Rally at Columbia SC state house Tomorrow afternoon “TAKE THE FLAG DOWN”

if the government can ban a flag

it can ban any free speech
The government can't ban a flag. But the people CAN force them to take it down.

Yeah and the people can HURT you for trying to force them to do something
SO good luck
You know if they even tried Hillary could lose 8 maybe 9 states overnight. SC is older then the United States. SC was here BEFORE federal government. She could lose bad, really really bad.

hillary has decided that she is going to run with a gun control agenda


good for her
Hillary wants to ban all guns. Let the story ring out across the Land!
And who ran on the Southern Strategy in 1964, promising Southern whites that a Republican federal government would do less to interfere with southern discrimination against and disenfranchisement of blacks?

Indeed. That was when Exalted Cyclops Bobby Byrd, Al Gore Sr., Jim Eastland and all those other nasty racist Democrats who opposed the Civil Rights Act ran off and joined the Republican Party.

I remember it as if it were yesterday.:laugh2:
Although most of the segregationist either joined the Republican party or supported their candidates, some remained Democrats to continue the fight for segregation. Others such as Bryd explicitly renounced his earlier views favoring segregation.

However, for most segregationist, supporting a party that was becoming increasingly black and supporting policies that favored blacks was just impossible. They simply had no other place to go except the Republican Party.

So, you are trying to convince us that segregationists left the party of segregation, aka George Wallace and fled to the party that stopped George Wallace. Really that is what you want people to believe?
Of course. George Wallace deserted the Democratic Party both in 1968 and 1972 to run for president as a candidate of the American Independent Party. Well know Democrats such as Strom Thurmond, Jesse Helms became Republicans. However, most Democrats remained in the party in both 60's and 70's but offered little support for Democrats in national elections. Some out right endorse Republican presidential candidates or refuse to endorse the Democrat nominee.

In the 1980's, Reagan views on state rights, the 1964 Civil Rights Act, cutting welfare (which in the South, went mostly to blacks), school busing, and affirmative action was all in complete alignment with the views of southern segregationists. The results of the 1980 and 1984 election left no doubt that Republicans would own the South and within 20 years the once solid Democratic South would become the Solid Republican South.

Absolutely correct, Wallace and the Dixiecrats parted from the democrat party because they could not win the nomination. After their failed attempts where did they go? Right back home to the democrat party. You can name only ONE democrat that became a Republican and that ONE democrat renounced his past views and had absolutely no effect on the Republican platform.

You imply that Reagan ended desegregation, didn't happen. You imply Reagan ended welfare, didn't happen. If you look up Clinton's bio you will see one of the major accomplishments listed is what? Welfare reform.
No, I am not implying that Reagan ended desegregation. He just gave hope to southern segregationist that there was a man in the white house that was on their side, a president who believed strongly in states rights, a president who questioned the wisdom of civil rights legislation, and a president who advocated reducing welfare which meant less support to southern blacks who were now mostly Democrats.. Did he actually follow through? Of course not, but he certainly cemented support of white southerns to the Republican Party.
You know if they even tried Hillary could lose 8 maybe 9 states overnight. SC is older then the United States. SC was here BEFORE federal government. She could lose bad, really really bad.

hillary has decided that she is going to run with a gun control agenda


good for her

That is excellent news. If she runs on a strict anti white, anti gun platform she should be encouraged. Provide all the support and encouragement you can.

What we do know is that whatever Mrs. Clinton runs on it will be derisive and an attempt to split the voters down the middle with her taking slightly larger majority. It worked the last two elections I think she will follow suit.
We aren't the same country we were for the last two elections. That's why I sincerely hope she continues on this path.

What do you think has changed?

What I see is her job of dividing the country is already done, it actually could be easier for her.

