Rand Paul went on a X/Twitter rant yesterday


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2021

I'M BACK for more #airingofgrievances, exposing waste, and generally pissing people off online.

I would like to personally thank @elonmusk for buying this platform and allowing us all to say Happy #Festivus again. I mean, we could always say it. No one actually ever stopped us from saying it, but whatever.

@elonmusk I'm kidding. The war on Christmas was REAL. It was so real that Lindsey Graham tried to send it aid money.

@elonmusk You know the current war is not going well when Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham aren't even sure they want to send it money. They saw Zelensky last week, patted their pockets, and said sorry all out. It's quite the #Festivus Miracle, really.

@elonmusk Speaking of Zelensky, last year I said he came to Congress dressed like he was delivering our Uber Eats order. This year I would say it was more like he was trying to sell me the next iPhone at a @TMobile store.

@elonmusk @TMobile Most of the candidates on the Republican side are against more aid, and I think that's a great step forward for our party and country. I'm skeptical about Chris Christie's plan to trade weapons for perogies, though.

@elonmusk @TMobile Let me ask you a question, and you can reply with your answer: should the GOP change its nominating method to a TV reality show/game show combo? Think of it as the Battle of the Network Stars meets the Apprentice. I bet the ratings would be better than these unwatchable debates.

LOL.....He's one of the only congress critters that doesn't deserve a lamp post for Christmas. ;)

I wish he was electable. He'd be great at actually fixing some things I think.....He's a good man fighting a lonely fight.

We could’ve had him as president, but nincompoops determined he was too short and had funny hair.

These “R” talk a big game over decades. Back to that OKLA guy putting out the waste book.

But, they were never able to do anything about anything but yap like a Terrier. Now up to the $7T sinkhole under the communists installed currently.

I'M BACK for more #airingofgrievances, exposing waste, and generally pissing people off online.

I would like to personally thank @elonmusk for buying this platform and allowing us all to say Happy #Festivus again. I mean, we could always say it. No one actually ever stopped us from saying it, but whatever.

@elonmusk I'm kidding. The war on Christmas was REAL. It was so real that Lindsey Graham tried to send it aid money.

@elonmusk You know the current war is not going well when Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham aren't even sure they want to send it money. They saw Zelensky last week, patted their pockets, and said sorry all out. It's quite the #Festivus Miracle, really.

@elonmusk Speaking of Zelensky, last year I said he came to Congress dressed like he was delivering our Uber Eats order. This year I would say it was more like he was trying to sell me the next iPhone at a @TMobile store.

@elonmusk @TMobile Most of the candidates on the Republican side are against more aid, and I think that's a great step forward for our party and country. I'm skeptical about Chris Christie's plan to trade weapons for perogies, though.

@elonmusk @TMobile Let me ask you a question, and you can reply with your answer: should the GOP change its nominating method to a TV reality show/game show combo? Think of it as the Battle of the Network Stars meets the Apprentice. I bet the ratings would be better than these unwatchable debates.

LOL.....He's one of the only congress critters that doesn't deserve a lamp post for Christmas. ;)

I wish he was electable. He'd be great at actually fixing some things I think.....He's a good man fighting a lonely fight.

We could’ve had him as president, but nincompoops determined he was too short and had funny hair.

Every time Rand opens his mouth he embarrasses himself. All I think when I hear him talk is, "his neighbor should have beat him harder". :auiqs.jpg:
Seriously, the guy is trying so hard to step into daddy's shoes....but he's two sizes too small. :)
Every time Rand opens his mouth he embarrasses himself. All I think when I hear him talk is, "his neighbor should have beat him harder". :auiqs.jpg:
Seriously, the guy is trying so hard to step into daddy's shoes....but he's two sizes too small. :)
You hated Ron Paul. Many Republicans hated Ron Paul. I rememer Nadler walking ehind him at one of the financial meetings and doing the waving of the fingers. Well Nadler and his cronies are part and parcel of the financial issues we have today. And he actually pushed agendas that have people wanting to kill him. And we have silence from him and other Prog politicians on this. We have silence from media types and entertainers also who caused this.
You hated Ron Paul. Many Republicans hated Ron Paul. I rememer Nadler walking ehind him at one of the financial meetings and doing the waving of the fingers. Well Nadler and his cronies are part and parcel of the financial issues we have today. And he actually pushed agendas that have people wanting to kill him. And we have silence from him and other Prog politicians on this. We have silence from media types and entertainers also who caused this.
Both Paul and Nader were flaming whack-a-doodles. They came across as unhinged. Not competent.

You need to stop dwelling in conspiracy theories and move into reality. :)
Our financial difficulties today are a culmination of bad decisions and bad policy that span more than four decades.
Starting with Ronny's 1982 tax cut and the dive into trickle down economics and deficit spending.
You hated Ron Paul. Many Republicans hated Ron Paul. I rememer Nadler walking ehind him at one of the financial meetings and doing the waving of the fingers. Well Nadler and his cronies are part and parcel of the financial issues we have today. And he actually pushed agendas that have people wanting to kill him. And we have silence from him and other Prog politicians on this. We have silence from media types and entertainers also who caused this.
No, it was more that we hated the Paul-Bots.....They did not give a flying fuck about the Fed, all they wanted was legal weed.
Both Paul and Nader were flaming whack-a-doodles. They came across as unhinged. Not competent.

You need to stop dwelling in conspiracy theories and move into reality. :)
Our financial difficulties today are a culmination of bad decisions and bad policy that span more than four decades.
Starting with Ronny's 1982 tax cut and the dive into trickle down economics and deficit spending.
Paul was never a whack-a-doodle.

