Rand Paul is Filibustering John Brennan

Well, considering the President didn't respond 8 1/2 hours ago, one has to ask why is the President so hesitant to say he wont kill American citizens without due process?

Because it is a question aimed for political points not for governmental philosophy.

The question is disrespectful, very much so, and the great majority of the country in this case would support a "fuck you" from Obama.

Asking a President a question to clarify statements his administration has made is disrespectful?

If Holder hadn't been claiming that they could kill Americans without due process, this wouldnt be an issue.

No, you are acting like a fascist swine. Holder answered. There will be no more answers from the admin if it has any honor at all. In no way can they lower themselves to your level.
Because it is a question aimed for political points not for governmental philosophy.

The question is disrespectful, very much so, and the great majority of the country in this case would support a "fuck you" from Obama.

Asking a President a question to clarify statements his administration has made is disrespectful?

If Holder hadn't been claiming that they could kill Americans without due process, this wouldnt be an issue.

No, you are acting like a fascist swine. Holder answered. There will be no more answers from the admin if it has any honor at all. In no way can they lower themselves to your level.

Since when has this administration had any honor? And no they didn't answer. Hence, the fillibuster.

And you cant lower yourself to a level significant higher than yourself.
Well, considering the President didn't respond 8 1/2 hours ago, one has to ask why is the President so hesitant to say he wont kill American citizens without due process?

Because it is a question aimed for political points not for governmental philosophy.

The question is disrespectful, very much so, and the great majority of the country in this case would support a "fuck you" from Obama.

Asking a President a question to clarify statements his administration has made is disrespectful?

If Holder hadn't been claiming that they could kill Americans without due process, this wouldnt be an issue.

Any citizen who resists the lawful attempts of LEO to arrest and detain him is fair game.

That means you, that means me.
Asking a President a question to clarify statements his administration has made is disrespectful?

If Holder hadn't been claiming that they could kill Americans without due process, this wouldnt be an issue.

No, you are acting like a fascist swine. Holder answered. There will be no more answers from the admin if it has any honor at all. In no way can they lower themselves to your level.

Since when has this administration had any honor? And no they didn't answer. Hence, the fillibuster. And you cant lower yourself to a level significant higher than yourself.

Your levels are in the sewer. Yes, Holder answered the question. I am very sure there will be no further answers, and honor demands there be none.

Flee to Pakistan now, Avatar.
Why hasnt the President ended this then?

Because the weight and honor of the office prevent him from cheapening it.

He used his surrogates to accuse a his campaign opponent of murder. The supreme arrogance he speaks with just about every time he opens his mouth cheapens the weight and honor of the office.

Deflection and lack of honesty do not help your position at all, only degrades it.

You cheapen the American dream and honor every time you post on this.
The reactionaries and libertarians on the board are dishonoring America: for shame. We would hope they had been raised by their communities better.
Killing whomever he wants without dues process? Whoopdeedoo, who believes this kind of shit?

Well, considering the President didn't respond 8 1/2 hours ago, one has to ask why is the President so hesitant to say he wont kill American citizens without due process?

:laugh2: see what I mean?

"When did that man stop beating his wife?":cuckoo:
Because the weight and honor of the office prevent him from cheapening it.

He used his surrogates to accuse a his campaign opponent of murder. The supreme arrogance he speaks with just about every time he opens his mouth cheapens the weight and honor of the office.

Deflection and lack of honesty do not help your position at all, only degrades it.

You cheapen the American dream and honor every time you post on this.

I havent deflected or been dishonest. but i can see that hasnt stopped you from doing so.

Rand Paul is manufacturing fear. He has no shame.

And Obama was doing what with all his apocalyptic sequester talk? Would that fall under having no shame as well?

Absolutely. Any more tu quoque red herrings you wish to toss in at this time?

It was a simple question to see if your consistent in what you consider fear mongering and FYI I don't fish so I have no red herrings to toss.
I know. 9 hours and the President still hasnt said he wont kill American people. They should have an easy time making fun of the President this week.

The idiocy of the question would probably be the low-hanging fruit of the season for SNL. Hope it continues.

Funny thing is, Im sure if anyone asked Hitler whether he was killing jews, the Hitler supporters would have said the exact same thing about thatbeing an idiotic question. Don't you think the people might have been better off knowing?

This is the oath your President has taken twice:

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

Assuming you've heard of the Constitution, that covers Senator Paul's inane and asinine question. Perhaps you could clue the Senator into the oath and it's ramifications there.
Killing whomever he wants without dues process? Whoopdeedoo, who believes this kind of shit?

Well, considering the President didn't respond 8 1/2 hours ago, one has to ask why is the President so hesitant to say he wont kill American citizens without due process?

:laugh2: see what I mean?

"When did that man stop beating his wife?":cuckoo:

You act as if this isn't a direct response to Holder's statements asserting power to do exactly what Rand is questioning on. If the administration doesn't want to be asked questions that should be obvious to any thinking person, they need to stop making statements that puts their position on the topic in doubt.
I know. 9 hours and the President still hasnt said he wont kill American people. They should have an easy time making fun of the President this week.

The idiocy of the question would probably be the low-hanging fruit of the season for SNL. Hope it continues.

Funny thing is, Im sure if anyone asked Hitler whether he was killing jews, the Hitler supporters would have said the exact same thing about thatbeing an idiotic question. Don't you think the people might have been better off knowing?

PS: Points off for invoking the Nazi card.

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