Rand Paul working for the minority vote.


So you want me to tell you where you called him a racist while you continue to call him a racist. I don't know what you're talking about. I guess that's accurate since you don't know what you're talking about either.

I have no knowledge that SJ is a racist. Call me crazy, but I'm not taking your word for it. What about you? Are you a racist?

I though you were talking about the other guy. But yes, SJ is pathetic.

As for me, no, I am not a racist by any means. I love everybody...even people like SJ.
Bullshit, you're one of the most hateful people on this site, as well as a racist. You also have a very unhealthy obsession with me. Get some help.

:lol: It is love. You should be thanking me...you aren't spewing racist nonsense as much anymore. I take credit for that. Maybe you are seeing the errors in you hate thought...because of Nutz! :lmao:
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Paul is kidding himself if he thinks anyone with an R is going to get more than 5% of the black vote. They are a monolithic group that takes orders from their masters at the Democrat plantation. They're content with being taken care of by the government and will do as they are told, they have been for the past 50 years.

What a nice portrayal of black people. This common right wing stereotype of black people demonstrates exactly why they don't vote Republican.

Idiots like yourself excuse the GOP's failings with "because gifts" when the real reason is as obvious to everyone else as the cone on your pointy head. They are not going to vote for a party which denigrates the way you just did.
Who got the 1964 Civil Rights Bill passed? Republicans! How did blacks thank them? They voted for the party that gave them more welfare for the next 50 years, not opportunities. Get your head out of the sand and face reality.

The 1964 Civil Rights Act was not a Democrat vs Republican vote....it was a simple North vs South vote. Virtually all the "No" votes came from the south...including literally ALL southern Republicans.
What a nice portrayal of black people. This common right wing stereotype of black people demonstrates exactly why they don't vote Republican.

Idiots like yourself excuse the GOP's failings with "because gifts" when the real reason is as obvious to everyone else as the cone on your pointy head. They are not going to vote for a party which denigrates the way you just did.
Who got the 1964 Civil Rights Bill passed? Republicans! How did blacks thank them? They voted for the party that gave them more welfare for the next 50 years, not opportunities. Get your head out of the sand and face reality.

The 1964 Civil Rights Act was not a Democrat vs Republican vote....it was a simple North vs South vote. Virtually all the "No" votes came from the south...including literally ALL southern Republicans.

Which has no bearing on the wisdom of the precedent it set.
What a nice portrayal of black people. This common right wing stereotype of black people demonstrates exactly why they don't vote Republican.

Idiots like yourself excuse the GOP's failings with "because gifts" when the real reason is as obvious to everyone else as the cone on your pointy head. They are not going to vote for a party which denigrates the way you just did.
Who got the 1964 Civil Rights Bill passed? Republicans! How did blacks thank them? They voted for the party that gave them more welfare for the next 50 years, not opportunities. Get your head out of the sand and face reality.

The 1964 Civil Rights Act was not a Democrat vs Republican vote....it was a simple North vs South vote. Virtually all the "No" votes came from the south...including literally ALL southern Republicans.
Who led the record-long filibuster? Here's a hint: Robert Byrd (Democrat and former KKK exalted cyclops).
I though you were talking about the other guy. But yes, SJ is pathetic.

As for me, no, I am not a racist by any means. I love everybody...even people like SJ.
Bullshit, you're one of the most hateful people on this site, as well as a racist. You also have a very unhealthy obsession with me. Get some help.

:lol: It is love. You should be thanking me...you aren't spewing racist nonsense as much anymore. I take credit for that. Maybe you are seeing the errors in you hate thought...because of Nutz! :lmao:
That's because your pal, Asswipeas isn't here calling me "white boy". See how that works?
Would vote for Paul in a heatbeat but he has zero chance!!! Already, the establishment is hammering him as some out of touch nutter......FoxNews being a prime contributer. If you pay attention, the talking heads on FOX never fail to take a shot at Rand Paul......bozo's like Karl Rove et. al.

A guy like Rand Paul might have a chance........if there is a collapse and that would be after a situation of virtually total government control.

Ive voted GOP for 4 decades. Never again........phonies all.

