Radical Environmentalism

bripat9643 said:
Who's trying to stop anyone from building a solar power generating facility if they want to? Who is constraining anyone's choices other than Obama who is trying to outlaw coal and oil?

You are.

Really? How?

By arguing that global warming is not taking place or that it is not due primarily to human GHG emissions or that it presents no risk worth spending money to combat.
AbraHAM, you look stupid talking to yo-self,
go here --> Daniel Greenfield

I find not one word by Mr Greenfield supporting your charges. Though if you like the fellow, it clearly supports my charge that you're an ignorant, bigoted twat out of your fucking mind. Thanks for the link.

Mr Greenfield supporting my charges, listen up you dimwitted cockbite I just post the article and you get all wee weed up like an ignorant, bigoted twat out of your fucking mind. Now stfu and go lay down u/fn beatch...:D
I don't even think global warming is caused by people. There have been changes in the temperature once every thousand years or something, sometimes extreme differences. Why the hell would it be caused by human beings this time?
I don't even think global warming is caused by people. There have been changes in the temperature once every thousand years or something, sometimes extreme differences. Why the hell would it be caused by human beings this time?

Welcome to USMB.. Glad you're not easily panicked by the GWarming predictions..

It's just rational thinking and knowing some of the Earth's history. Then it is obvious that temperatures have always increased and decreased. And I'm not the kind of person who is hysteric or goes immediately with a hype.
Just the sort who rejects good science and the evidence on which it is based out of hand, yet accepts lies and ignorance without a second thought. But no hysteria thank god... no hysteria.
Since the beginning of time the climate has changed!

September 25, 2015
The pope should give a climate change speech in China
By Silvio Canto, Jr.

I will give Pope Francis the benefit of the doubt on intentions. I'm sure that he means well. However, you can't fix this problem without involving other countries or discussing the real-world consequences, as Senator Rubio said in the last debate:

"Here’s the bottom line,” Rubio answered. “Every proposal they put forward will make it harder to do business in America. Harder to create jobs in America.

Single parents are already struggling across this country to provide for their families.

Maybe a billionaire here in California can afford an increase in their utility rates, but a working family in Tampa, Florida or anywhere across the country cannot afford it.”

That's correct. No one has discussed or analyzed how all of these ideas will impact the middle or lower middle classes. How are people going to cool or heat their homes? What are they going to put in their cars or the trucks that move commerce? What is the jobs impact of all of this?

And the U.S. is not a planet. We can do only so much anyway. This is a global problem, but you wouldn't believe it by the criticisms always directed at the U.S.

Read more: Blog: The pope should give a climate change speech in China

Dumb fuck, the primary source of lead and mercury are coal fired generation plants. Shut those down and you solve much of the GHG increase and, at the same time, almost completely shut down the primary source of lead and mercury in this nation.

You really are a dumb fuck retard... US scrubbing technology, that is employed in over 99% of all power plants, removes all heavy metals and other particulates.. You really are behind the times and out of touch with reality.
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Paleolimnological Reconstruction of Historical Atmospheric Lead and Mercury Deposition at Lake Tahoe, California−Nevada
Alan C. Heyvaert,*John E. Reuter,Darell G. Slotton, andCharles R. Goldman
Department of Environmental Science and Policy, Tahoe Research Group, University of California
Davis, One Shields Avenue, Davis, California 95616


Evidence from this study suggests the existence of a significant modern source for atmospheric Hg deposition in the Sierra Nevada, on the continental west coast of the United States. Concentrations of both lead (Pb) and mercury (Hg) in the sediments of Lake Tahoe deposited prior to 1850 are similar to concentrations in the catchment bedrock, but their concentrations in modern sediments have increased 6-fold for Pb (average 83 ppm) and 5-fold for Hg (average 0.191 ppm). The lake occupies a relatively pristine, nonindustrialized subalpine basin, with a watershed to lake surface ratio of only 1.6. Excess accumulation of trace metals in these sediments should closely reflect direct atmospheric deposition. On average, since 1980 there have been approximately 17 mg of Pb and 38 μg of Hg deposited annually/m2 in excess of the baseline flux. While Pb emissions occurred locally in the Tahoe Basin, from combustion of leaded gasoline until about 1985, the deposition of atmospheric Hg must represent a predominately regional to global source of contamination. Ratios of total modern flux to preindustrial flux are 29 for Pb and 24 for Hg. The flux ratio for Pb is somewhat higher than reported from the eastern United States and Canada but is not atypical. The flux ratio for Hg is much higher than that observed in most other natural aquatic systems without point-source contamination.
October 18, 2015
Climate Change and Leftist Hypocrisy
By Bruce Walker

Nothing exposes the cynical hypocrisy of the left more than its jihadist attitude toward the dubious theory of man-made global warming. The phoniness and selfishness of the left show up in several different ways.

