Radicals, Marxists, SEIU Thugs, the NAACP & Al Sharpton Plan Separate Rally to Confro

The irony here being of course the article goes on about socialists along with radicals for not liking Beck's rally. But Beck's rally is on the anniversey and same place of MLK's 'I Have A Dream' speech, and MLK was rather socialist in his political views.

I never heard that before. Gotta link?

Several, actually. His speeches also are worth taking a look at. In the one I just linked, he wants an annual income for everyone, and suggests society will need restructuring because it produces beggars.

Those articles point out EXTREME socialist views. I never knew that about him. Actually saddens me.
As long as they are non-violent and non-political they are more than welcome to join us at the Lincoln Memorial. They might even be surprised by what they see and here. So i encourage them to march down there and join us.
The irony here being of course the article goes on about socialists along with radicals for not liking Beck's rally. But Beck's rally is on the anniversey and same place of MLK's 'I Have A Dream' speech, and MLK was rather socialist in his political views.

MLK was a Republican.:redface:

Yeah, you know that's not true, right? His father was a Republican, not him. And his father switched to the Democratic party from JFK on.
Odd that they feel so threatened by the rally that they decide to hold their own. Why not just tag along with the one that's being organized? Do they not agree with 'restoring honor'? Hmmmmm.

Those racist groups refuse to celebrate with white people. They believe this is a black holiday & whitey needs to butt out so that the NAACP & the reverends can preach their vile race bating hate.

What about all the white people on the list of speakers?
I know it's hard for most "Tea Partiests" who are coming to Washington DC, where there are alot of us colored folks living here in peace, carrying our lives like normal people do to understand. I think it's simply because the majority of you are from like Montana or some shit and have probably seen three black people in your entire lives.

So I'll explain something to you real quickly as a DC area resident.

Sharpton has had this rally planned since before April of this year. We (negros living in DC) commemorate 08/28... EVERY YEAR. This year the rally was planned I think to start at Dunbar High School and go to some hospital, I'm not sure. The reasoning behind it was to celebrate the dream that Dr. King had and to focus on the areas where the dream still needs to be realized (education, health care, etc). I've been hearing the commercials on all the urban radio stations since I got back to the metro area last month.

It wasn't planned blocks away as a counter-protest you nutjobs. You can't counter-protest something that was planned after you planned the counter-protest. It's funny how Sharpton (as much as I hate that man) is being tagged here as the "race-baiter" when it seems like the tea partiers WANT these marxist negroes to start agitating them and counter-protesting them. No you know what, forget it, this is what you people want. Clearly. This blog is trying to drum up controversy to get you people ready for a fight that is NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN.

God it's like you people are LOOKING for a race battle. Did you really think black people wouldn't be commemorating the I Have a Dream Speech, like we do... EVERY F-ING YEAR, just because you decided to have a rally at the lincoln memorial?

Now, granted I'm not going to the little rally thing in DC, cause I've got better shit to do. Plus I live in Baltimore now and that's a hike and a mile. What I know for a fact though is that Sharpton repeatedly told members of certain groups participating NOT to go and confront Beck and his faithful followers. Nobody living in DC or Maryland, or Virginia, is threatened by your silly little "miracle" rally, appearently you folks aren't planning on visiting but like twelve blocks of the city anyway because the rest is to "dangerous".

We'd care more if Benny hinn was having a miracle crusade here.:lol: Really, nobody f-ing cares.

So, have fun, be safe, and enjoy Washington DC and the surrounding Metro area.
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Thus this whole thread is some straight BULL-SHIT.

And the tea-bagging idiots that fall for it are STRAIGHT DUMB ASSES.

I wonder, I just wonder how many black conservatives and moderates (I'm one myself) are REALLY starting to re-think this whole tea party thing.

It's becoming VERY clear that these tea-partiers WANT a racial divide in this nation.
Thus this whole thread is some straight BULL-SHIT.

And the tea-bagging idiots that fall for it are STRAIGHT DUMB ASSES.

I wonder, I just wonder how many black conservatives and moderates (I'm one myself) are REALLY starting to re-think this whole tea party thing.

It's becoming VERY clear that these tea-partiers WANT a racial divide in this nation.

Oh brother. :lol:
you tell that to Martin Luther Kings DAUGHTER who will be in the rally to "restore Honor.
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Thus this whole thread is some straight BULL-SHIT.

And the tea-bagging idiots that fall for it are STRAIGHT DUMB ASSES.

I wonder, I just wonder how many black conservatives and moderates (I'm one myself) are REALLY starting to re-think this whole tea party thing.

It's becoming VERY clear that these tea-partiers WANT a racial divide in this nation.

Oh brother. :lol:

King's daughter isn't the issue.

The issue in THIS FORUM is this:

There are two rallies going on:

One is Glen Beckie's.

One is a commemeration of the "I Have a Dream Speech" that is being held by various groups.

This tea-bagger blog is trying to make people thing the second rally mention was planned in response to the Beckie rally. Which it clearly wasn't since it's been in planning stages for months and is pretty much an annual event in the DC area.

Now the tea baggers are going crazy thinking that they're rally is being somehow "threatened" by "Marxists" and "radicals". For god's sake Tom joyner is going to be there, he's a freaking talk show radio host not a political radical.

