who do not agree with you that she did not actually mean what she said 'idiots.' It seems that you did not actually expect anyone to give you the exact words and point out how how she called half or Trump supporters bigots. The facts speak for themselves.
Anybody that thinks Clinton was calling Trump supporters deplorable racists is an idiot. She was calling anybody who is racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic etc. deplorable. It's pretty simple. She did make a mistake with her "half" statement and she paid the price
I don't have to think she was calling a huge share of Trump supporters deplorable. The quote is explicit and the words cannot be spun. You want to focus on the fact that she was only calling racists etc. deplorable - which is true. What you are trying to ignore is the she went on to say that half of Trumps supporters were those racists etc.

The statements were made. Their meaning was CRYSTAL CLEAR. There simply is no way around that.
in my opinion, that was what did her in and only that.
I don't have to think she was calling a huge share of Trump supporters deplorable. The quote is explicit and the words cannot be spun. You want to focus on the fact that she was only calling racists etc. deplorable - which is true. What you are trying to ignore is the she went on to say that half of Trumps supporters were those racists etc.

The statements were made. Their meaning was CRYSTAL CLEAR. There simply is no way around that.
I don't understand what you are arguing with... I've said many times that the "half" statement was a stupid mistake on her part. I'm making a simple point that if you support Trump and you are not racist, sexist etc. then she wasn't calling you deplorable... You seem to agree with that... I see all these Trump supporters wearing "I'm a Trump Deplorable" T-shirts... They are either open bigots or they are idiots who are taking the statement out of context.

As I stated earlier, anybody that disagrees with leftists are considered one of the many names Hillary called Trump supporters, so everybody was offended.
Thats complete bullshit... Maybe true for some wingnuts on the left... just as right leaning wingnuts think all liberals are mooching communists... but many and i would argue most rational people can debate political views without playing the cheap cards. Unfortunately this board has a higher concentration of wingnuts.

And not a higher number of leftards calling anybody that disagrees with them a racist or homophobe?
I'd say this board has more rightnuts than leftnuts... Both have a big presence though. Im hoping the new year brings a round of objective thinkers that can carry more non-partisan debates
says the partisan lib.
I get what she was saying. You seem to want to ignore it.

She was saying that Trump supporters were largely racists and bigots. There is no 'word games' with that. I have provided the exact quote and the exact words - things that you demanded.

Now you are calling people who do not agree with you that she did not actually mean what she said 'idiots.' It seems that you did not actually expect anyone to give you the exact words and point out how how she called half or Trump supporters bigots. The facts speak for themselves.
Anybody that thinks Clinton was calling Trump supporters deplorable racists is an idiot. She was calling anybody who is racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic etc. deplorable. It's pretty simple. She did make a mistake with her "half" statement and she paid the price
I don't have to think she was calling a huge share of Trump supporters deplorable. The quote is explicit and the words cannot be spun. You want to focus on the fact that she was only calling racists etc. deplorable - which is true. What you are trying to ignore is the she went on to say that half of Trumps supporters were those racists etc.

The statements were made. Their meaning was CRYSTAL CLEAR. There simply is no way around that.
I don't understand what you are arguing with... I've said many times that the "half" statement was a stupid mistake on her part. I'm making a simple point that if you support Trump and you are not racist, sexist etc. then she wasn't calling you deplorable... You seem to agree with that... I see all these Trump supporters wearing "I'm a Trump Deplorable" T-shirts... They are either open bigots or they are idiots who are taking the statement out of context.

As I stated earlier, anybody that disagrees with leftists are considered one of the many names Hillary called Trump supporters, so everybody was offended.
Thats complete bullshit... Maybe true for some wingnuts on the left... just as right leaning wingnuts think all liberals are mooching communists... but many and i would argue most rational people can debate political views without playing the cheap cards. Unfortunately this board has a higher concentration of wingnuts.
not in here and not on CNN
Not really.

She said:
"You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump's supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right? The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic -- you name it."

While she was calling them deplorable for those beliefs, she was still directly stating that about half of Trump supports belonged to that group. I could also care less that she retracts something once the political fallout for stating it becomes known - politicians do that crap all the time. It was not a misstep. She did not accidentally say the wrong thing. She purposefully stated that she thinks half of the people supporting trump were essentially deplorable people.
It's all word games and only idiots don't get the point of what she was saying... Trump does it in every other statement he makes. That's not literal, I don't mean half of every statement he makes, but you get the point, right?! ;-)

She tried a low blow and it blew up in her face. But don't pretend like is more than the partisan spin game. We all know what she was talking about.

The "deplorable and proud" groups are flaunting their support for Trump when the point of deplorables was directed at something much more ugly.
I get what she was saying. You seem to want to ignore it.

She was saying that Trump supporters were largely racists and bigots. There is no 'word games' with that. I have provided the exact quote and the exact words - things that you demanded.

