Racist Website Appears to Belong to Charleston Church Shooter Dylan Roof

Are you trying to prove the obvious or something? Was there any question that this little fuck isn't a racist asshole?

We shouldn't be surprised about one thing though, The Clown-Face Avatar Group (C-FAGs) will be posting about this for the foreseeable future as if it absolves every other minority for the crimes they commit. Ignore the facts, just get emotional about the trendy headlines.

If the shooter was black, it would have just been a normal day in the black community
The cowardly monkey was big into white supremacy. He had a picture of the 1488 carved in the sand up on his website.

Every one wants to know why a person like Dylan Roof would do what he did, he learned about black on white rape and violence and flipped out. And if any of you die hard liberals ever learned the truth about black violence you would flip out too
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Blacks need to admit that they have a problem and stop blaming whites for why they do it.

They can't go on killing 400+ whites per year, which amounts to twice as many interracial murders.

They can't go on committing 4-7 times as many violent crimes against whites.

We as a nation need to fix our problems or there's going to be more storms killing innocent people.

NO ONE...NOT WHITE OR BLACK DESERVES THIS!!! Time for the liberals and the blacks to admit that we have a big problem and work to fix it.
Have you seen the facts about black on white crime?

A lot of this is due to George Soros and his open society, incitement and then someone looses it.

George Soros funds Ferguson protests, hopes to spur civil action
Liberal billionaire gave at least $33 million in one year to groups that emboldened activists

Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/jan/14/george-soros-funds-ferguson-protests-hopes-to-spur/#ixzz3ddKz28YQ
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