Rand Paul ruins the liberals' Apple show-trial (video)

Never knew cons to be fans of Apple, but now that they join so many corporations in offshoring funds ....
Never knew cons to be fans of Apple, but now that they join so many corporations in offshoring funds ....
Bring the funds back home.....

Do away with the tax code, rewrite it to common sense levels, without the complexity, and undercut the rest of the world with lower taxes.

We'll have more money than we can count pouring BACK into this country.

Or just continue on in your ignorance and put down people who disagree with you.

We need more people like the Senator from Kentucky.
I agree with him on the tax code. So do this, lower the tax rate to 15%-20% and eliminate loopholes such as the laws which allow inter-company transfer of technology to lower tax jurisdictions, which is a charade. If you do this, the taxes Apple will pay to the US government will rise.

FTR, corporate taxes as a percentage of GDP is at the lowest level in over 80 years.
Do you really think Democrats would change it if they could? Why haven't they?
Well, for one thing, Republicans control the House, so it would never get out of the House if Republicans are against it.

Democrats controlled it previously. Did they make any meaningful efforts to reform the tax code then?
Do you know any company that was abusing the loopholes when Democrats controlled the House? I don't think that loopholes were considered a problem when they were first introduced. They are a problem now, and Republicans don't care, and Democrats are making an effort to get rid of them now, that's what counts.

Sorry, I just can't abide partisan cheerleading, or excuse-making for that matter. The Democrats aren't the stalwart defenders of the working man, and the Republicans aren't champions for free markets. The leadership of both parties is dominated by corporatists.

But you're okay with Rand Paul's cheerleading a corporation that is raping America? As for the Democrats not being the stalwart defenders of the working man, how many programs have the Republicans passed that benefit the middle-class and below?
We need more people like the Senator from Kentucky.

Oh sure, so they can get rid of Civil Right Laws, allow corporations to invent ways to shortchange America of revenue and take us back 50 years? No thanks.
...how many programs have the Republicans passed that benefit the middle-class and below?

I don't know or care. I have exactly no interest in defending Republicans, but creating programs to reward some classes and penalize others is bad government.
...how many programs have the Republicans passed that benefit the middle-class and below?

I don't know or care. I have exactly no interest in defending Republicans, but creating programs to reward some classes and penalize others is bad government.

If you don't know and don't care, you shouldn't make statements like "the Democrats aren't the stalwart defenders of the working man" because if it wasn't for the Democrats, the rich would be the only ones benefitting.
Apple used our own tax laws to save the money they earned.

Liberals think that's wrong.

I'd like to see how many of them send the IRS extra money every year.
If you don't know and don't care, you shouldn't make statements like "the Democrats aren't the stalwart defenders of the working man" because if it wasn't for the Democrats, the rich would be the only ones benefitting.

But it is because of Democrats that the rich are the only ones benefiting.

Well, Ben Bernanke is a Republican so they had the help of one Republican I suppose.

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Yeah, Ayn Rand Paul wants some of that tech money in his political coffers. Little weasel...

No, it's liberal politicians and their government dependents who want that money going to them. No one should pay high taxes. The government needs to stop wasting money like spending addicts and wanting more and more each time.
If you don't know and don't care, you shouldn't make statements like "the Democrats aren't the stalwart defenders of the working man" because if it wasn't for the Democrats, the rich would be the only ones benefitting.

But it is because of Democrats that the rich are the only ones benefiting.

Well, Ben Bernanke is a Republican so they had the help of one Republican I suppose.


The rich are the only ones benefitting from the programs passed by Democrats?

You care to elaborate, or is this another one of those times where you jump in and make a statement that is not related to the gist of the conversation?
The rich are the only ones benefitting from the programs passed by Democrats?

You care to elaborate, or is this another one of those times where you jump in and make a statement that is not related to the gist of the conversation?

No, it's just your inability to understand economically references. The chart explains it all.
The rich are the only ones benefitting from the programs passed by Democrats?

You care to elaborate, or is this another one of those times where you jump in and make a statement that is not related to the gist of the conversation?

No, it's just your inability to understand economically references. The chart explains it all.

We weren't talking economics, so FAIL.
We weren't talking economics, so FAIL.

But I am, and apparently you are too. You said, "because if it wasn't for the Democrats, the rich would be the only ones benefitting [sic]." So you are not talking economics, but you mention the words Rich and Middle-Class and then you occasionally use the words 'corporations.' Simple financial terms fail you. Not to mention, this thread is about a tax trial of an American company who chooses to avoid paying American income taxes. This thread has everything to do with economics. If this isn't your forte, then you shouldn't be discussing these things.

To your response, I have shown how the rich are the only ones benefiting from this economy. The chart I presented shows how the DOW has reacted due to the polices under a Democrat Administration and the FOMC which is headed by a Republican, as the DOW has surged and then some. Evidently, this recovery is only a recovery for the rich.