It shows how easily manipulated members of the tea party cult are and how easy it is to make them to believe the worst about people who they are unfamiliar with.
King's daughter isn't the issue.

The issue in THIS FORUM is this:

There are two rallies going on:

One is Glen Beckie's.

One is a commemeration of the "I Have a Dream Speech" that is being held by various groups.

This tea-bagger blog is trying to make people thing the second rally mention was planned in response to the Beckie rally. Which it clearly wasn't since it's been in planning stages for months and is pretty much an annual event in the DC area.

Now the tea baggers are going crazy thinking that they're rally is being somehow "threatened" by "Marxists" and "radicals". For god's sake Tom joyner is going to be there, he's a freaking talk show radio host not a political radical.

It shows how easily manipulated members of the tea party cult are and how easy it is to make them to believe the worst about people who they are unfamiliar with.

LOL, glad you got it all figured out there bucko. Let us know when you meet a TEABAGGER.:lol:
The irony here being of course the article goes on about socialists along with radicals for not liking Beck's rally. But Beck's rally is on the anniversey and same place of MLK's 'I Have A Dream' speech, and MLK was rather socialist in his political views.

MLK was a Republican.:redface:
to quote John Prine, "cuz Lincoln won the war":razz:
I did happen to catch a bit of Beck the other day and he was talking about that rally.

He plans to celebrate and honor MLK and his accomplishment.

MLK was a great man and deserves to be applauded no matter what your politics.

Well said.

I still haven't really figured out just what Beck's rally is all about. I keep googling around for info but he seems to have been pretty tight lipped other than to say its to celebrate king's ideals of "faith, hope, and charity" and to help "Restore honor"

All the stuff I've found that beck has said about this weekends rally is very vaugue.
Everyone, be sure to check out the NAMES OF THE SPONSORS of this rally.

Seiu, Secretary of EDUCATION, Arne Duncun, MEDIAMATTERS, ED Schultz and on and on and on.
Everyone, be sure to check out the NAMES OF THE SPONSORS of this rally.

Seiu, Secretary of EDUCATION, Arne Duncun, MEDIAMATTERS, ED Schultz and on and on and on.

a cabinet secretary? ooooo how nefarious... how radical!:razz:
I love how Stephanie has still refused to acknowledge that her OP is a lie.
The irony here being of course the article goes on about socialists along with radicals for not liking Beck's rally. But Beck's rally is on the anniversey and same place of MLK's 'I Have A Dream' speech, and MLK was rather socialist in his political views.

MLK was a Republican.:redface:

I think you mean "RINO."
WOW there are a LOT of people at this rally.

I wonder what these anti-rally protesters are protesting? They must be protesting the values of MLK that all these speakers are celebrating, the values of content of character, equality, and standing together as americans without regards for individual race.

Sad indeed when "equal rigths" groups want to protest an event celebrating men and women of all races standing together as equals.

Posted by Jim Hoft on Thursday, August 26, 2010, 9:22 PM
The radicals, racists and Marxists can’t stand the fact that patriotic Americans are holding a rally at the Lincoln Memorial on Saturday August 28, the anniversary of Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream Speech.”

These radicals, race-baiters and socialists detest the fact that ordinary Americans are rejecting the Pelosi-Obama big-spending socialist agenda. On Saturday they are holding their own leftist big government rally just blocks from the Glenn Beck Restoring Honor rally. Even the Media Matters nitwits will be there.
The NAACP reported:

Forty-seven years after the historic March on Washington, NAACP President and CEO Benjamin Todd Jealous will join the National Action Network (NAN), along with heads of progressive organizations, unions and clergy in a mass rally and march in Washington, DC on Saturday, August 28, 2010 to reclaim the dream.

The rally will start at 11:00 a.m. at Dunbar High School, followed by a march to the King Memorial. Joining us will be a cross-section of organizations and principals including Rev. Al Sharpton, United States Education Secretary, Arne Duncan, Martin Luther King, III, President, Center for Nonviolent Social Change, Inc.; Ed Schultz, Television and radio show host; Tom Joyner, The Tom Joyner Morning Show; Reach Media; Marc Morial, President of the National Urban League; Melanie L. Campbell, President of National Coalition on Black Civic Participation and Convener of the Black Women’s Roundtable; Dr. Lezli Baskerville, President NAFEO; Clayola Brown, President, A. Philip Randolph Institute; Dr. Barbara Williams Skinner, President, Skinner Leadership Institute; Harry Thomas Jr., D.C. Ward 5 Councilmember; Rev. Willie F. Wilson; Pastor of Union Temple Baptist Church; Rev. Walter Fauntroy; SEIU; 32BJ; SEIU; The Leadership Conference on Human and Civil Rights, Stand Up For Democracy Coalition, Prince Hall Masons (New York State); United for Peace and Justice; National Conference to Bring the Troops Home Now!; representatives from Media Matters; board members of National Action Network, and many other religious groups, labor unions, and organizations.

read the rest and comments.
Gateway Pundit

Odd that they feel so threatened by the rally that they decide to hold their own. Why not just tag along with the one that's being organized? Do they not agree with 'restoring honor'? Hmmmmm.

Those racist groups refuse to celebrate with white people. They believe this is a black holiday & whitey needs to butt out so that the NAACP & the reverends can preach their vile race bating hate.

So, that explains the sea of white faces only at Beck's rally? All the black faces were elsewhere?

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