Rand Paul wants pistols at sunrise ????????????????

Rand Paul has lost his ever loving mind. He's trying to live up to Daddy's standards and failing miserably. Rachel Maddow talked about him again last night, that'll teach him to call the press hacks and haters.

Goodness, a duel? With Rachel? :lol:

So all you Communists agree, you won't vote for Rand Paul?

Ironically, by steal other's work, and calling it his own, Paul is engaging in a form of communism.

True. Wiki is a community knowledge base, ergo communist.

(Some of the simpler minds may think that's sarcasm. It isn't.)
"And like I say, if, you know, if dueling were legal in Kentucky, if they keep it up, you know, it would be a duel challenge. But I can't do that, because I can't hold office in Kentucky then."

The few hard-core rightists taking Paul seriously as a potential GOP presidential nominee can now stop.

First ‘the drones’ and now ‘the duel,’ this nitwit has zero credibility.

yep. This shuts the door on any serious Presidential bid & would be an anchor being someone's VP candidate
So all you Communists agree, you won't vote for Rand Paul?

Ironically, by steal other's work, and calling it his own, Paul is engaging in a form of communism.

True. Wiki is a community knowledge base, ergo communist.

(Some of the simpler minds may think that's sarcasm. It isn't.)
Wonder what Ayn Rand would have thought of the selfless efforts of thousands of disparate volunteers, building something together called Wikipedia, those individuals motivated not by selfish profit, but for the common good.

I wonder.

And something a devotee so steeped in Rand philosophy, would drink from it's well, -- without even acknowledging the source of the communal, selfless water...

I wonder.
More "Quotes" by Rand Paul:

Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and admire your own reflection. Especially that new hairpiece.

Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds vote for me.

The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of having a rich and famous father.

If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much. And that is the health care plan you really need.

dean, you need to go get laid.

Again? I give it up so much I'm already exhausted. I tell these young ladies they should go find men their own age, but they say to me, "Nobody does it better".
yep. This shuts the door on any serious Presidential bid & would be an anchor being someone's VP candidate

Whew, that was a close one - but now you of the radical left can relax - after all, the entire fringe agrees that they won't vote for Paul...

I mean, you Marxists WERE going to vote for him, now you're not - right?


Ironically, by stealing other's work, and calling it his own, Paul is engaging in a form of communism.

Bummer that this isn't what he did.

Cited references are a normal part of books.

Another phony "scandal" by the blowhard left. :yawn:
Another one that doesn't understand what plagiarism is.

It's really creepy how so many of you Randians don't even understand stealing entire passages of works and passing them off as your own isn't wrong.

Even Rand Paul at this point admits it was wrong.

Which makes me wonder: How often do you steal other's words and pretend they are your own? Judging by the comments here, there's nothing wrong with it, amirite?
Another one that doesn't understand what plagiarism is.

I understand plagiarism just fine.

I also understand demagoguery.

It's really creepy how so many of you Randians don't even understand stealing entire passages of works and passing them off as your own isn't wrong.

Even Rand Paul at this point admits it was wrong.

Which makes me wonder: How often do you steal other's words and pretend they are your own? Judging by the comments here, there's nothing wrong with it, amirite?

It's amusing how desperate you are to attack Paul.

You fear him greatly.

Another one that doesn't understand what plagiarism is.

I understand plagiarism just fine.

I also understand demagoguery.

It's really creepy how so many of you Randians don't even understand stealing entire passages of works and passing them off as your own isn't wrong.

Even Rand Paul at this point admits it was wrong.

Which makes me wonder: How often do you steal other's words and pretend they are your own? Judging by the comments here, there's nothing wrong with it, amirite?

It's amusing how desperate you are to attack Paul.

You fear him greatly.


Looks like Paul fears the crap out of people who inspect his work.


Looks like Paul fears the crap out of people who inspect his work.

Leftists are demagogues. You slander and libel those who are your enemies.

This is just the newest attack on Rand Paul. You think your REALLY have a "gotcha" here - which is amusing. It's a major snooze fest that only the most rabid Maddow viewers give a flying fuck about.

The moment the hate sites admitted that Paul had attributed the work to the original author, you leftists were left with your usual flinging of shit..

You can't even get me to bite, do you REALLY think the general public will give a shit?

What would lefties do without their daily dose of cherry picked outrage furnished by Media Matters and Huffington? JFK won the Pulitizer Prize for a book (Profiles in Courage) that was written by someone else. It is alleged that Barry Hussein's alleged autobiography was ghost written by his friend and mentor, domestic terrorist Bill Ayers.

It's also "alleged" that Obama is a "Mau Mau", born on Mars who eats children and kittens for breakfast. By the tards. Or their "ilk". One of which, we just ran across.

I think you have Obama mixed up with the allegations against the former president. Media types ignore it but people who are skilled in analyzing writing styles have agreed that Obama's 1st autobiography was most likely ghost written by friend, political mentor and former domestic terrorist Bill Ayers.
Plagiarists are ineligble to be president. But they are eligible to be vice president. One is occupying that office right now.
Another faux outrage from the Left.