The left pronounces manmade global warming "settled science" but then insists that we continue to spend billions of dollars in climate change research. If it is truly settled science, then we need to spend no more money at all on research, and if this supposed dire threat requires immediate action by governments, then even research on the best way to contain climate change is unnecessary.

Scientific research has value when there are "schools of thought" in science. If some scientists doubt climate change and others believe that climate change is global cooling and others think that any climate change is natural and not man-made – and if there are others who believe in man-made global warming – then there is a purpose and a value to research.

What climate change research really means is the heavy-handed use of taxpayer-funded leftist totalitarianism in the institutional bureaucracies of academia, whose sole purpose is to propagandize the gullible with specious reasoning, with the heavy stamp of "Official Science."

The left professes to love progress, but climate change itself is progress. Changing climate throughout history gradually reduces the value of land owned by those who live in the most desirable areas and gradually increases the value of land owned by those who live in less desirable areas. Regardless of whether the world is getting warmer or getting colder, climate change redistributes wealth.

Keeping nature exactly as it is reflects the hidebound mindset of an ultra-reactionary, which is to say of a modern leftist. These are the same dull, plump nabobs who despise free enterprise precisely because that process is constant and unmanaged revolution when the left wants nothing really ever to change at all.

That means, of course, that these privileged clerics of leftists never see smaller government or more freedom as the solution to environmental problems, and so even if next year new scientific evidence suggested that the planet is cooling, not warming, the same leftists who today lecture that free enterprise is heating the planet would then, undoubtedly, find that free enterprise was cooling the planet.

Leftist hypocrisy regarding climate change can also be seen in its attitude toward actual environmental changes. Venice is sinking into the Adriatic, but no leftist is calling for lowering the Adriatic or raising Venice. This is too real a crisis for the unserious left.

If the sinking of Venice seems too "trivial," then consider a dramatic and pending ecological apocalypse. The West Coast of America will collapse into the Pacific Ocean, and the earthquakes that plague it today are a very real symptom of the grinding plate tectonics that will someday produce huge tsunamis and drastic climatic changes.

Shouldn't we be evacuating the West Coast and sending Californians to Quonset huts in Kansas and Arkansas until further resettlement can be done? Shouldn't we stop all construction along the West Coast and begin, instead, the deconstruction of those cities with all their steel and concrete and people? Sure, if the left actually cared about pending ecological catastrophes.


Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2015/10/climate_change_and_leftist_hypocrisy.html#ixzz3oyuESnig
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Paleolimnological Reconstruction of Historical Atmospheric Lead and Mercury Deposition at Lake Tahoe, California−Nevada

Alan C. Heyvaert,*John E. Reuter,Darell G. Slotton, andCharles R. Goldman
Department of Environmental Science and Policy, Tahoe Research Group, University of California
Davis, One Shields Avenue, Davis, California 95616


Evidence from this study suggests the existence of a significant modern source for atmospheric Hg deposition in the Sierra Nevada, on the continental west coast of the United States. Concentrations of both lead (Pb) and mercury (Hg) in the sediments of Lake Tahoe deposited prior to 1850 are similar to concentrations in the catchment bedrock, but their concentrations in modern sediments have increased 6-fold for Pb (average 83 ppm) and 5-fold for Hg (average 0.191 ppm). The lake occupies a relatively pristine, nonindustrialized subalpine basin, with a watershed to lake surface ratio of only 1.6. Excess accumulation of trace metals in these sediments should closely reflect direct atmospheric deposition. On average, since 1980 there have been approximately 17 mg of Pb and 38 μg of Hg deposited annually/m2 in excess of the baseline flux. While Pb emissions occurred locally in the Tahoe Basin, from combustion of leaded gasoline until about 1985, the deposition of atmospheric Hg must represent a predominately regional to global source of contamination. Ratios of total modern flux to preindustrial flux are 29 for Pb and 24 for Hg. The flux ratio for Pb is somewhat higher than reported from the eastern United States and Canada but is not atypical. The flux ratio for Hg is much higher than that observed in most other natural aquatic systems without point-source contamination.

That reflects the PAST not the present...
October 18, 2015
Climate Change and Leftist Hypocrisy
By Bruce Walker

Nothing exposes the cynical hypocrisy of the left more than its jihadist attitude toward the dubious theory of man-made global warming. The phoniness and selfishness of the left show up in several different ways.

The left pronounces manmade global warming "settled science" but then insists that we continue to spend billions of dollars in climate change research. If it is truly settled science, then we need to spend no more money at all on research, and if this supposed dire threat requires immediate action by governments, then even research on the best way to contain climate change is unnecessary.