You are free to explain why I am wrong, or dodge issues above your pay grade. It matters not.
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I agree with him on the tax code. So do this, lower the tax rate to 15%-20% and eliminate loopholes such as the laws which allow inter-company transfer of technology to lower tax jurisdictions, which is a charade. If you do this, the taxes Apple will pay to the US government will rise.

15% is already the minimum. Why not just lower that to 10%?

FTR, corporate taxes as a percentage of GDP is at the lowest level in over 80 years.

Maybe countries have lower corporate taxes as a percentage of GDP, but the US is still higher as a percentage than most.
We weren't talking economics, so FAIL.

But I am, and apparently you are too. You said, "because if it wasn't for the Democrats, the rich would be the only ones benefitting [sic]." So you are not talking economics, but you mention the words Rich and Middle-Class and then you occasionally use the words 'corporations.' Simple financial terms fail you. Not to mention, this thread is about a tax trial of an American company who chooses to avoid paying American income taxes. This thread has everything to do with economics. If this isn't your forte, then you shouldn't be discussing these things.

To your response, I have shown how the rich are the only ones benefiting from this economy. The chart I presented shows how the DOW has reacted due to the polices under a Democrat Administration and the FOMC which is headed by a Republican, as the DOW has surged and then some. Evidently, this recovery is only a recovery for the rich.

You are free to explain why I am wrong, or dodge issues above your pay grade. It matters not.

This thread is about Rand Paul and Apple's devious method of avoiding taxes. If you want to talk economics, go ahead, but you'll have to talk to yourself. I'm not interested in carrying on a conversation with someone that goes off track and wants to talk about themselves and how much they think they know.

Have a good day!
This thread is about Rand Paul and Apple's devious method of avoiding taxes. If you want to talk economics, go ahead, but you'll have to talk to yourself.

Then maybe you should stay on topic then:

But you're okay with Rand Paul's cheerleading a corporation that is raping America? As for the Democrats not being the stalwart defenders of the working man, how many programs have the Republicans passed that benefit the middle-class and below?

If you don't know and don't care, you shouldn't make statements like "the Democrats aren't the stalwart defenders of the working man" because if it wasn't for the Democrats, the rich would be the only ones benefitting.

I'm not interested in carrying on a conversation with someone that goes off track and wants to talk about themselves and how much they think they know.

Have a good day!

You made an erroneous statement, and I corrected you as always. If you don't want it to happen, perhaps you should choose your words carefully or do your research before typing making false blanket statements. It really isn't my fault that you can't think about what you post before posting.

You're welcome.
I certainly hear this view expressed in the healthcare debate with fair frequency.

You hear that some think "profiting" is unscrupulous as in the insurance companies, the caregivers, or who?

I've seen the claim, repeatedly, that profit has "no place" in health care. Presumably they think it should all be a matter of charity and altruism.

But the point I'm making isn't that some people are irrational - but that Congress has no genuine intent to change things. They're just putting on a show - nothing better than righteous indignation to fire up the electorate.

There is nothing wrong with the healthcare industry making a profit. But when they make the largest profits in America by double I have a problem with that. In America we pay about double for healthcare compared to what the rest of the world pays and the no-minds think that's OK,,I have a huge problem with that. If our healthcare was twice as good as the rest of the world, then I'd be OK, but the US doesn't even have the best healthcare!


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There is nothing wrong with the healthcare industry making a profit. But when they make the largest profits in America by double I have a problem with that.


In America we pay about double for healthcare compared to what the rest of the world pays and the no-minds think that's OK,,I have a huge problem with that. If our healthcare was twice as good as the rest of the world, then I'd be OK, but the US doesn't even have the best healthcare!

The best healthcare is all a matter of opinion. But regarding health care debates, hardly anyone ever complains about the quality of the care. They only complain about the cost. This makes it an economic issue, not a quality issue.

But if you are that concerned about quality, you would be happy to know that a decade a go, two-thirds of all drug research was conducted in Europe. Now 60% of it is conducted in the United states. In the last 10 years, 12 noble prizes in medicine have gone to US scientist. 3 have gone to foreign-born scientist working in the US. Only 7 have gone to researchers outside the country. Of the six most important recent medical innovations, 4 were developed in the US, 1 was improved in the US. Generally this means 5 out of 6 medical innovations have originated in the US. Not in countries with socialised medicine, after all, how could they? There is no profit motive and no innovation. When I am asked for someone to cite the last live saving drug which has originated in the U.K., Canada or Australia within the last 10 years, I rarely get an answer.

Also that is a nice graph you have shown. It doesn't tell the entire story though. The United States spends more simply because we don't have price controls. Other countries have price controls when it comes to their health care, so they are not allowed to spend more than a portion of their health care on GDP. As a result, these other countries aren't capable of innovating, developing and providing health care in the same way America does. You pay a lot for healthcare, only because it's more valuable than it has ever been. Does it have to cost so much? No. But you only have your Government to blame for that.
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