What outrage?

Everyone's laughing at Paul.

Remember when you guys had a good laugh about Biden when he didn't source one phrase and he was kept out of politics for several years?

Well Paul lifted several pages verbatim out of the web.

How long should that keep him out?


You live in this bubble called New York City.

I don't think you understand the rest of the planet at all.
What would lefties do without their daily dose of cherry picked outrage furnished by Media Matters and Huffington? JFK won the Pulitizer Prize for a book (Profiles in Courage) that was written by someone else. It is alleged that Barry Hussein's alleged autobiography was ghost written by his friend and mentor, domestic terrorist Bill Ayers.

It's also "alleged" that Obama is a "Mau Mau", born on Mars who eats children and kittens for breakfast. By the tards. Or their "ilk". One of which, we just ran across.

I think you have Obama mixed up with the allegations against the former president. Media types ignore it but people who are skilled in analyzing writing styles have agreed that Obama's 1st autobiography was most likely ghost written by friend, political mentor and former domestic terrorist Bill Ayers.

I think both.

One always has to remember the classic Democratic tactic that was used by...............

None other than those promoting JFK. Put the autobiographies out there. You have to admit it worked well.

There was this young Senator who burst on the scene and became President.

His name was Jack Fitzgerald Kennedy. And we got a replay in 2008.
Ironically, by steal other's work, and calling it his own, Paul is engaging in a form of communism.

True. Wiki is a community knowledge base, ergo communist.

(Some of the simpler minds may think that's sarcasm. It isn't.)
Wonder what Ayn Rand would have thought of the selfless efforts of thousands of disparate volunteers, building something together called Wikipedia, those individuals motivated not by selfish profit, but for the common good.

I wonder.

And something a devotee so steeped in Rand philosophy, would drink from it's well, -- without even acknowledging the source of the communal, selfless water...

I wonder.

priceless eh? :rofl:

Looks like Paul fears the crap out of people who inspect his work.

Leftists are demagogues. You slander and libel those who are your enemies.

This is just the newest attack on Rand Paul. You think your REALLY have a "gotcha" here - which is amusing. It's a major snooze fest that only the most rabid Maddow viewers give a flying fuck about.

The moment the hate sites admitted that Paul had attributed the work to the original author, you leftists were left with your usual flinging of shit..

You can't even get me to bite, do you REALLY think the general public will give a shit?


What's scary is we are talking to people who actually watch and listen to Maddow.

What would lefties do without their daily dose of cherry picked outrage furnished by Media Matters and Huffington? JFK won the Pulitizer Prize for a book (Profiles in Courage) that was written by someone else. It is alleged that Barry Hussein's alleged autobiography was ghost written by his friend and mentor, domestic terrorist Bill Ayers.

It's also "alleged" that Obama is a "Mau Mau", born on Mars who eats children and kittens for breakfast. By the tards. Or their "ilk". One of which, we just ran across.

I think you have Obama mixed up with the allegations against the former president. Media types ignore it but people who are skilled in analyzing writing styles have agreed that Obama's 1st autobiography was most likely ghost written by friend, political mentor and former domestic terrorist Bill Ayers.

Media types? Like the non-partisan pretested journalists from Fox?

Looks like Paul fears the crap out of people who inspect his work.

Leftists are demagogues. You slander and libel those who are your enemies.

This is just the newest attack on Rand Paul. You think your REALLY have a "gotcha" here - which is amusing. It's a major snooze fest that only the most rabid Maddow viewers give a flying fuck about.

The moment the hate sites admitted that Paul had attributed the work to the original author, you leftists were left with your usual flinging of shit..

You can't even get me to bite, do you REALLY think the general public will give a shit?


What's scary is we are talking to people who actually watch and listen to Maddow.


Everything scares right wingers. That's why they live in fear.
Everything that's going on, the wholesale destruction of the entire nation SHOULD have everyone living in fear.
Maddow gets the last laugh.

"For more than a week, Rachel Maddow, MSNBC’s flagship host, has been doggedly pursuing the story surrounding Sen. Rand Paul’s (R-KY) lifting of the plotlines of the movie Gattaca from the film’s Wikipedia page in a speech. She pursued the story nightly, even when there was no new information to report.

Her tenacity in pursuit of that story inspired a series of jokes among conservatives at Maddow’s expense. The seeming frivolity of the infraction on Paul’s part (or, more likely, his speechwriting staff’s part) did not merit the excessive coverage that Maddow devoted to it. Many believed that the MSNBC host was attempting to reignite her long-standing feud with the senator, even at the risk of her credibility.
But then, one week into the all-encompassing coverage of Paul’s “Wikipedia-gate,” new details emerged about Paul’s history of plagiarism. Far more egregious offenses came to light in outlets like BuzzFeed and the New York Times.

No one is laughing now. No one, that is, except Maddow."

Rand Paul's Wikipedia-Gate Gets Serious and Maddow Gets the Last Laugh | Mediaite
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