Scientific research has value when there are "schools of thought" in science. If some scientists doubt climate change and others believe that climate change is global cooling and others think that any climate change is natural and not man-made – and if there are others who believe in man-made global warming – then there is a purpose and a value to research.

What climate change research really means is the heavy-handed use of taxpayer-funded leftist totalitarianism in the institutional bureaucracies of academia, whose sole purpose is to propagandize the gullible with specious reasoning, with the heavy stamp of "Official Science."

The left professes to love progress, but climate change itself is progress. Changing climate throughout history gradually reduces the value of land owned by those who live in the most desirable areas and gradually increases the value of land owned by those who live in less desirable areas. Regardless of whether the world is getting warmer or getting colder, climate change redistributes wealth.

Keeping nature exactly as it is reflects the hidebound mindset of an ultra-reactionary, which is to say of a modern leftist. These are the same dull, plump nabobs who despise free enterprise precisely because that process is constant and unmanaged revolution when the left wants nothing really ever to change at all.

That means, of course, that these privileged clerics of leftists never see smaller government or more freedom as the solution to environmental problems, and so even if next year new scientific evidence suggested that the planet is cooling, not warming, the same leftists who today lecture that free enterprise is heating the planet would then, undoubtedly, find that free enterprise was cooling the planet.

Leftist hypocrisy regarding climate change can also be seen in its attitude toward actual environmental changes. Venice is sinking into the Adriatic, but no leftist is calling for lowering the Adriatic or raising Venice. This is too real a crisis for the unserious left.

If the sinking of Venice seems too "trivial," then consider a dramatic and pending ecological apocalypse. The West Coast of America will collapse into the Pacific Ocean, and the earthquakes that plague it today are a very real symptom of the grinding plate tectonics that will someday produce huge tsunamis and drastic climatic changes.

Shouldn't we be evacuating the West Coast and sending Californians to Quonset huts in Kansas and Arkansas until further resettlement can be done? Shouldn't we stop all construction along the West Coast and begin, instead, the deconstruction of those cities with all their steel and concrete and people? Sure, if the left actually cared about pending ecological catastrophes.


Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2015/10/climate_change_and_leftist_hypocrisy.html#ixzz3oyuESnig
Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook
Ah yes, the very wealthy should have the right to poison our children to enrich themselves. It is just the natural order of things. And slugs like you just pucker up and kiss their ass as they shit on you.

Were it not for advocates of clean air and water, and safe food and drugs, we would still be getting food preserved with formaldehyde. And the tobacco corperations would still be telling us how healthy it is for us to smoke their product.
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Paleolimnological Reconstruction of Historical Atmospheric Lead and Mercury Deposition at Lake Tahoe, California−Nevada

Alan C. Heyvaert,*John E. Reuter,Darell G. Slotton, andCharles R. Goldman
Department of Environmental Science and Policy, Tahoe Research Group, University of California
Davis, One Shields Avenue, Davis, California 95616


Evidence from this study suggests the existence of a significant modern source for atmospheric Hg deposition in the Sierra Nevada, on the continental west coast of the United States. Concentrations of both lead (Pb) and mercury (Hg) in the sediments of Lake Tahoe deposited prior to 1850 are similar to concentrations in the catchment bedrock, but their concentrations in modern sediments have increased 6-fold for Pb (average 83 ppm) and 5-fold for Hg (average 0.191 ppm). The lake occupies a relatively pristine, nonindustrialized subalpine basin, with a watershed to lake surface ratio of only 1.6. Excess accumulation of trace metals in these sediments should closely reflect direct atmospheric deposition. On average, since 1980 there have been approximately 17 mg of Pb and 38 μg of Hg deposited annually/m2 in excess of the baseline flux. While Pb emissions occurred locally in the Tahoe Basin, from combustion of leaded gasoline until about 1985, the deposition of atmospheric Hg must represent a predominately regional to global source of contamination. Ratios of total modern flux to preindustrial flux are 29 for Pb and 24 for Hg. The flux ratio for Pb is somewhat higher than reported from the eastern United States and Canada but is not atypical. The flux ratio for Hg is much higher than that observed in most other natural aquatic systems without point-source contamination.

That reflects the PAST not the present...
It only reflects the past because environmentalists got out there and campaigned to put a stop to poisoning our citizens. People like you think that is a communistic endevour.
New Left Torture Apologist, Castro Shill, Finds Climate to His Liking
Time to listen to Tom Hayden, whose broadcasts the North Vietnamese forced American POWs to listen to while they tortured them.
December 2, 2015
Lloyd Billingsley


“The attack on Paris will shadow the United Nations climate summit that starts Monday, but we cannot allow terrorism to derail the last-ditch effort to stabilize the climate and avert what most scientists see as an unfolding catastrophe.”

