Rand Paul is Filibustering John Brennan

The idiocy of the question would probably be the low-hanging fruit of the season for SNL. Hope it continues.

Funny thing is, Im sure if anyone asked Hitler whether he was killing jews, the Hitler supporters would have said the exact same thing about thatbeing an idiotic question. Don't you think the people might have been better off knowing?

This is the oath your President has taken twice:

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

Assuming you've heard of the Constitution, that covers Senator Paul's inane and asinine question. Perhaps you could clue the Senator into the oath and it's ramifications there.

And the fact that he's violated the Constitution since day 1 doesn't put any doubt into your mind? I suppose if the Bush administration had claimed the right to kill American citizens of their choosing without Due Process, you'd be perfectly alright with it because George Bush made an oath to uphold the Constitution.

I wouldn't. But I guess when there is a D next to the President's name, it doesnt matter what he does.
The idiocy of the question would probably be the low-hanging fruit of the season for SNL. Hope it continues.

Funny thing is, Im sure if anyone asked Hitler whether he was killing jews, the Hitler supporters would have said the exact same thing about thatbeing an idiotic question. Don't you think the people might have been better off knowing?

PS: Points off for invoking the Nazi card.

Points off of what? You cant excuse yourself of looking at applicable analogies simply because you don't like them. The analogy is on point. In fact, it's very apt since in both instances we are talking about over intrusive government and their power to kill people without due process.
The idiocy of the question would probably be the low-hanging fruit of the season for SNL. Hope it continues.

Funny thing is, Im sure if anyone asked Hitler whether he was killing jews, the Hitler supporters would have said the exact same thing about thatbeing an idiotic question. Don't you think the people might have been better off knowing?

You theoretically connect Hitler to Obama? Shove off, Avatar4321. I thought you had some decency. That was wrong.

When you can't do anything else, you play the Nazi card.


he he he....now thats funny...
I'm really surprised by the reaction of some of the left here over this it's a good old fashion Mr Smith goes to Washington filibuster that I understand has the support of the ACLU and Code Pink what is there not for the left to like here?
The idiocy of the question would probably be the low-hanging fruit of the season for SNL. Hope it continues.

Funny thing is, Im sure if anyone asked Hitler whether he was killing jews, the Hitler supporters would have said the exact same thing about thatbeing an idiotic question. Don't you think the people might have been better off knowing?

You theoretically connect Hitler to Obama? Shove off, Avatar4321. I thought you had some decency. That was wrong.

You mean to compare totalitarians who are both claiming the right to kill their citizens?

The analogy is apt. And you can't handle that. Much more noble to put your head in the sand and ignore what's going on. However, I don't want the blood of innocent people on my hands.

See, I like living in a Free Republic. I don't like when people seem to think they know better than me how to run my life. Nor do I like politicians who think they have the right to kill their people. I'm just crazy that way.

How the heck do you justify all this? You think when we stand before our Maker on the day of Judgment he's going to be happy with you doing nothing to stop this evil among us? Think He will be happy that you defended this evil to the point of attacking those who have the decency to question the madness and do something about it?

Unfortunately, you are so emotional about the topic you can't see the truth. That's why you won't acknowledge the fact that Im completely right with my analogy.
Funny thing is, Im sure if anyone asked Hitler whether he was killing jews, the Hitler supporters would have said the exact same thing about thatbeing an idiotic question. Don't you think the people might have been better off knowing?

You theoretically connect Hitler to Obama? Shove off, Avatar4321. I thought you had some decency. That was wrong.

When you can't do anything else, you play the Nazi card.

Really? That's funny, considering I've been giving you plenty of other points.

Are you really going to claim that Hitler's supporters would have said anything different than you just said about Obama?
Funny thing is, Im sure if anyone asked Hitler whether he was killing jews, the Hitler supporters would have said the exact same thing about thatbeing an idiotic question. Don't you think the people might have been better off knowing?

This is the oath your President has taken twice:

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

Assuming you've heard of the Constitution, that covers Senator Paul's inane and asinine question. Perhaps you could clue the Senator into the oath and it's ramifications there.

And the fact that he's violated the Constitution since day 1 doesn't put any doubt into your mind?
Okay...what did he violate that others in his office haven't violated?

And no, it doesn't put any doubt into my mind.

I suppose if the Bush administration had claimed the right to kill American citizens of their choosing without Due Process, you'd be perfectly alright with it because George Bush made an oath to uphold the Constitution.
The same administration coined the term "enemy combatants" to get around POW laws, interred many at Gitmo for years without due process, refused to be sworn in for his own 9/11 Commission about his actions....gee

So Obama said he would kill Americans indiscriminately?

