Rage Against the Machine anti-war rally today!


Diamond Member
Jan 8, 2011
Is anyone attending this great peace rally today? I wish I could be there. Outstanding list of speakers. Hopefully it’s well attended and leads to the destruction of the US war machine and imperialism, before it’s too late.




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Is anyone attending this great peace rally today? I wish I could be there. Outstanding list of speakers. Hopefully it’s well attended and leads to the destruction of the US war machine and imperialism, before it’s too late.
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President Trump got US out of war in the middle east with conditions for the Taliban, he also had Muslim countries agreeing with peace accords with Israel, yet he never got a Nobel Peace Prize, while the brown turn Obammy got one just by being elected, then set the middle east on fire. The NPP is a sham......Joe Biteme, and his war machine will get US involved with two battles soon...May the fagots and lesbos have at it....
Democrats used to be against war, but now they are all for it

And since democrats rule the government and the media, who will even know about this rally?

Nobody cares.

I reckon all those drugs democrats took in the 1960's took their toll as they protested Veitnam led by their own democrat President LBJ

Can you imagine democrats today protesting Biden?


The DNC is more of a cult today than a political party as its members will drink cool aid on command, and judging the looks of the economy, that is exactly what they do every time they go to the polls.
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Libertarians are like John the Baptist crying in the wilderness.

The only question becomes, when will the democrats serve their head on a platter?
I can agree about not one more penny to the Ukes but the rest of their demands are mostly Large L libertarian wishful thinking.

That said better than money laundering dem or neocon gop thinking so Godspeed to them. :)
The democrat party is a party based on collectivism, much like the former communist empire of the USSR and the Nazi party of old.

The ultimate goal is centralized government power, any way they can get that done.

With the backing of corporate world, who can stop them?

Sorry for not mentioning the GOP. The GOP is not their to fight, rather, they are just their to blame for anything that goes wrong.
And since democrats rule the government and the media, who will even know about this rally?
Cheer up old chap .
The media is tearing itself to pieces before our eyes and the alternative sector grows stronger .
Put out your arms , twirl around a few times and breathe deeply .
If you cannot sense the Winds of Change , get to your doctor fast .

It takes a little time for the tilting moment to grasp the Sheeple by their collective throat . But it is very close .
Signed , Mystic Moo .
Cheer up old chap .
The media is tearing itself to pieces before our eyes and the alternative sector grows stronger .
Put out your arms , twirl around a few times and breathe deeply .
If you cannot sense the Winds of Change , get to your doctor fast .

It takes a little time for the tilting moment to grasp the Sheeple by their collective throat . But it is very close .
Signed , Mystic Moo .
No, the media continues to lead popular opinion. People have always been and will forever be sheep to be led around.
Of course, there is also academia, which now indoctrinates children to fully embrace things like abortion and the gender crap.
Now you have entire generations that cannot fathom voting for a political party that rejects any of their woke crap.
Democrats used to be against war, but now they are all for it

And since democrats rule the government and the media, who will even know about this rally?

Nobody cares.
Nobody cares about an anti-Ukraine rally. It's a sad fact that dictators have to be opposed with at least the threat of force. If the Trumpublicans don't want to protect freedom elsewhere they cannot be trusted to protect our own.
The democrat party is a party based on collectivism, much like the former communist empire of the USSR and the Nazi party of old.

The ultimate goal is centralized government power, any way they can get that done.

With the backing of corporate world, who can stop them?

Sorry for not mentioning the GOP. The GOP is not their to fight, rather, they are just their to blame for anything that goes wrong.

That would be there but yeah, you are not wrong.....The gop seems to enjoy their status, especially in the Senate.

You wait, there is not reason in the world that the gop should not take the dems to the cleaners in '24 given the seats the dems have to defend but some idiot will say something stupid about abortion or some such and they will mess it up.
Nobody cares about an anti-Ukraine rally. It's a sad fact that dictators have to be opposed with at least the threat of force. If the Trumpublicans don't want to protect freedom elsewhere they cannot be trusted to protect our own.
They want the same for the US, a dictator, named Trump, siege heil.
Is anyone attending this great peace rally today? I wish I could be there. Outstanding list of speakers. Hopefully it’s well attended and leads to the destruction of the US war machine and imperialism, before it’s too late.
View attachment 758435
View attachment 758434

There will be peace when Putin accidentally falls out a window. The US has been shipping peace to Ukraine for a year now Russobot.
No, the media continues to lead popular opinion. People have always been and will forever be sheep to be led around.
Of course, there is also academia, which now indoctrinates children to fully embrace things like abortion and the gender crap.
Now you have entire generations that cannot fathom voting for a political party that rejects any of their woke crap.
I scan/read fifty(?) media sources every day and I live in the midst of a clear trend that perhaps you have not noticed . World wide sampling .
MSM is close to collapse and you have only got to look at readership and viewing figures to see the support for this optimism .

The Sheeple are without doubt stupid and gullible collectively but once they slowly move to new ground and grasp fresh new material they steadily pick up speed .
Accept their stupidity and gullibility initially but then throw in your small contribution to help uncondition at least one of them .It's then like the proverbial snowball gathering size and pace on the slope . imo
Quite an eclectic group they have speaking. It's too bad you would never see this out of either of the major cults. From a (R) in Paul, to a (D) with Gabbard and Kucenich to (G) with Stein and a long list of Independents.

I wish I had known about it before yesterday.

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