Radio host tells gay caller to commit suicide

Now now, that's ok because libruls are allowed to be violent, hate-filled bullies..
Wow. Just wow.

I vaguely remember Obama stressing that we should all engage in a more polite discourse after the Gabby Giffords shooting.

I guess this talk show host didn't get the memo.
Let's find out how Rush handled the same caller.

[ame=]Gay Romney Supporter calls the Rush Limbaugh Show - YouTube[/ame]
Ok so what?
Some no name radio guy says something stupid....therefore all liberals must be an asshole like him?

OOOOk well Rush thinks Fluke is a whore, therefore all republicans think women are whores.

congrats you just made the board even dumber for having to read this nonsense.
Clearly, you guys didn't listen to this video.

The guy said Obama didn't start "Don't ask Don't tell" and then went on from there.

Then he said you shouldn't vote for someone just because they will do things for you. Huh????

The announcer said, better a quick death than the long, slow one you are suffering now.

Kinda hard to disagree.
Wow. Just wow.

I vaguely remember Obama stressing that we should all engage in a more polite discourse after the Gabby Giffords shooting.

I guess this talk show host didn't get the memo.

How is this Obama's fault? You are a fucking moron. Maybe you yourself should take the radiohosts advice and save us all the trouble of having to deal with your stupidity.
Clearly, you guys didn't listen to this video.

The guy said Obama didn't start "Don't ask Don't tell" and then went on from there.

Then he said you shouldn't vote for someone just because they will do things for you. Huh????

The announcer said, better a quick death than the long, slow one you are suffering now.

Kinda hard to disagree.

The radio host did not answer the caller's question. He immediately began asking his own then dominated the coversation and ultimately told the kid to kill himself.
Clearly, you guys didn't listen to this video.

The guy said Obama didn't start "Don't ask Don't tell" and then went on from there.

Then he said you shouldn't vote for someone just because they will do things for you. Huh????

The announcer said, better a quick death than the long, slow one you are suffering now.

Kinda hard to disagree.
Wrong. Smart move, looking as stupid as the radio host. Now can we claim most libs are effed up butt holes?

The caller also pointed out that Obama is talking for votes...on MTV he back peddled gay arrange last week.
Clearly, you guys didn't listen to this video.

The guy said Obama didn't start "Don't ask Don't tell" and then went on from there.

Then he said you shouldn't vote for someone just because they will do things for you. Huh????

The announcer said, better a quick death than the long, slow one you are suffering now.

Kinda hard to disagree.

Obama didn't start DADT, Clinton did. Obama defended it, and lost.

You keep saying that Republicans vote against their interest like it is a bad thing, still waiting for you to explain why voting like a selfish pig is a good thing.
Liberals should listen to both these clips. Too bad they won't.

I listened to about half of what was in the OP.

The caller's demise may not put much of a dent in the queer population, but it would definately raise the average IQ of the entire planet a few points.

What a fucking idiot.

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