Sounds like boilerplate from the current President of the United States, who leads from the front on climate, and from behind, or not at all, on terrorism. It also has the rhetorical ring of Secretary of State John Kerry, who sees climate change as the main enemy, and who, speaking in French back in January, called the Charlie Hebdo terrorist attacks obscurantisme.


New Left Torture Apologist, Castro Shill, Finds Climate to His Liking


December 5, 2015
Money and Power Drive Obama's Climate Agenda
By Sharon Sebastian

Climate change is a hallmark cause for President Barack Obama., evidenced by his relentless drive to convince the world that global warming is a bigger threat than ISIS. The question is why? The answer is in plain sight. One need only apply the old journalistic axiom: "Follow the money."

Why did former Vice-President Al Gore repeatedly declare that he was going to become "the first global warming billionaire" -- did that not pique any journalist's curiosity as to what was behind the curtain? After losing his bid for the presidency, becoming the first global warming billionaire was Gore's road not only to extraordinary wealth, but a guarantee of his return to global influence.

Set up to unfold was a "golden parachute" scheme that would line the pockets of a cadre of elitists and global-warming advocates long after they were displaced from their seats of power. This scheme used deceptive means to a profitable end.

Few realize that the “green movement” is about building large personal fortunes for an elite few. President Barack Obama laid out his threat to bypass Congress and ignore the American people during his 2013 State of the Union address by exerting his authority under Executive Orders:

“I will direct my Cabinet to come up with executive actions we can take, now and in the future, to reduce pollution, prepare our communities for the consequences of climate change and speed the transition to more sustainable sources of energy.”

Obama's green energy plan put the coal industry on life-support, targeted oil and gas as the enemy and sought to impose restrictions on power plants that generate electricity to homes and businesses. What the president reportedly hides behind the curtain is his alliances with international green elites, a select group of political and Wall Street cronies, and energy regulatory czars who have orchestrated a CO2 carbon-taxing scheme that would put billions of dollars into their own pockets. A regulatory structure is being assembled through federal agencies such as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Long in the designing, the elements were close to being in full play. The plans were drawn, the carbon-credit trading exchange, registered as the Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX), was established and set to transfer cash. A privately-owned Chicago bank was ready as a depository and for routing money transfers.

The June 16, 2009 Bloomberg article, “Sandor Got Obama’s Nod for Chicago-Style Climate Law” by Jim Efstathiou Jr., reported that a carbon-capping bill set to be imposed on American businesses was the cornerstone of Obama’s environmental agenda. Bloomberg quotes CCX founder Richard Sandor as saying that the bill began "...way, way to the left with provisions to push U.S. utilities into bankruptcy.” The article further reads: “Sandor launched the Chicago Climate Exchange, or CCX, in 2003 after getting two research grants from the Chicago-based Joyce Foundation. Obama was on the foundation that gave us the grant, Sandor said. We know him well.” CCX reportedly is now under the auspices of Environmental Financial Products which lists its Chairman and CEO as Richard Sandor.

With CCX officials lamenting the sidelining of a carbon-credit trading exchange (similarly structured to the stock exchange with transaction fees), Nathaniel Gronewold of ClimateWire published the following on January 3, 2011:

"Meanwhile, CCX's sister institutions, the European Climate Exchange and the Chicago Climate Futures Exchange, will continue as long as there is corporate and state government interest in fighting climate change, even with the failure of cap and trade in the U.S. Congress, CCX officials insist."

During the recent 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris, Mr. Obama made another high-stakes play to push through his green agenda despite the high cost to even the poorest of Americans. A list of powerful global titans from politics to banking to Wall Street remain on the ready to engage in a revived carbon-emissions trading program. They do so despite the evidence that weighs against any such necessity.

A new report by Dr. Indur Goklany, an international authority on climate change, was published by the Global Warming Policy Foundation. Dr, Goklany states:

"The academies claim that fossil-fuel use has reduced the world’s sustainability and resilience. But despite record human numbers and carbon-dioxide emissions, human wellbeing has never been higher, by virtually any measure whether climate-sensitive or not. The average person has never lived longer or been healthier or wealthier. Living standards are at their highest ever; poverty, hunger, malnutrition, and mortality from vector-borne diseases and extreme events are at record lows. There is no indication that these trends are being reversed."


Read more: Articles: Money and Power Drive Obama's Climate Agenda
Real Clear Energy? Now THAT sounds like a group with an open mind and a complete absence of preconceived notions.

Real Clear Energy? Now THAT sounds like a group with an open mind and a complete absence of preconceived notions.

No so-called "climate scientist" has "pre-conceived" ideas even though they have built their careers on proving AGW is true, right?
Let's see, given a choice between taking your talking points from an industry-sponsored lobbyist/"journalist" or 97% of the world's experts on a scientific question, you chose the former and I chose the latter. Do you actually expect me to be embarrassed by that point?

Don't be an ass.

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