Now you are calling people who do not agree with you that she did not actually mean what she said 'idiots.' It seems that you did not actually expect anyone to give you the exact words and point out how how she called half or Trump supporters bigots. The facts speak for themselves.
Anybody that thinks Clinton was calling Trump supporters deplorable racists is an idiot. She was calling anybody who is racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic etc. deplorable. It's pretty simple. She did make a mistake with her "half" statement and she paid the price
I don't have to think she was calling a huge share of Trump supporters deplorable. The quote is explicit and the words cannot be spun. You want to focus on the fact that she was only calling racists etc. deplorable - which is true. What you are trying to ignore is the she went on to say that half of Trumps supporters were those racists etc.

The statements were made. Their meaning was CRYSTAL CLEAR. There simply is no way around that.
in my opinion, that was what did her in and only that.
I do not think so. I do not really even think that her statement affected her. Most of the people that cared about it were already Trump supporters. Hillary supporters already thought Trump was a racist. Those that were not particular supporters or not just did not care IMHO.

What did Hillary in was ignoring the rust belt when Trump was clearly targeting them. She took a voting block for granted and ignored it - that was a MASSIVE mistake. She was also very unrelateable where Trump is the exact opposite. Staying out of the public eye and acting like the standard politician simply was not going to work with someone like Trump as your opponent. There is also far to much shady shit going on around the Clintons at all times. Her integrity was clearly garbage and she never properly addressed that fact.
CNN just called blacks 'Mediocre Negroes', and libs are attacking Trump?!

The DNC was exposed with its own personal leaked emails as being RACIST, sexist, homophobic Anti-Semites...and liberals are attacking Trump?!

Poor, sad, racist, partisan snowflakes...
All you cons know that Trump called Mexicans criminals, rapists and drug dealers. He also calls Muslims radical terrorists. The KKK and Aryans endorsed him for president. Trump calling Lewis all talk and no action, is just his next racist remark. And all of you that are trying to defend his racism, are just exposing your own racism.

You are a lying asshole. Fuck you.
Looks like a struck a racist nerve.

No, I just responded in kind.

YOu insulted us cons, so I insulted you back.

The only difference is that you were lying, ie calling us Racists, while I was telling the truth, ie you are a lying asshole.
I don't understand what you are arguing with... I've said many times that the "half" statement was a stupid mistake on her part. I'm making a simple point that if you support Trump and you are not racist, sexist etc. then she wasn't calling you deplorable... You seem to agree with that... I see all these Trump supporters wearing "I'm a Trump Deplorable" T-shirts... They are either open bigots or they are idiots who are taking the statement out of context.

As I stated earlier, anybody that disagrees with leftists are considered one of the many names Hillary called Trump supporters, so everybody was offended.
Thats complete bullshit... Maybe true for some wingnuts on the left... just as right leaning wingnuts think all liberals are mooching communists... but many and i would argue most rational people can debate political views without playing the cheap cards. Unfortunately this board has a higher concentration of wingnuts.

And not a higher number of leftards calling anybody that disagrees with them a racist or homophobe?
I'd say this board has more rightnuts than leftnuts... Both have a big presence though. Im hoping the new year brings a round of objective thinkers that can carry more non-partisan debates
says the partisan lib.
Why do you think i'm a partisan Lib?
Who knows - maybe Liberals can get 'Mediocre Negroes' to forget about their leaked emails exposing how they are racist, sexist, homophobic anti-Semites and win them back over to the DNC. :p
As I stated earlier, anybody that disagrees with leftists are considered one of the many names Hillary called Trump supporters, so everybody was offended.
Thats complete bullshit... Maybe true for some wingnuts on the left... just as right leaning wingnuts think all liberals are mooching communists... but many and i would argue most rational people can debate political views without playing the cheap cards. Unfortunately this board has a higher concentration of wingnuts.

And not a higher number of leftards calling anybody that disagrees with them a racist or homophobe?
I'd say this board has more rightnuts than leftnuts... Both have a big presence though. Im hoping the new year brings a round of objective thinkers that can carry more non-partisan debates
says the partisan lib.
Why do you think i'm a partisan Lib?
oh, I don't know, cause you post like one? post #276
Last edited:
Thats complete bullshit... Maybe true for some wingnuts on the left... just as right leaning wingnuts think all liberals are mooching communists... but many and i would argue most rational people can debate political views without playing the cheap cards. Unfortunately this board has a higher concentration of wingnuts.

And not a higher number of leftards calling anybody that disagrees with them a racist or homophobe?
I'd say this board has more rightnuts than leftnuts... Both have a big presence though. Im hoping the new year brings a round of objective thinkers that can carry more non-partisan debates
says the partisan lib.
Why do you think i'm a partisan Lib?
oh, I don't know, cause you post like one?
The first post I did on this thread on page one was defending Trump and criticizing the partisan "racist" slurs that were being thrown at him. How does that figure into your theory?
And not a higher number of leftards calling anybody that disagrees with them a racist or homophobe?
I'd say this board has more rightnuts than leftnuts... Both have a big presence though. Im hoping the new year brings a round of objective thinkers that can carry more non-partisan debates
says the partisan lib.
Why do you think i'm a partisan Lib?
oh, I don't know, cause you post like one?
The first post I did on this thread on page one was defending Trump and criticizing the partisan "racist" slurs that were being thrown at him. How does that figure into your theory?
post #276.

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