Rally For Illegal Aliens On 'Closed' National Mall...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Welcome to the NWO. Still think the U.S. Government cares about American Citizens?...Well, think again.


Signs say National Mall closed, but immigration reform rally is a go

Even though isolated barricades with "closed" signs remained on the National Mall on Tuesday, the setup for the immigration reform rally said otherwise.

A giant stage with lights and an "Immigration Reform Now" banner was set up in the center of the mall, along with three large portable screens.

On one side of the mall, more than 100 porta potties were set up for protesters who will attend the rally today.

s several groups of musicians performed sound checks, a lone National Park Service employee arrived to survey the scene, but referred me to the Park Service communications office and left when I asked her why she was called into work today.

As the Washington Examiner reported Monday, rally organizers said that they would be allowed by the NPS to carry out their protest under their First Amendment rights.

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Liberalism is anti American. Let an American go down there, and protest the illegal infestation, and see what happens. Fuck illegal aliens!
An American Citizen can't take a photo of Mount Rushmore, but the National Mall can be opened to please Illegal Aliens. Boy, what a mess we've become.
Something that astounds me about any of these illegal alien lovefests is that for a people who supposedly really, really want to be Americans, want to be Americans to the point they are willing to break the law, there are an awful lot of foreign flags being flown.
For this administration SOME of the people in this country are MORE important then the rest of you

just might well accept it, you put them in power over all of us
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Lets see Americans Citizens try to have a rally on the 'Closed' National Mall. What do you think this President's response would be?
Lets see Americans Citizens try to have a rally on the 'Closed' National Mall. What do you think this President's response would be?

I'm not sure, but I am sure the guys on the ground doing the gassing and shooting and clubbing and whatnot will sleep at night by just saying "I was only following orders."
Lets see Americans Citizens try to have a rally on the 'Closed' National Mall. What do you think this President's response would be?

I'm not sure, but I am sure the guys on the ground doing the gassing and shooting and clubbing and whatnot will sleep at night by just saying "I was only following orders."

I am sure. This President would order their immediate arrest & removal. And yes, there would be blood.
Something that astounds me about any of these illegal alien lovefests is that for a people who supposedly really, really want to be Americans, want to be Americans to the point they are willing to break the law, there are an awful lot of foreign flags being flown.

Its a Mexican invasion that wants to claim this country as theirs...

Democrats seem to want them to win...
Something that astounds me about any of these illegal alien lovefests is that for a people who supposedly really, really want to be Americans, want to be Americans to the point they are willing to break the law, there are an awful lot of foreign flags being flown.

Its a Mexican invasion that wants to claim this country as theirs...

Democrats seem to want them to win...

Its all about buying votes, Matt. The lying corrupt dems want to legalize the illegals and then pay them to vote dem.

This deal on the mall is a disgrace to the USA, and for the botox bitch pelosi to stand with the illegals and shit on the vets makes her as big a traitor as hanoi jane fonda. Both should be in jail.
Something that astounds me about any of these illegal alien lovefests is that for a people who supposedly really, really want to be Americans, want to be Americans to the point they are willing to break the law, there are an awful lot of foreign flags being flown.

Its a Mexican invasion that wants to claim this country as theirs...

Democrats seem to want them to win...
Obama sees America as a bunch of whites who exploited people of color globally, amassing huge wealth at their expense, and he views himself as the equalizer; the redistributer. If people can't see this, then they are very ignorant, stupid, or they are so entrenched in their ideology that they are blind.

Obama feels that these browns have a right to our country, and all that it contains. I say all invaders need a bounty on their heads!
This is a war on the white man - it is no more complicated than that. They wan't to take our wealth; bring down are way of life. It is obsurd that so many whites voted for their own demise. Wise up dumb whites, illegal aliens don't give a fuck about you or your culture - they are here to rape you!
They threaten to arrest WWII vets but don't threaten to arrest those who either enter the country illegally or aid the illegal entry?

Only with this Moonbat Administration does that make sense
They threaten to arrest WWII vets but don't threaten to arrest those who either enter the country illegally or aid the illegal entry?

Only with this Moonbat Administration does that make sense
What does that tell you? The answer is in my above post :cool:
They threaten to arrest WWII vets but don't threaten to arrest those who either enter the country illegally or aid the illegal entry?

Only with this Moonbat Administration does that make sense

It's criminal. We have a rogue criminal Government at this point. The American Taxpayers will be forced to pay for this disgrace. Some 'Shutdown' ay?
Threatening little ole ladies for taking photos in Yellowstone Park, while bending over backwards to please Illegal Aliens at our National Mall. My God. Nice job Big Brother. Another wonderful success story.
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