If nothing else she is a political animal and if what she is selling she didn't think people wanted she would be selling something else. All Mrs. Clinton can do is spew the same leftist ideology she has been spewing for the last 200 years.
Can somebody tell me what is Hillary's qualifications for President?
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Huckabee and Jindal both want the state to have the right to fly racist symbols. Is there any other reason needed to take the the flag down?

I don't think so.
No, I am not implying that Reagan ended desegregation. He just gave hope to southern segregationist that there was a man in the white house that was on their side, a president who believed strongly in states rights, a president who questioned the wisdom of civil rights legislation, and a president who advocated reducing welfare which meant less support to southern blacks who were now mostly Democrats.. Did he actually follow through? Of course not, but he certainly cemented support of white southerns to the Republican Party.
Reagan was true to the America he believed in. He brought a sense of pride that had been lost for a decade but also helped change the course of world history.

America's present and future demise is not rooted in his presidency, but in that we are no longer the America that he knew or remembered.
No, I am not implying that Reagan ended desegregation. He just gave hope to southern segregationist that there was a man in the white house that was on their side, a president who believed strongly in states rights, a president who questioned the wisdom of civil rights legislation, and a president who advocated reducing welfare which meant less support to southern blacks who were now mostly Democrats.. Did he actually follow through? Of course not, but he certainly cemented support of white southerns to the Republican Party.
Reagan was true to the America he believed in. He brought a sense of pride that had been lost for a decade but also helped change the course of world history.

America's present and future demise is not rooted in his presidency, but in that we are no longer the America that he knew or remembered.
As soon as we get rid of this bastard regime and elect a good conservative, America will be on the road to greatness again.
No, I am not implying that Reagan ended desegregation. He just gave hope to southern segregationist that there was a man in the white house that was on their side, a president who believed strongly in states rights, a president who questioned the wisdom of civil rights legislation, and a president who advocated reducing welfare which meant less support to southern blacks who were now mostly Democrats.. Did he actually follow through? Of course not, but he certainly cemented support of white southerns to the Republican Party.
Reagan was true to the America he believed in. He brought a sense of pride that had been lost for a decade but also helped change the course of world history.

America's present and future demise is not rooted in his presidency, but in that we are no longer the America that he knew or remembered.
As soon as we get rid of this bastard regime and elect a good conservative, America will be on the road to greatness again.
I disagree. That generation is almost gone.

America will be a middling state on the world stage considering its potential.
Actually, it is hard to say whether or not America is the country that Reagan remembered, because he remembered very little of anything....
How progressive of you making fun of a debilitating disease affecting millions of Americans.

Not at all. Just making fun of Reagan and his McGuffey Reader that he talked about in his first campaign. Although it would have been just as easy to make fun of his prematurely orange hair, or his telling an evangelist audience that he, too, had his doubts about evolution. Reagan was a very good actor, and he did, in fact, play the part of president quite well. They would prop him up after his nap, and he would read the lines, almost like he had written them. Apparently, though, Iran Contra happened during one of his naps, because he didn't remember anything about that, either.

And then there was Nancy and her 249 red dresses, who actually picked all of Ronnie's advisors.

Legends in their own time!
In this time, one cannot rewrite history by simply burying it.

Also, it should be noted at the rally that the flag was a symbol of the Democrats.

But of course, it won't be.
Let's not forget that Roof was a member of the Left-wing organization: Nazi skinheads.
Those Right Wing Skin Heads use the Swastika and the Confederate Flag. Read something or just look at their rallies.
In this time, one cannot rewrite history by simply burying it.

Also, it should be noted at the rally that the flag was a symbol of the Democrats.

But of course, it won't be.
Let's not forget that Roof was a member of the Left-wing organization: Nazi skinheads.
Those Right Wing Skin Heads use the Swastika and the Confederate Flag. Read something or just look at their rallies.

and you leftwingers use lies and operate in secret. as for those you listed at least they don't HIDE their agenda like you leftwingers do
The Slave Monger Battle Rag and its fellow travelers....


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