As far as the blacks, forget it. No hope.......far, far too many low information voters.
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Would vote for Paul in a heatbeat but he has zero chance!!! Already, the establishment is hammering him as some out of touch nutter......FoxNews being a prime contributer. If you pay attention, the talking heads on FOX never fail to take a shot at Rand Paul......bozo's like Karl Rove et. al.

A guy like Rand Paul might have a chance........if there is a collapse and that would be after a situation of virtually total government control.

Ive voted GOP for 4 decades. Never again........phonies all.

As far as the blacks, forget it. No hope.......far, far too many low information voters.

It seems to me that if Paul remains popular in spite of the Rovian/establishment GOP efforts to undermine him, they will lose their influence and be marginalized. I will continue to promote him, even if it serves no other purpose than to marginalize the likes of Rove et al.

I just said where the accusation came from in the post before this unless someone gets in first. It's a stupid and ignorant accusation.

Yeah, that is what I thought he was referring to...just making sure.

Well, [MENTION=16263]nodoginnafight[/MENTION] 's link didn't support anything else. He needs to man up and admit what he posted was bull and he should have verified it rather than posting it. I predict he doesn't have the gonads to man up, here's his chance to prove me wrong.

That's your line???? I provided a link to more than 113,000 reports that confirm Paul's neo-confederate ties.

And THIS is all you have to retort?

He's not going to be be able to duck it quite that easily.
Yeah, that is what I thought he was referring to...just making sure.

Well, [MENTION=16263]nodoginnafight[/MENTION] 's link didn't support anything else. He needs to man up and admit what he posted was bull and he should have verified it rather than posting it. I predict he doesn't have the gonads to man up, here's his chance to prove me wrong.

That's your line???? I provided a link to more than 113,000 reports that confirm Paul's neo-confederate ties.

And THIS is all you have to retort?

He's not going to be be able to duck it quite that easily.

You said this:

I wonder if black voters will forget about his neo-confederate past?

That was a lie, he has no neo-confederate past and you showed none. You showed Google linking to his commenting on the neo-confederate past of one of his staffers. And he said that was a mistake. He did not defend it.

I'll still assume you're being lazy and not verifying what you wrote and you'll man up now and admit your mistake. So what time is it? Is it man up time?
That was a lie, he has no neo-confederate past and you showed none.

Suuuure I didn't.

I just showed 130,000 confirmations.

If you choose to be willfully ignorant, that's your choice. Enjoy it.

Just don't get your panties in a snit when other folks don't make the same choice you have.
That was a lie, he has no neo-confederate past and you showed none.

Suuuure I didn't.

I just showed 130,000 confirmations.

If you choose to be willfully ignorant, that's your choice. Enjoy it.

Just don't get your panties in a snit when other folks don't make the same choice you have.

You showed a link to a search. It has no more validity than the link to the search I posted, which showed 17.4 million results for BULLSHIT.

Post a valid link to credible proof that Rand Paul has "neo-confederate" issues.

Otherwise go fuck yourself.

  • Thanks
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Would vote for Paul in a heatbeat but he has zero chance!!! Already, the establishment is hammering him as some out of touch nutter......FoxNews being a prime contributer. If you pay attention, the talking heads on FOX never fail to take a shot at Rand Paul......bozo's like Karl Rove et. al.

A guy like Rand Paul might have a chance........if there is a collapse and that would be after a situation of virtually total government control.

Ive voted GOP for 4 decades. Never again........phonies all.

As far as the blacks, forget it. No hope.......far, far too many low information voters.

In today's America, if you don't toe the Communist/Progressive & Neocon line, you're instantly labeled an 'out of touch nutter.' They have an iron grip on power. Rand Paul has a unique ability to cross some ideological lines. And that's dangerous to the Communists/Progressives and Neocons. He'd be the best choice, but i tend to agree with you. He has zero chance. The powers-that-be won't let it happen.
Rand Paul seems to be doing quite a bit of positioning. Wouldn't the Libertarian position to be "let the states decide for themselves" in terms of voter ID? Would he support federal intervention to curtail these efforts?

I wonder if black voters will forget about his neo-confederate past?

I wonder if the People will buy into your old tired Race-Baiting again? Hopefully not. But i guess we'll see.

Yeah ... best to just ignore that dark side.

That would be the "honorable" thing, huh?

