Rage Against the Machine anti-war rally today!

We have the choice of minding our own business and abiding by our previous agreements which IMO if we had, there is no war today.
Our business is everywhere. If the world didn't like it things would be otherwise.
We handed the country right back to the very people we PROMISED to remove and said we were building a democracy.

We did not hand it to anyone, we said "we are leaving, do what you will". We had been there more than enough time. IF 20 years and a trillion dollars was not enough then nothing ever would have been
We did not hand it to anyone, we said "we are leaving, do what you will". We had been there more than enough time. IF 20 years and a trillion dollars was not enough then nothing ever would have been
That should tell you something, but you’re too shallow to think beyond what establishment media tells you.

Let me help you. Nation building doesn't work and occupying nations isn’t beneficial for anyone other than the MIC.
What "machine"? Be careful what you wish for. It's possible that sabotage on electrical grids and derailment of freight trains is part of another "rage against the machine" gang.
This isn’t the rubber room. Go there and have fun.

Then, why should I, an American, give a fetid dingo's kidney what the Russians and their ex territories do to each other?

How is it the business of America to dictate peace?
Nation building doesn't work and occupying nations isn’t beneficial for anyone other than the MIC.

Been saying that for 2 decades or more...I guess according to you that is what the establishment media tells me.

Oh well.

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