Rand Paul calls for Chris Christie beer summit

Wow, like this sounds so familiar..

Where did I hear this before??

Sen. Rand Paul once again put forward his desire for a truce with Gov. Chris Christie on Wednesday afternoon, inviting the New Jersey politician for a beer so that they could “kiss and makeup” and discuss ideas.

“With Gov. Christie it’s gotten a little too personal, so we’re ready to kiss and makeup,” the Kentucky Republican said to Fox’s Neil Cavuto. “I think it’s time to dial it down. I think we’ve got enough Democrats to attack and maybe Republicans can quit attacking Republicans.”

Read more: Rand Paul calls for Chris Christie beer summit - Breanna Edwards - POLITICO.com

Fuck that fat sow. The only thing Chrissy is good at is shoveling food in his cake hole.

Paul should have invited him to a BUFFET SUMMIT. Chrissy would have shown up for the food.
I can't wait for Republicans trying to turn bipartisanship by Christie into a campaign issue

Oh it's coming.

These folks take their marching orders from Rush. And he already got that meme out.

Christie will hand their heads to them with stories of disaster relief

I pity the GOP candidate who tries to play that card

Oh lookie here... we've got a real fucking libtard reach around party going on here... talk about fucking LOSERS.
Oh it's coming.

These folks take their marching orders from Rush. And he already got that meme out.

Christie will hand their heads to them with stories of disaster relief

I pity the GOP candidate who tries to play that card

Oh lookie here... we've got a real fucking libtard reach around party going on here... talk about fucking LOSERS.

Lets talk about some losers.....

Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Rick Santorum, Paul Ryan

Who else ya got?
Wow, like this sounds so familiar..

Where did I hear this before??

Sen. Rand Paul once again put forward his desire for a truce with Gov. Chris Christie on Wednesday afternoon, inviting the New Jersey politician for a beer so that they could “kiss and makeup” and discuss ideas.

“With Gov. Christie it’s gotten a little too personal, so we’re ready to kiss and makeup,” the Kentucky Republican said to Fox’s Neil Cavuto. “I think it’s time to dial it down. I think we’ve got enough Democrats to attack and maybe Republicans can quit attacking Republicans.”

Read more: Rand Paul calls for Chris Christie beer summit - Breanna Edwards - POLITICO.com

Fuck that fat sow. The only thing Chrissy is good at is shoveling food in his cake hole.

Paul should have invited him to a BUFFET SUMMIT. Chrissy would have shown up for the food.

Christie will be down 100 lbs by election time
Still 97% liberals in this thread supporting Christie.

It tells you all you need to know.

Christie should run as a Democrat, he'd be a shoe in for the nomination.
Still 97% liberals in this thread supporting Christie.

It tells you all you need to know.

Christie should run as a Democrat, he'd be a shoe in for the nomination.

Then who will Republicans have left to nominate?
You said he'd "alter civil rights." As there is no right to violate anybody's private property, simply a government grant to do so, Rand's statement would in no way "alter" civil rights. One must respect the property rights of a racist the same way one respects their right to free speech. In fact, it's their property rights that give them a right to free speech in the first place.

Yeah..and that was correct. The civil rights movement started because of institutional racism that was not only in government, but "private" businesses. These business are in a large part supported by public taxes. They are also the means to distribute goods and services. Denying people access to that, is denying people equality. So in enhances what Rand was talking about was a return to Jim Crow for the private sector.

I believe the point Rand was making was that the U.S. aided the rebels in Libya to disastrous results, and that doing the same thing in Syria would also have blowback against the U.S.

That's fine. He picked the wrong forum to do it in.

Give us an example of how private businesses are supported by public taxes. I'm not saying you're wrong, because there are plenty of examples. The bailouts come to mind, but those were specific cases. How are private businesses, in general, supported by public taxes?

It's your opinion that he picked the wrong forum. That the hearing was regarding blowback for U.S. involvement in one civil war seems as good a place as any to point out that doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results might not be the best policy.

