RAND: net gain of 9.3 million more insured Americans


According to the Rand Corporation - on March 28, 2014 4.7% more Americans have health insurance than had health insurance at the end of September 2013... cool!

Millions More People Are Getting Health Insurance Because Of Obamacare, Survey Finds

Chris Gentilviso

Nearly one week after White House enrollment numbers showed Obamacare surpassing the seven-million mark, an economist-driven survey is projecting more good news for the Affordable Care Act.

RAND Corporation released its findings Tuesday, showing that the health care law is poised to spur a net gain of 9.3 million more insured Americans. The survey results were collected through March 28, 2014, and respondents will be part of a follow-up later in April, once new data is available.

The important statistic will be number of uninsured after Obamcare is implemented in employee heath plans. 63% of the people get their insurance through their employer. Only 5% have individual insurance.
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9.3 million lost healthcare coverage from the time Bush took office until the PPACA was signed into law in March 2010. By 2012 3.2 million got covered again. If the new numbers are close to correct all 9.3 million citizens that lost healthcare during the Bush administration, have now got coverage back.

The Percent of USA population Covered by Health Insurance is Climbing under the PPACA signed into law March 2010.

The cost of healthcare is bending lower under the PPACA. Note how healthcare cost went way down under Clinton & soared under Reagan, Bush 1 & 2


Blue Line - Health Care Cost / Wages & Salary
Green Line - Health Care Cost / CPI
Red Line - Health Care Cost / GDP
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Funny how we still have fewer people insured than we did when Bush was president, yet you are declaring victory.

How come the people declaring an amazing victory for Obama never mention the 40 plus
million that needed coverage when all this started.and how about the 5 million that lost
coverage because of ObamaCare.

Now all of a sudden we have more people covererd then before....

Either Obama was lying again when he said 48 million people needed coverage.
Or someone's lying now saying we have more people covered.

Pick your liar. :D

here's the problem you have with your post ... the people who you say lost their health care didn't actually lose their health care ... they lost the plan they had to a new one... to imply they lost it is incorrect...

second these are the numbers that have health care you can deny them all you want but these are the facts
1) private health care plan 7.5 million people which has been changed to 9.3 million
2) Medicaid 5.5 million
3) people under 26 3.8 million

so the actual correct number for meople who have signed up for health care would be 18.6 million have signed up for health care ... so your 40 million number should be changed to a correct number.. I'm just saying:lol::lol:

According to the Rand Corporation - on March 28, 2014 4.7% more Americans have health insurance than had health insurance at the end of September 2013... cool!

Millions More People Are Getting Health Insurance Because Of Obamacare, Survey Finds

Chris Gentilviso

Nearly one week after White House enrollment numbers showed Obamacare surpassing the seven-million mark, an economist-driven survey is projecting more good news for the Affordable Care Act.

RAND Corporation released its findings Tuesday, showing that the health care law is poised to spur a net gain of 9.3 million more insured Americans. The survey results were collected through March 28, 2014, and respondents will be part of a follow-up later in April, once new data is available.

Where is the proof of the White House enrollment numbers? So far, not a single shred of proof has been offered to the people of this country. Given that this Administration is so corrupt and lie at the drop of a hat, why should anyone believe them?
Funny how we still have fewer people insured than we did when Bush was president, yet you are declaring victory.

How come the people declaring an amazing victory for Obama never mention the 40 plus
million that needed coverage when all this started.and how about the 5 million that lost
coverage because of ObamaCare.

Now all of a sudden we have more people covererd then before....

Either Obama was lying again when he said 48 million people needed coverage.
Or someone's lying now saying we have more people covered.

Pick your liar. :D

here's the problem you have with your post ... the people who you say lost their health care didn't actually lose their health care ... they lost the plan they had to a new one... to imply they lost it is incorrect...

second these are the numbers that have health care you can deny them all you want but these are the facts
1) private health care plan 7.5 million people which has been changed to 9.3 million
2) Medicaid 5.5 million
3) people under 26 3.8 million

so the actual correct number for meople who have signed up for health care would be 18.6 million have signed up for health care ... so your 40 million number should be changed to a correct number.. I'm just saying:lol::lol:
You offer no proof of your numbers, and then change the goal posts when in fact, 6 million people did lose their insurance. They had it replaced with an more expensive, more wasteful product that does them more direct harm than good.

Nice try, but epic, it is the name of your failure.
They can't even keep their lies straight.

And yet, the Gallup survey came up with essentially the same number as RAND, hmmm.

