Rage Against the Machine anti-war rally today!

Fuck Putin.
Are you another one who thinks this war was entirely UNPROVOKED?

Do you also condemn the USG for its numerous wars of aggression?
Of course Gipper already KNOWS I have a long record of opposing U.S. wars of aggression. He KNOWS I have thoroughly criticized U.S. “provocations” everywhere — and also opposed the Maidan overthrow of the corrupt — but fairly elected — Ukrainian government in 2014.

Gipper is acting like a petulant child here. Putin was NOT justified in invading Ukraine. His imperialist adventure failed. Now we must deal carefully and rationally with the resulting war, and both demand and show the way forward to a negotiated settlement.

“Fuck Putin” is just cheap empty talk, and is worthless sentimentality if we totally abandon Ukraine and allow Putin’s bloody, ruthless and degenerate state machine to crush it.

We must also oppose Ukrainian hard nationalists desire to get us and NATO further involved in an endless war aimed at toppling Putin or destroying the Russian Federation.

No jet planes or long range offensive arms to Ukraine!
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“Innumerable wars originate entirely in private passions; in the attachments, enmities, interests, hopes, and fears of leading individuals in the communities of which they are members.” Alexander Hamilton, Federalist #6

The celebrated Pericles, in compliance with the resentments of a prostitute, at the expense of much of the blood and treasure of his countrymen, attacked, vanquished and destroyed, the city of the Samnians.
You are clearly just a simpering fag.
Why do you suck Joe Biden’s old dick and lick Kamala’s Pussy?

Kamala says Putin is a war criminal. You stupidly agree.

But these mass murdering war criminals are GREAT.
Of course Gipper already KNOWS I have a long record of opposing U.S. wars of aggression. He KNOWS I have thoroughly criticized U.S. “provocations” everywhere — and also opposed the Maidan overthrow of the corrupt — but fairly elected — Ukrainian government in 2014.

Gipper is acting like a petulant child here. Putin was NOT justified in invading Ukraine. His imperialist adventure failed. Now we must deal carefully and rationally with the resulting war, and both demand and show the way forward to a negotiated settlement.

“Fuck Putin” is just cheap empty talk, and is worthless sentimentality if we totally abandon Ukraine and allow Purim’s bloody and ruthless and degenerate state machine to crush it.

We must also oppose Ukrainian hard nationalists desire to get us and NATO further involved in an endless war aimed at toppling Putin or destroying the Russian Federation.

No jet planes or long range offensive arms to Ukraine!
Fuck Putin. Fuck Ukraine and fuck you.

You criticize me for misrepresenting your views. Then you misrepresent mine. Lol. Where have I ever stated Putin’s acts are justified?

Yeah I’m pissed about the USG for provoking this war. You should be too.
Fuck Putin. Fuck Ukraine and fuck you.

You criticize me for misrepresenting your views. Then you misrepresent mine. Lol. Where have I ever stated Putin’s acts are justified?

Yeah I’m pissed about the USG for provoking this war. You should be too.
I never misrepresented your views, nor did I say you “stated Putin’s acts are justified.” I believe you when you say you oppose Putin.

All I suggested is that if you support a total immediate end to financial and military aid to Ukraine, then Putin’s military will eventually destroy an independent Ukraine.

On the other hand, I am all for carefully explaining that longterm U.S. policy toward Russia has been hostile and often adventurous, and that today the Biden Administration has demonstrated little serious desire to seek a negotiated settlement short of one that satisfies the maximalist demands of Ukrainian nationalists.
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I never misrepresented your views, nor did I say you “stated Putin’s acts are justified.” I believe you when you say you oppose Putin.

All I suggested is that if you support a total immediate end to financial and military aid to Ukraine, then Putin’s military will eventually destroy an independent Ukraine.

On the other hand, I am all for carefully explaining that longterm U.S. policy toward Russia has been hostile and often adventurous, and that today the Biden Administration has demonstrated little serious desire to seek a negotiated settlement short of one that satisfies the maximalist demands of Ukrainian nationalists.
Okay. My apologies.

However as an American, I don’t want my government instigating and continuing this easily avoided war.

We must look at the entire history here. This awful invasion would never have occurred had the US not intervened massively in Europe. Had NATO not expanded eastward, had the USG not committed a coup, had it demanded diplomacy and accepted the peace agreement of last winter none of this would be happening.

Americans want to believe this is all the fault of Putin, when clearly our government holds much of the blame.
Democrats used to be against war, but now they are all for it

And since democrats rule the government and the media, who will even know about this rally?

Nobody cares.

I reckon all those drugs democrats took in the 1960's took their toll as they protested Veitnam led by their own democrat President LBJ

Can you imagine democrats today protesting Biden?


The DNC is more of a cult today than a political party as its members will drink cool aid on command, and judging the looks of the economy, that is exactly what they do every time they go to the polls.

DemoKKKrats were never against war. They pretended to oppose wars that were perceived to be started under Republican administrations, such as Iraq and Afghanistan, but Obama presided over 8 years of daily warfare and bloodshed, including starting at least three wars, without a word from either his party or his supporters. Biden is doing the same. They love it.
Of course Gipper already KNOWS I have a long record of opposing U.S. wars of aggression. He KNOWS I have thoroughly criticized U.S. “provocations” everywhere — and also opposed the Maidan overthrow of the corrupt — but fairly elected — Ukrainian government in 2014.

Gipper is acting like a petulant child here. Putin was NOT justified in invading Ukraine. His imperialist adventure failed. Now we must deal carefully and rationally with the resulting war, and both demand and show the way forward to a negotiated settlement.

“Fuck Putin” is just cheap empty talk, and is worthless sentimentality if we totally abandon Ukraine and allow Putin’s bloody, ruthless and degenerate state machine to crush it.

We must also oppose Ukrainian hard nationalists desire to get us and NATO further involved in an endless war aimed at toppling Putin or destroying the Russian Federation.

No jet planes or long range offensive arms to Ukraine!

Putin did what we would have done if moves were being made to put arms on our border.
Why do you love war? Are you so dumb you don’t understand what war is?

I thought you neocons revered the Founding Fathers. Do you know what they thought of war?

Any idea who made the following statements?
“It is a universal truth that the loss of liberty at home is to be charged to the provisions against danger, real or pretended, from abroad.”

“Of all the evils to public liberty, war is perhaps the most to be dreaded, because it comprises and develops every other. War is the patent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes. And armies, and debts, and taxes, are the known instruments for bringing the many under the dominion of the few. In war, too, the discretionary power of the executive is extended; its influence in dealing out offices, honors, and emoluments is multiplied; and all the means of seducing the minds are added to those of subduing the force of the people! No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare.”

“The great rule of conduct for us, in regard to foreign nations, is, in extending our commercial relations, to have with them as little political connexion as possible. So far as we have already formed engagements, let them be fulfilled with perfect good faith. Here let us stop.”

"Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations-entangling alliances with none."

lol you're joke, Ruskie. You don't even knoe what a'neocon' even is, you just parrot whatever your peers babble in your echo chamber, dumbass.
Putin did what we would have done if moves were being made to put arms on our border.

Never mind everybody who shares a border with the vermin wants arms to defend themselves for Russians, and have for hundreds of years now. Great point! Why bring up facts!
Never mind everybody who shares a border with the vermin wants arms to defend themselves for Russians, and have for hundreds of years now. Great point! Why bring up facts!

Sorry, who was Russia attacking? Should I list the countries we have attacked?
Sorry, who was Russia attacking? Should I list the countries we have attacked?
He’s unaware of any nations the US has attacked. He thinks it only liberates nations who long to be free.

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