Rain God is offensive to Christian

Title is not quite what I had in mind. Sorry. It should be Rain God is OFFENSIVE to a Christian.
The statue is of someone else's god. He should have the right to choose another without paying extra.
I disagree, hon. The statue is not of a god. It IS the states license plate choice and if he doesn't like it, driving is not a right. It is a privilege. If he doesn't like it, then he can pay to have a different one.
I don't like flying coach either, but can't afford 1st class with bigger seats and leg room. Yet, that is the airline I chose...or the only one available. It is not my right to fly 1st class but I want it bad enough..then I gotta pay for it.

I know...strawman, but I function better with understanding when using them, lol.
If the statue was an old historical statue of Christ, would you feel the same?
If the statue was an old historical statue of Christ, would you feel the same?


Maybe a better example would be a famous statue of a woman kneeling praying to Christ. Would that be ok?


In either case, if I let something that miniscule bother me, that is on my vehicle but represents my states choice in what to put on a license plate...I would pay to change it if that option was available.

Personally, I would LOVE to have the Rain God statue on my car. Hell, I'd love to have it on my wall on canvas. I think it's beautiful.
Now I gotta go google for it so I can save the pic to my favs, lol.
What a beautiful plate. This litigation is brought by someone who really doesn't understand Christ or his teaching.

I find this awesome. But then I'm a different sort of Christian.

Who can call this vile in the name of our Lord? Only a fool.

I can't find the original art piece on bing or google. Maybe I am not using the correct search words. But yes...I think it a beautiful piece and a beautiful choice.

I'm a different sort of Christian

Lol. Me too. :)
I am a pagan christian with a dash of pantheism. Hows that for a oxymorons?
Whomever fixed the title of the thread....thank you!:)
If the statue was an old historical statue of Christ, would you feel the same?


Maybe a better example would be a famous statue of a woman kneeling praying to Christ. Would that be ok?


In either case, if I let something that miniscule bother me, that is on my vehicle but represents my states choice in what to put on a license plate...I would pay to change it if that option was available.

Personally, I would LOVE to have the Rain God statue on my car. Hell, I'd love to have it on my wall on canvas. I think it's beautiful.
That's nice that you aren't bothered by it. I'm not bothered by it either. However the law has to be applied equally, and the state cannot promote religion. No one is saying that can't offer this plate simply that there should be a non-religious option for those who are not comfortable with a plate depicting a Native American man shooting an arrow to his god.

There are plenty of people who would be very upset with a plate that has a Christian or Islamic theme, and the law should be applied the same to Native American gods as well.
Sounds like a good case for the ACLU to tie up in the courts for ten years....they worship the DEVIL you know....
There are a variety of special license plates available in Oklahoma including a "In God We Trust" plate. If this guy is offended by the Native American shooting an arrow, there are other options available.

There are a variety of special license plates available in Oklahoma including a "In God We Trust" plate. If this guy is offended by the Native American shooting an arrow, there are other options available.


He knows....he just doesn't want to have to pay to get the other one. Hence, the lawsuit.
The article (op-ed) by Jeff Ross is a bit strange. It doesn't say the person who brought the suit is a Christian. It says that the is "identified as a Christian". It's an important distinction. It seems that the suit is about the cost of special license plates rather than the snide way it's portrayed as a religious issue.

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