Really? You can't figure out that IF you open a store front in your favorite city, that the customers you hope to attract and prosper with, all drove to your store on roads that the public paid for. Or maybe the took public transportation. Paid for by the public. When the fire next door starts, the public paid for fire dept will come and keep your store from burning down. Or when you get robbed and shot the public paid for EMT's and police dept will come to your aid.

I could go on but now I can really see how the public paying for services wouldn't help the private business owner at all. LMAO.
Yeah..and that was correct. The civil rights movement started because of institutional racism that was not only in government, but "private" businesses. These business are in a large part supported by public taxes. They are also the means to distribute goods and services. Denying people access to that, is denying people equality. So in enhances what Rand was talking about was a return to Jim Crow for the private sector.

That's fine. He picked the wrong forum to do it in.

Give us an example of how private businesses are supported by public taxes. I'm not saying you're wrong, because there are plenty of examples. The bailouts come to mind, but those were specific cases. How are private businesses, in general, supported by public taxes?

It's your opinion that he picked the wrong forum. That the hearing was regarding blowback for U.S. involvement in one civil war seems as good a place as any to point out that doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results might not be the best policy.

Really? You can't figure out that IF you open a store front in your favorite city, that the customers you hope to attract and prosper with, all drove to your store on roads that the public paid for. Or maybe the took public transportation. Paid for by the public. When the fire next door starts, the public paid for fire dept will come and keep your store from burning down. Or when you get robbed and shot the public paid for EMT's and police dept will come to your aid.

I could go on but now I can really see how the public paying for services wouldn't help the private business owner at all. LMAO.

The same is true of my house. Should I be forced to open my door for one and all?
Then who will Republicans have left to nominate?

A conservative.

Exactly........a conservative who will suffer the worst loss in 30 years

Care to name your favorite conservative sacrificial lamb?


We just ran a liberal vs. a slightly less liberal, and lost...due to turn out.

This early in the game, I have no idea who should be the nominee, but personally, I'd like to see Senator Tom Coburn of Oklahoma throw his hat in the ring.

P.S. - You had to stipulate 30 years... The Democrats will ALWAYS hold the record for most crushing defeat of all time...Rea
gan/Mondale 1984.

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A conservative.

Exactly........a conservative who will suffer the worst loss in 30 years

Care to name your favorite conservative sacrificial lamb?


We just ran a liberal vs. a slightly less liberal, and lost...due to turn out.

This early in the game, I have no idea who should be the nominee, but personally, I'd like to see Senator Tom Coburn of Oklahoma throw his hat in the ring.

P.S. - You had to stipulate 30 years... The Democrats will ALWAYS hold the record for most crushing defeat of all time...Rea
gan/Mondale 1984.


And done by a bonafide treasonous traitor to this Country.

Ronald "Iran/Contra" Reagan.

The man who brought us Osama Bin Laden.

A conservative.

Exactly........a conservative who will suffer the worst loss in 30 years

Care to name your favorite conservative sacrificial lamb?


We just ran a liberal vs. a slightly less liberal, and lost...due to turn out.

This early in the game, I have no idea who should be the nominee, but personally, I'd like to see Senator Tom Coburn of Oklahoma throw his hat in the ring.

P.S. - You had to stipulate 30 years... The Democrats will ALWAYS hold the record for most crushing defeat of all time...Rea
gan/Mondale 1984.

YES! The 1984 Election Day Massacre.
Exactly........a conservative who will suffer the worst loss in 30 years

Care to name your favorite conservative sacrificial lamb?


We just ran a liberal vs. a slightly less liberal, and lost...due to turn out.

This early in the game, I have no idea who should be the nominee, but personally, I'd like to see Senator Tom Coburn of Oklahoma throw his hat in the ring.

P.S. - You had to stipulate 30 years... The Democrats will ALWAYS hold the record for most crushing defeat of all time...Rea
gan/Mondale 1984.

YES! The 1984 Election Day Massacre.
In 1984 Reagan was running for reelection against a stiff called Mondale.

Republicans have nobody with Reagan's charisma and Dems aren't running a Mondale

Still waiting for your dream Conservative..........ready?

Run Rand Paul and the map will poke the opposite

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