It's getting more and more difficult for Republicans to deny that Obamacare isn't having an impact on more and more Americans getting health coverage but-----but hopefully Republicans will continue to whine, piss and moan about American citizens getting healthcare thru the next election then-----then thru the following election then-----then thru the following...

Gallup Survey on Obamacare: Percentage Uninsured Falls to 15.6 percent | New Republic

APRIL 7, 2014



The Congressional Budget Office has projected that 13 million Americans will get health insurance because of Obamacare. Gallup's numbers would correspond to a significantly smaller decline, although the numbers depend on what you choose as a starting point. Then again, Gallup's numbers don't account for the end of open enrollment—when, by all accounts, large numbers of people rushed to sign up for coverage. They also don't account for a full year of enrollment in Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program, since people can sign up for those programs all year long.

In short, it seems pretty clear that, because of Obamacare, more people have health insurance. And, yes, that accounts for people who lost existing coverage because insurers cancelled old policies. The question is how big a difference the law is making. And it's going to be a while before anybody knows.


You apparently have a serious comprehension deficiency. :(

you do realize Antares nobody takes a paid poster serious ...
Need I remind you that the Liar In Chief said 7.1 million had enrolled through the Marketplace alone?

This study says that only Although a total of 3.9 million people enrolled in marketplace plans, only 1.4 million of these individuals were previously uninsured. Our marketplace enrollment numbers are lower than those reported by the federal government at least in part because our data do not fully capture the surge in enrollment that occurred in late March 2014

*•Of those who were previously uninsured but are now insured, 7.2 million gained ESI,

*3.6 million are now covered by Medicaid,

*1.4 million have signed up through a marketplace, while the remainder gained coverage through other sources. (previously uninsured)

Bammy 7.1 million through the exchanges....

Ignorant people do not read their own sources.
you do realize antares, nobody takes a paid poster serious
•Among the 7.8 million people who were enrolled in off-marketplace individual market plans in early 2014, 7.3 million were previously insured; 5.4 million were previously insured through an individual market plan.

...and you morons think this study is good news for you?

you do realize antares nobody takes paid posters you serious ...

According to the Rand Corporation - on March 28, 2014 4.7% more Americans have health insurance than had health insurance at the end of September 2013... cool!

Millions More People Are Getting Health Insurance Because Of Obamacare, Survey Finds

Chris Gentilviso

Nearly one week after White House enrollment numbers showed Obamacare surpassing the seven-million mark, an economist-driven survey is projecting more good news for the Affordable Care Act.

RAND Corporation released its findings Tuesday, showing that the health care law is poised to spur a net gain of 9.3 million more insured Americans. The survey results were collected through March 28, 2014, and respondents will be part of a follow-up later in April, once new data is available.



reality is anathema to them.


Try and "read" the article ;)

you do realize antares nobody takes you or your articles serious ... especially coming from a paid poster like you ...
Funny how we still have fewer people insured than we did when Bush was president, yet you are declaring victory.

How come the people declaring an amazing victory for Obama never mention the 40 plus
million that needed coverage when all this started.and how about the 5 million that lost
coverage because of ObamaCare.

Now all of a sudden we have more people covererd then before....

Either Obama was lying again when he said 48 million people needed coverage.
Or someone's lying now saying we have more people covered.

Pick your liar. :D

here's the problem you have with your post ... the people who you say lost their health care didn't actually lose their health care ... they lost the plan they had to a new one... to imply they lost it is incorrect...

second these are the numbers that have health care you can deny them all you want but these are the facts
1) private health care plan 7.5 million people which has been changed to 9.3 million
2) Medicaid 5.5 million
3) people under 26 3.8 million

so the actual correct number for meople who have signed up for health care would be 18.6 million have signed up for health care ... so your 40 million number should be changed to a correct number.. I'm just saying:lol::lol:

You really need to learn how to read hillbilly, apparently you don't understand it either.

The study stated that only 3.9 million got covered through the exchanges and of those ONLY 1.4 million were uninsured prior.
It's a frikken MIRACLE....it's grows by 1 million everyday

praise our dear leader, all bow now

disgusting liars
Funny how we still have fewer people insured than we did when Bush was president, yet you are declaring victory.

You may find it funny that people are unemployed and uninsured but I don't understand your humor... but-----but I agree with the rest of your post because-----because most people get their health insurance through an employer and the Bush economy purged lots-o-jobs but-----but if you want to make that kind of comparison, knock yourself out - but before you do, check out how much worse the percentage of uninsured got on Bush's watch compared to Clinton's.

