Rand Paul Blames 'Lack Of Fathers' For Baltimore Protests

Having black fathers around wouldn't matter anyway. They're feral savages by nature. It is instilled in them. They are impulsive creatures with a genetic habit to self destruct and wreck havoc on civilized society they exist in. Rand needs to get a clue.

Yeah, kinda like that priveledge savage with both parents, that gunned down 21 babies in school, or the privy savage on trial today for gunning down innocent people in a movie theater, or that german savage that toasted 12 million jews, or that white savage of american history that burned, tortured, enslaved and hung millions upon millions of blacks....gotcha!!!
Actually, Rand is right, but there are very few black fathers. Most of them are baby daddies. A father sticks around to raise his kids, give them guidance and instill values. We don't see very many of them.

I don't think you want black men conveying their values to their illegitimate children. Lest they become like their fathers.
That's what the problem is right now. Fatherless black men begetting fatherless black sons. Once you break the cycle things will improve.

remember the guy shot in South Carolina for resisting arrest? What was he resisting? The warrant out for his unpaid child support. There's a metaphor to be found somewhere in all of that.
Actually, Rand is right, but there are very few black fathers. Most of them are baby daddies. A father sticks around to raise his kids, give them guidance and instill values. We don't see very many of them.

I don't think you want black men conveying their values to their illegitimate children. Lest they become like their fathers.
That's what the problem is right now. Fatherless black men begetting fatherless black sons. Once you break the cycle things will improve.

No, the problem is irresponsible black children screwing each other because our society doesn't punish those who are irresponsible with poverty. We simply subsidize it. See below

How many other ways can old white men think of to blame Blacks for police violence?

No violence, no deviance, no lawlessness, fewer police. More violence, more deviance, more lawlessness, the higher the likelihood that police are going to make mistakes. If you want sympathy from me look in the dictionary between "shit" and "syphilis."
Actually, Rand is right, but there are very few black fathers. Most of them are baby daddies. A father sticks around to raise his kids, give them guidance and instill values. We don't see very many of them.

I don't think you want black men conveying their values to their illegitimate children. Lest they become like their fathers.
Perhaps I should have been more specific..."moral values".
Actually, Rand is right, but there are very few black fathers. Most of them are baby daddies. A father sticks around to raise his kids, give them guidance and instill values. We don't see very many of them.

I don't think you want black men conveying their values to their illegitimate children. Lest they become like their fathers.
That's what the problem is right now. Fatherless black men begetting fatherless black sons. Once you break the cycle things will improve.

No, the problem is irresponsible black children screwing each other because our society doesn't punish those who are irresponsible with poverty. We simply subsidize it.

No, the problem is a society of nigga's who don't value themselves enough to know that outside there's a world free of illegitimate children, that promises a career and comfortable life if you're willing to work for it. When we start making these nigga's pay child support, they'll zip that thing up and think the next time they wip it out.
I'd never expect Rand Paul to have an original thought.

"Original" ?

THe destructive impact of single mothers has been known since the late 60s.

Rand Paul might as well have made the shocking announcement that water makes things wet.
How many other ways can old white men think of to blame Blacks for police violence?

No violence, no deviance, no lawlessness, fewer police. More violence, more deviance, more lawlessness, the higher the likelihood that police are going to make mistakes. If you want sympathy from me look in the dictionary between "shit" and "syphilis."

Tell you what preacher boy, when these mistakes start happening in the white community, than lets talk. Until then, miss me on the bs, k?
Actually, Rand is right, but there are very few black fathers. Most of them are baby daddies. A father sticks around to raise his kids, give them guidance and instill values. We don't see very many of them.

I don't think you want black men conveying their values to their illegitimate children. Lest they become like their fathers.
That's what the problem is right now. Fatherless black men begetting fatherless black sons. Once you break the cycle things will improve.

No, the problem is irresponsible black children screwing each other because our society doesn't punish those who are irresponsible with poverty. We simply subsidize it.

No, the problem is a society of nigga's who don't value themselves enough to know that outside there's a world free of illegitimate children, that promises a career and comfortable life if you're willing to work for it. When we start making these nigga's pay child support, they'll zip that thing up and think the next time they wip it out.
The problem is these guys just dont believe they are long for this earth and their mission is to get as many women pregnant as possible. Thats what happens when people believe they are being wiped out.
Having black fathers around wouldn't matter anyway. They're feral savages by nature. It is instilled in them. They are impulsive creatures with a genetic habit to self destruct and wreck havoc on civilized society they exist in. Rand needs to get a clue.

Yeah, kinda like that priveledge savage with both parents, that gunned down 21 babies in school, or the privy savage on trial today for gunning down innocent people in a movie theater, or that german savage that toasted 12 million jews, or that white savage of american history that burned, tortured, enslaved and hung millions upon millions of blacks....gotcha!!!
All irrelevant
I'd never expect Rand Paul to have an original thought.

"Original" ?

THe destructive impact of single mothers has been known since the late 60s.

Rand Paul might as well have made the shocking announcement that water makes things wet.

What has devastated the black community isn't a lack of black men, what makes our communities suffer is a lack of black men with character and morals. Brown had a black man in his life....dude was thuggier than the kid. Black people are victims of not embracing and acknowledging their rich history. I blame this on white america!! From the time a nigga baby is born, all they see are white images of beauty, white this, white that....no wonder they grow up loathing themselves and not valuing themselves.
How many other ways can old white men think of to blame Blacks for police violence?

No violence, no deviance, no lawlessness, fewer police. More violence, more deviance, more lawlessness, the higher the likelihood that police are going to make mistakes. If you want sympathy from me look in the dictionary between "shit" and "syphilis."
The cops broke his neck while he was in custody. Do you suppose those criminal police asked who his father was?

Could it be possible that there is a criminal conspiracy among some police? Could it be that police tactics are not protecting and serving the community?

Blame the victim is the exclusive province of those without the insight to believe that wrong is done by the very police who are hired to protect and serve. And that's pathetic because without that realization, the problem will never get solved.
Actually, Rand is right, but there are very few black fathers. Most of them are baby daddies. A father sticks around to raise his kids, give them guidance and instill values. We don't see very many of them.

I don't think you want black men conveying their values to their illegitimate children. Lest they become like their fathers.
That's what the problem is right now. Fatherless black men begetting fatherless black sons. Once you break the cycle things will improve.

remember the guy shot in South Carolina for resisting arrest? What was he resisting? The warrant out for his unpaid child support. There's a metaphor to be found somewhere in all of that.
Don't fuck women who you aren't married to?
Actually, Rand is right, but there are very few black fathers. Most of them are baby daddies. A father sticks around to raise his kids, give them guidance and instill values. We don't see very many of them.

I don't think you want black men conveying their values to their illegitimate children. Lest they become like their fathers.
That's what the problem is right now. Fatherless black men begetting fatherless black sons. Once you break the cycle things will improve.

No, the problem is irresponsible black children screwing each other because our society doesn't punish those who are irresponsible with poverty. We simply subsidize it.

No, the problem is a society of nigga's who don't value themselves enough to know that outside there's a world free of illegitimate children, that promises a career and comfortable life if you're willing to work for it. When we start making these nigga's pay child support, they'll zip that thing up and think the next time they wip it out.
The problem is these guys just dont believe they are long for this earth and their mission is to get as many women pregnant as possible. Thats what happens when people believe they are being wiped out.

Okay, so that's the nigga's excuse, now what is Becky's excuse?????
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