He was a staunch Libertarian that was right a thousand more times than he was wrong.

In 2012 he came up with a budget plan to cut the cost of the Federal government a trillion a year. That was the only sane budget proposal to come out of either the Democrats or the RINOs. If we had done that then and kept up it up then size of the Federal government would be one third of what it is now and we would be about $20 trillion less in debt.

The whack-a-doddles were the Democrats and RINOs that continued to grow the Federal government and put us farther in debt with insane and fiscally irresponsible management of the government.
Ross Perot was the other guy both sides called "crazy" and made fun of him.
Yet - categorically his predictions of what was to come if nothing changed is almost exactly what happened.
Dozens and dozens of predictions that not only came true, but occurred just like he said it would.

I'M BACK for more #airingofgrievances, exposing waste, and generally pissing people off online.

I would like to personally thank @elonmusk for buying this platform and allowing us all to say Happy #Festivus again. I mean, we could always say it. No one actually ever stopped us from saying it, but whatever.

@elonmusk I'm kidding. The war on Christmas was REAL. It was so real that Lindsey Graham tried to send it aid money.

@elonmusk You know the current war is not going well when Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham aren't even sure they want to send it money. They saw Zelensky last week, patted their pockets, and said sorry all out. It's quite the #Festivus Miracle, really.

@elonmusk Speaking of Zelensky, last year I said he came to Congress dressed like he was delivering our Uber Eats order. This year I would say it was more like he was trying to sell me the next iPhone at a @TMobile store.

@elonmusk @TMobile Most of the candidates on the Republican side are against more aid, and I think that's a great step forward for our party and country. I'm skeptical about Chris Christie's plan to trade weapons for perogies, though.

@elonmusk @TMobile Let me ask you a question, and you can reply with your answer: should the GOP change its nominating method to a TV reality show/game show combo? Think of it as the Battle of the Network Stars meets the Apprentice. I bet the ratings would be better than these unwatchable debates.

LOL.....He's one of the only congress critters that doesn't deserve a lamp post for Christmas. ;)

I wish he was electable. He'd be great at actually fixing some things I think.....He's a good man fighting a lonely fight.

We could’ve had him as president, but nincompoops determined he was too short and had funny hair.

If that is really from Rand, I like him.
Both Paul and Nader were flaming whack-a-doodles. They came across as unhinged. Not competent.

You need to stop dwelling in conspiracy theories and move into reality. :)
Our financial difficulties today are a culmination of bad decisions and bad policy that span more than four decades.
Starting with Ronny's 1982 tax cut and the dive into trickle down economics and deficit spending.
That’s funny.
Both Paul and Nader were flaming whack-a-doodles. They came across as unhinged. Not competent.

You need to stop dwelling in conspiracy theories and move into reality. :)
Our financial difficulties today are a culmination of bad decisions and bad policy that span more than four decades.
Starting with Ronny's 1982 tax cut and the dive into trickle down economics and deficit spending.
That is where you are wrong. The 1960's social programs massive expansions, the immigration changes, any bonds used for the Viet Nam War and the costs of the then Space Program enlarged a national budget that was about 500 billion dollars a year when Johnson took office. The cities and states begun to expand massively with tax increases. Government employees were paid more, and benefits exploded as there was a belief there would be no corruption. Privat transportation became public transportation monopolies and soon needed huge increases in fares and help from first the local governments and then the state governments. public schools which were aided with many kids going to parochial schools in norther cities outgrew the help of the local governments and state governments filled in the money needed. It has gotten worse. The total federal budget is 6.2 trillion dollars for 2023 with 1.7 trillion-dollar deficit. This from 500 billion dollars and little or no deficit when Johnson took office. States and cities grew the same way.

I'M BACK for more #airingofgrievances, exposing waste, and generally pissing people off online.

I would like to personally thank @elonmusk for buying this platform and allowing us all to say Happy #Festivus again. I mean, we could always say it. No one actually ever stopped us from saying it, but whatever.

@elonmusk I'm kidding. The war on Christmas was REAL. It was so real that Lindsey Graham tried to send it aid money.

@elonmusk You know the current war is not going well when Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham aren't even sure they want to send it money. They saw Zelensky last week, patted their pockets, and said sorry all out. It's quite the #Festivus Miracle, really.

@elonmusk Speaking of Zelensky, last year I said he came to Congress dressed like he was delivering our Uber Eats order. This year I would say it was more like he was trying to sell me the next iPhone at a @TMobile store.

@elonmusk @TMobile Most of the candidates on the Republican side are against more aid, and I think that's a great step forward for our party and country. I'm skeptical about Chris Christie's plan to trade weapons for perogies, though.

@elonmusk @TMobile Let me ask you a question, and you can reply with your answer: should the GOP change its nominating method to a TV reality show/game show combo? Think of it as the Battle of the Network Stars meets the Apprentice. I bet the ratings would be better than these unwatchable debates.

LOL.....He's one of the only congress critters that doesn't deserve a lamp post for Christmas. ;)

I wish he was electable. He'd be great at actually fixing some things I think.....He's a good man fighting a lonely fight.

We could’ve had him as president, but nincompoops determined he was too short and had funny hair.



Rand Paul is a complete moron. I have to wonder why he continues to win re-election. He doesn’t have the common sense God gave a goose.

Rand Paul is a complete moron. I have to wonder why he continues to win re-election. He doesn’t have the common sense God gave a goose.
Funny because we are all surprised you havent accidently killed yourself yet.
Guess those warning messages on Draino worked. Goddamnit.

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