Because holding people accountable for their actions is .... "race-baiting"

Hopefully most Americans are sick of your predictable & shallow Race-Baiting. I have a feeling they are.
Would vote for Paul in a heatbeat but he has zero chance!!! Already, the establishment is hammering him as some out of touch nutter......FoxNews being a prime contributer. If you pay attention, the talking heads on FOX never fail to take a shot at Rand Paul......bozo's like Karl Rove et. al.

A guy like Rand Paul might have a chance........if there is a collapse and that would be after a situation of virtually total government control.

Ive voted GOP for 4 decades. Never again........phonies all.

As far as the blacks, forget it. No hope.......far, far too many low information voters.

In today's America, if you don't toe the Communist/Progressive & Neocon line, you're instantly labeled an 'out of touch nutter.' They have an iron grip on power. Rand Paul has a unique ability to cross some ideological lines. And that's dangerous to the Communists/Progressives and Neocons. He'd be the best choice, but i tend to agree with you. He has zero chance. The powers-that-be won't let it happen.

Ya know...

There are more than a few of us on this board who are pretty Pro-Paul...

Why are we ALWAYS the ones saying "zero chance"?

Is that why or guys ALWAYS lose?

I'm not going to get sucked into that. Rand Paul has EVERY CHANCE to win the presidency. His father had an annoying quality about him. He'd piss and moan about "the wars", when no one gave a shit. He was a cantankerous old fool who mingled with kook fringe sorts and got himself associated with the Alex Jones crowd therefore marginalizing himself. I think Rand Paul shares a lot of his father's points of view, but is more shrewd about who he associates with, in spite of the bed wetters who insist he has "neo-confederate" associates.

Let the bed wetters hurl false accusations. They're going too anyway. They destroyed Herman Cain with false accusations, much to my chagrin, and instead of solidly standing behind the guy his supporters acted like bed wetters and buggered off. People don't want to be the last ones on a sinking ship I guess, but for God's (and our country's) sake lets not allow pseudo-intellectual parasitic marxist tools destroy people who have ideas that will help us return to a prosperous nation that promotes the liberty of it's citizens.
Would vote for Paul in a heatbeat but he has zero chance!!! Already, the establishment is hammering him as some out of touch nutter......FoxNews being a prime contributer. If you pay attention, the talking heads on FOX never fail to take a shot at Rand Paul......bozo's like Karl Rove et. al.

A guy like Rand Paul might have a chance........if there is a collapse and that would be after a situation of virtually total government control.

Ive voted GOP for 4 decades. Never again........phonies all.

As far as the blacks, forget it. No hope.......far, far too many low information voters.

In today's America, if you don't toe the Communist/Progressive & Neocon line, you're instantly labeled an 'out of touch nutter.' They have an iron grip on power. Rand Paul has a unique ability to cross some ideological lines. And that's dangerous to the Communists/Progressives and Neocons. He'd be the best choice, but i tend to agree with you. He has zero chance. The powers-that-be won't let it happen.

Ya know...

There are more than a few of us on this board who are pretty Pro-Paul...

Why are we ALWAYS the ones saying "zero chance"?

Is that why or guys ALWAYS lose?

I'm not going to get sucked into that. Rand Paul has EVERY CHANCE to win the presidency. His father had an annoying quality about him. He'd piss and moan about "the wars", when no one gave a shit. He was a cantankerous old fool who mingled with kook fringe sorts and got himself associated with the Alex Jones crowd therefore marginalizing himself. I think Rand Paul shares a lot of his father's points of view, but is more shrewd about who he associates with, in spite of the bed wetters who insist he has "neo-confederate" associates.

Let the bed wetters hurl false accusations. They're going too anyway. They destroyed Herman Cain with false accusations, much to my chagrin, and instead of solidly standing behind the guy his supporters acted like bed wetters and buggered off. People don't want to be the last ones on a sinking ship I guess, but for God's (and our country's) sake lets not allow pseudo-intellectual parasitic marxist tools destroy people who have ideas that will help us return to a prosperous nation that promotes the liberty of it's citizens.

Really good points. Yeah, we do have to try and stop being defeatists. The usual suspects are gonna attack him anyway. But that doesn't mean he can't win. I think you're onto something. Thanks.

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