I wouldn't. But I guess when there is a D next to the President's name, it doesnt matter what he does.

When you apply common sense to this manufactured "crisis", Rand Paul doesn't matter.
Funny thing is, Im sure if anyone asked Hitler whether he was killing jews, the Hitler supporters would have said the exact same thing about thatbeing an idiotic question. Don't you think the people might have been better off knowing?

PS: Points off for invoking the Nazi card.

Points off of what? You cant excuse yourself of looking at applicable analogies simply because you don't like them. The analogy is on point. In fact, it's very apt since in both instances we are talking about over intrusive government and their power to kill people without due process.

If it has to be explained to you, you're dumber than I tell people. And that is saying quite a bit.
He used his surrogates to accuse a his campaign opponent of murder. The supreme arrogance he speaks with just about every time he opens his mouth cheapens the weight and honor of the office.

Deflection and lack of honesty do not help your position at all, only degrades it.

You cheapen the American dream and honor every time you post on this.

I havent deflected or been dishonest. but i can see that hasnt stopped you from doing so.

You are dishonorable as the bushies were for their side.
The reactionaries and libertarians on the board are dishonoring America: for shame. We would hope they had been raised by their communities better.

Why do you hate liberty and truth so damn much?

"Liberty and truth" in your mouth are snakes and flies. You would substitute the Rule of Man for the Rule of Law, a society of "equals" for the Constitution.

You are as wrong for Americas as were the neo-cons and the lefties.

But their is hope in the future for tAmerica in the candidacies of the Christies, the Jindalls, the Martinezes, etc.

This country will never be governed by the likes of you. The likes of you don't even govern in Utah County.
You can yield for a question without yielding the floor. He's getting help from other Senators by their wanting to ask questions of Paul thus giving him a break.

Sort of a pussy way to do it but it's perfectly acceptable in RROO.

He has not left the Senate floor, I don't see anything pussy in letting other people ask pertinent questions.

If it wasn't orchestrated I'd agree. It's just another ploy and sadly some people can't see that.

Are you telling me that Republicans and Democrats are orchestrating a filibuster for civil liberties? OMG, how can we let them get away with that?
"We really just want [Obama] to say he won't" attack noncombatants on U.S. soil. Sounds like the next demand will be Obama prove he is really a US citizen. :laugh2:

Who besides wingnuts and moonbats takes this kind of shit seriously?

That covers just about everyone, doesn't it?

all the extremists .. yes

You think the ACLU is extreme? By the way, both Wyden and Cruz already voted to allow the nomination to proceed, so you cannot cal them extremists.
He has not left the Senate floor, I don't see anything pussy in letting other people ask pertinent questions.

If it wasn't orchestrated I'd agree. It's just another ploy and sadly some people can't see that.

Are you telling me that Republicans and Democrats are orchestrating a filibuster for civil liberties? OMG, how can we let them get away with that?

I wonder if the lefties would cheering for Paul if this was a Bush or the nominee of a Republican President? Personally I find this to be one of the most interesting things to happen in Washington in a very long time dam refreshing if you ask me.
He has not left the Senate floor, I don't see anything pussy in letting other people ask pertinent questions.

If it wasn't orchestrated I'd agree. It's just another ploy and sadly some people can't see that.

Are you telling me that Republicans and Democrats are orchestrating a filibuster for civil liberties? OMG, how can we let them get away with that?


The way a filibuster is supposed to work if you have to balls to do one is that you hold the floor and yield for spontaneous questions that arise from your filibuster....

For example, if you don't want John Brennan to be seated as CIA director, you bring up something about Brennan, other senators hear your concerns and ask questions.

The way this is working is that there is an orchestration of questions being asked to sustain the act itself.

Perfectly "legal" under RROO but much like winning with a stacked deck, not honorable.
Killing whomever he wants without dues process? Whoopdeedoo, who believes this kind of shit?

Well, considering the President didn't respond 8 1/2 hours ago, one has to ask why is the President so hesitant to say he wont kill American citizens without due process?

Because it is a question aimed for political points not for governmental philosophy.

The question is disrespectful, very much so, and the great majority of the country in this case would support a "fuck you" from Obama.

You don't have Twitter, do you? He is getting a lot of support from both sides of the aisle.
Well, considering the President didn't respond 8 1/2 hours ago, one has to ask why is the President so hesitant to say he wont kill American citizens without due process?

Because it is a question aimed for political points not for governmental philosophy.

The question is disrespectful, very much so, and the great majority of the country in this case would support a "fuck you" from Obama.

You don't have Twitter, do you? He is getting a lot of support from both sides of the aisle.


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