United States
Percent uninsured, 1999–2012

1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
13.6 13.1 13.5... 13.9 14.6 ..14.3 14.6 15.2 ...14.7 14.9

2009 2010 2011 2012
16.1 16.3 ...15.7 15.4

Dear Star and Quantum:
Why not just have the Parties negotiate insurance packages for their own members?

So if you get screwed, you complain to your own Party and reps.

Many people would NOT mind paying more, in exchange for greater freedoms.
Others would NOT mind giving up freedoms for benefits they'd rather have.

Why not let Parties decide separately, since so many issues are divided on Party lines
anyway? Why not organize separate networks, where citizens receive exemptions no matter which plans they invest in, as long as they agree to them by party or other group?

If the point is to get everyone covered, why not encourage and reward people for organizing the way they want to pay to cover their own health care and members?
RAND: net gain of 9.3 million more insured Americans now puts an end to the ACA portion of Ryan's budget. Smart Pubs are campaigning on "we helped make it better" and "we are going to make it even better."

According to the Rand Corporation - on March 28, 2014 4.7% more Americans have health insurance than had health insurance at the end of September 2013... cool!

Millions More People Are Getting Health Insurance Because Of Obamacare, Survey Finds

Chris Gentilviso

Nearly one week after White House enrollment numbers showed Obamacare surpassing the seven-million mark, an economist-driven survey is projecting more good news for the Affordable Care Act.

RAND Corporation released its findings Tuesday, showing that the health care law is poised to spur a net gain of 9.3 million more insured Americans. The survey results were collected through March 28, 2014, and respondents will be part of a follow-up later in April, once new data is available.


What percentage of those previously had insurance, had it canceled because of the ACA, and were forced to buy it through the government?

More than had no insurance and signed up.
That's the point, hj, everyone is either getting insurance for the first time or better insurance than before. With the 10mm enrolled in Medicare, ACA, and the state exchanges, we GOP cannot stop this, nor should we.

But . . . we should improve it, just as we did with SS, Medicaid, and Medicare, and took the lead on Senior drugs.
That's the point, hj, everyone is either getting insurance for the first time or better insurance than before. With the 10mm enrolled in Medicare, ACA, and the state exchanges, we GOP cannot stop this, nor should we.

But . . . we should improve it, just as we did with SS, Medicaid, and Medicare, and took the lead on Senior drugs.

Simply not true old boy.

It isn't better, it IS more expensive.

Now since you are on record as agreeing with this study.....

Obama said 7.1 MILLION through the Exchanges.....

This study says 3.9.....only 1.4 of which were previously uninsured.

Your Boi lied.

It also says that 7.8 bought OFF Exchange.....BUT of those 7.3 were insured prior.

And then there is this.....Sebilius resigned BECAUSE it has been such a huge success?

Even you aren't that stupid.

Grow up Jake and admit this is not the success the Boi King is claiming.
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RAND: net gain of 9.3 million more insured Americans now puts an end to the ACA portion of Ryan's budget. Smart Pubs are campaigning on "we helped make it better" and "we are going to make it even better."

you are correct my friend.
Funny how we still have fewer people insured than we did when Bush was president, yet you are declaring victory.

How come the people declaring an amazing victory for Obama never mention the 40 plus
million that needed coverage when all this started.and how about the 5 million that lost
coverage because of ObamaCare.

Now all of a sudden we have more people covererd then before....

Either Obama was lying again when he said 48 million people needed coverage.
Or someone's lying now saying we have more people covered.

Pick your liar. :D

here's the problem you have with your post ... the people who you say lost their health care didn't actually lose their health care ... they lost the plan they had to a new one... to imply they lost it is incorrect...

second these are the numbers that have health care you can deny them all you want but these are the facts
1) private health care plan 7.5 million people which has been changed to 9.3 million
2) Medicaid 5.5 million
3) people under 26 3.8 million

so the actual correct number for meople who have signed up for health care would be 18.6 million have signed up for health care ... so your 40 million number should be changed to a correct number.. I'm just saying:lol::lol:
I think the numbers are low because the figures are based on the number of plans sold through the exchanges. Plans sold through brokers and directly from the insurers are not included. A lot of people who could not qualify for a subsidy purchased plans directly from insurance companies and brokers where there were more choice and grandfathered plans available.

We also can expect the number of uninsured to continue to drop when employee plans come under Obamacare because large companies are required to offer health insurance and employers of less than 50 employees will be able to take advantage of Small Business Health Options.

Once we see the increased enrollment in employee sponsored plans which is where most of us get our insurance, we will have a complete picture as to how effective Obamacare has been at reducing the uninsured.
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