Rage Against the Machine anti-war rally today!

Is anyone attending this great peace rally today? I wish I could be there. Outstanding list of speakers. Hopefully it’s well attended and leads to the destruction of the US war machine and imperialism, before it’s too late.
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View attachment 758434

It's a bit too late, actually. I hate to say that, but it's true. Pentagon likes wars.

War is a racket, it's big big business. Yeah, it's apparently too big for anyone( including Trump )to deal with. No one on earth can stop wars. Making tons of money out of conflicts between countries is now part of US foreign policy. Pentagon, the richest department, should be so proud of it. lol.

I'm not worried about the nuclear war. The super rich won't let it ruin their happy lives. And what's more, a scientist made a prediction about the doomsday. The world will finally come to an end( probably in the next 3 or 4 centuries ). :)

1) These are all the countries the USA has invaded, in one map | indy100 | indy100 – https://archive.ph/dBxXO
2) Using Statistics to Predict the Next World War – https://archive.md/hwNBW
If those U.S. flags were not there, that part of the world would be in deep shit. 'Nuff said.
Lol. You have it backwards. Because those flags are there that part of the world is in deep shit.

American exceptionalism never existed. It was made up to benefit the oligarchs and MIC, sadly many dumb Americans like you believe the bull shit.
Lol. You have it backwards. Because those flags are there that part of the world is in deep shit.

American exceptionalism never existed. It was made up to benefit the oligarchs and MIC, sadly many dumb Americans like you believe the bull shit.

Looks like bullshit. Smells like bullshit. Tastes like bullshit. Sure glad I didn't step in it.
The lesson that should be learned is you crush vermin from the get go, and screw 'nation building' among savages.

I see. Just kill and wipe out people that never did a thing to us.

Do that and your wars rarely last over a couple of months. It's also a good idea to draft and send all the 'anti war' types in first, killing two birds with one stone so to speak. They're already so smart no need to train and equip them, they know all about how to handle savages, by holding hands with them and singing hippie songs and smoking pot, right?

Maybe gas chambers?
Go give them a hug.
You’re clearly a neocon idiot.

Watch this and learn something for the first time in your wretched life.

I leave you with these goals: Russia out of Ukraine. NATO out of existence. The war machine abolished. Peace on our planet.
Update in thread below on this now past rally, which also discusses problems with building a left-right “anti-war” coalition … given that we also should not completely abandon Ukraine to Putin’s bloody imperialist invasion …

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Update in thread below on this already passed rally, which also discusses problems with building a left-right “anti-war” coalition … that does not merely provide support for Putin’s invasion of Ukraine:

The cults won't allow a coalition.
President Trump got US out of war in the middle east with conditions for the Taliban, he also had Muslim countries agreeing with peace accords with Israel, yet he never got a Nobel Peace Prize, while the brown turn Obammy got one just by being elected, then set the middle east on fire. The NPP is a sham......Joe Biteme, and his war machine will get US involved with two battles soon...May the fagots and lesbos have at it....
People who incite riots don`t get a Nobel Peace Prize.
The cults won't allow a coalition.

Well, which “cults”? I believe there were no open pro-Trump speeches, and no crazy “election denier” speeches. But I wasn’t there and don’t know if a few such slogans were raised by anyone in the crowd.

At this rally there were extreme right-wing libertarians organanizing the event, and well-known Republicans as well as prominent Leftwing speakers. I think slogans raised from the platform to “end all military aid to Ukraine” were wrong, and other slogans unrealistic or pacifist.

I do agree that as events develop it will probably prove very difficult to keep such rallies or such a movement open, non-partisan and growing. The main slogans used will almost certainly need to be reconsidered and better targeted as well, emphasizing stopping Western provision of planes, long-range missiles, and offensive weaponry.

I think slogans could also emphasize the need for a cease-fire and negotiated settlement, and call for the West recognizing “the right of self-determination” for Crimea, which would not be welcomed by hard Ukrainian nationalists or American war hawks, yet help people see the possibility for a diplomatic road forward.
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Well, which “cults”? I believe there were no open pro-Trump speeches, and no crazy “election denier” speeches. But I wasn’t there and don’t know if a few such slogans were raised by anyone in the crowd.

At this rally there were extreme right-wing libertarians organanizing the event, and well-known Republicans as well as prominent Leftwing speakers. I think slogans raised from the platform to “end all military aid to Ukraine” were wrong, and other slogans unrealistic or pacifist.

I do agree that as events develop it will probably prove very difficult to keep such rallies or such a movement open, non-partisan and growing. The main slogans used will almost certainly need to be reconsidered and better targeted as well, emphasizing stopping Western provision of planes, long-range missiles, and offensive weaponry.

I think slogans could also emphasize the need for a cease-fire and negotiated settlement, and call for recognizing “the right of self-determination” for Crimea, which would not be very welcome by hard Ukrainian nationalists, or American war hawks either.

I fully support what went on Sunday but unfortunately you have speakers with little power. Those with the power will not allow any coalitions.

Does that address your question?
You are clearly just a simpering fag.
Why do you love war? Are you so dumb you don’t understand what war is?

I thought you neocons revered the Founding Fathers. Do you know what they thought of war?

Any idea who made the following statements?
“It is a universal truth that the loss of liberty at home is to be charged to the provisions against danger, real or pretended, from abroad.”

“Of all the evils to public liberty, war is perhaps the most to be dreaded, because it comprises and develops every other. War is the patent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes. And armies, and debts, and taxes, are the known instruments for bringing the many under the dominion of the few. In war, too, the discretionary power of the executive is extended; its influence in dealing out offices, honors, and emoluments is multiplied; and all the means of seducing the minds are added to those of subduing the force of the people! No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare.”

“The great rule of conduct for us, in regard to foreign nations, is, in extending our commercial relations, to have with them as little political connexion as possible. So far as we have already formed engagements, let them be fulfilled with perfect good faith. Here let us stop.”

"Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations-entangling alliances with none."
Update in thread below on this now past rally, which also discusses problems with building a left-right “anti-war” coalition … given that we also should not completely abandon Ukraine to Putin’s bloody imperialist invasion …

Fuck Putin.

Are you another one who thinks this war was entirely UNPROVOKED?

Do you also condemn the USG for its numerous wars of aggression?

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