radical leftwing groups calling for violence .

republicans wont be out committing violence and lawless acts because the SC made a decision they disagree with ! take everything you posted and apply it to the radical left .
"republicans wont be out committing violence and lawless acts"
Just like 1/6?
I guess I'm confused on why there are protests in Chicago against the Supreme Court ruling when nothing changes given that in Illinois abortion is still legal. Do these women realize this? What am I missing?
I guess I'm confused on why there are protests in Chicago against the Supreme Court ruling when nothing changes given that in Illinois abortion is still legal. Do these women realize this? What am I missing?
Look back to the 60s and 70s to see where this political and legal wrangling came to a head and then project that discord and dysfunction forward while considering the current mood between republicans and democrats, the religious and non religious and finally, the educated vs the rampantly stupid and willfully ignorant. This issue will explode exponentially and be yet another reason for the citizens of the USA, supposedly a democratically elected republic to literally be at war with itself. The denial of rights, despite the so-called guarantees of our Constitution, because of gender, is no less monumental a subject of dysfunction than the denial of rights because of color or creed. What is very apparent though is that it is the very same instigator and fomentor of ALL these dysfunctions that always seems to be behind the discord...the republican party!
I guess I'm confused on why there are protests in Chicago against the Supreme Court ruling when nothing changes given that in Illinois abortion is still legal. Do these women realize this? What am I missing?

The point is simply to radicalize their base even more. That there is no threat to their access to abortion is irrelevant.
The freaking Biden administration is calling for violence. The Speaker of the House refused to condemn bombings and arson directed at Court Justices and pro-life centers. The president predicted a freaking revolution. Is it time to indict the entire sorry Biden administration?
Yep. Just like the fatso humpty trumpty has been indicted.
Who_me said:
I guess I'm confused on why there are protests in Chicago against the Supreme Court ruling when nothing changes given that in Illinois abortion is still legal. Do these women realize this? What am I missing?

uh huh..it's hard to determine if they're liars or that stupid. I"m going with the latter. They emotional, easily manipulated and potentially violent.
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If the left had any brains, they would do no such thing.
This could be the best gift they could possibly ask for, for the midterms.
"We told you how evil Republicans are!! Vote Democrat!!"
If they turn to violence, they will lose this gift.
The FACT that the democratic party of the 1860s did in FACT later shift positions to become the republican party is conveniently forgotten by those who would Deflect, Spin, Project (aka LIE). It is a point of purposely LYING or unacceptable willful ignorance coupled with rampant stupidity that is behind your comment and thus negates its veracity in its entirety. So please, in future, either get your facts straight or stfu.
very few racist democrats switched parties and the only prominent leader in DC to switch parties was Thurman ... you are spouting more dem lies and myths ..
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"republicans wont be out committing violence and lawless acts"
Just like 1/6?
about 2 hrs of brief violence nearly 2 yrs ago ... leftists have and will riot for days weeks and months when angered .
about 2 hrs of brief violence nearly 2 yrs ago ... leftists have and will riot for days weeks and months when angered .
Yeah. Riiiiiiight. You make as much sense as pixies on America's daisies...and with as much nonsensical ...er...nonsense! Oh my gosh, what a piece of lying odiferous crap you are!
very few racist democrats switched parties and the only prominent leader in DC to switch parties was Thurman ... you are spouting more dem lies and myths ..
Massive DSP from the right...yet again! When does it stop?! When does the lying stop? Sigh. This nation is polluted with the right wing/nazi LIES and it is swallowing them whole. The pollution is fowling our national gut and it will not stop unto sepsis and death.
I’ve been very disappointed. I thought we were promised grand violence, destruction, and utter chaos when this ruling came down.

I would have thought they would have been ready. They got what, six weeks to prepare for this and they still couldn’t come up with a single Molotov cocktail or firebomb? Pretty pathetic.

We’re now more than 24 hours later and they still can’t get any sort of significant organized violence established anywhere across the country.
1/6 Lasted Hours , CHOP / CHAZ lasted months
1/6 attacked our national government AT ITS CENTER for the purposes of treason, insurrection and utter overthrow with murder wound into the mix! NOTHING that you have as a DSP response is adequate to surpass that attempt and your foul attempt to rationalize/justify that attempt to overthrow the United States Of America! Normally, criminals and traitors try their level best to hide from failed attempts at absolute criminality and treason but you and your group simply fall back on Deflect/Spin Project as your means of lying with the hope that the rest of us will either be too weak or unsure as to not call it out. I am calling it out. YOU and YOURs are liars, criminals and the foulest of traitors intent on driving this nation into the ground! You are willfully ignorant, blatantly stupid right wing fascists who are doing their utmost to drive this democratically elected republic deep into the pile of shit called the republican party but who are NO SUCH THING! Since you are in fact the party of American nazis doing their level best to DESTROY the USA, why don't you just come out and say so?! Isn't it because you are essentially POWER hungry axeholes who are too cowardly to ID yourselves as your TRUE selves?! Isn't it true that your side of history is completely devoted to the cowardly meme of MONEY, POWER and RULE but YOU ALL are too yellow to admit it?! Yeah, that's what I thought, you chicken shits!
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