Rand Paul working for the minority vote.

Paul is kidding himself if he thinks anyone with an R is going to get more than 5% of the black vote. They are a monolithic group that takes orders from their masters at the Democrat plantation. They're content with being taken care of by the government and will do as they are told, they have been for the past 50 years. There are some exceptions but not many.

Same goes for the Hispanic vote. Signing on to immigration reform won't get him anywhere either. Even if he DOES get some of the Hispanic vote, he will lose more than that from those against rewarding illegals with citizenship. Somebody who sticks to their conservative principals can win, not someone who acts like a liberal.

And, the negative, racist teaper faction chimes in...no wonder minorities aren't budging...you give this guy the bully pulpit to spew the hate of the racist Teaper faction

The idea that fiscal conservatism is "racist" is actually pretty racist since you are saying blacks can't operate according to the same rules as the rest of us. Think about it.


You're suggesting that imbecile has the capacity to think?

Paul is kidding himself if he thinks anyone with an R is going to get more than 5% of the black vote. They are a monolithic group that takes orders from their masters at the Democrat plantation. They're content with being taken care of by the government and will do as they are told, they have been for the past 50 years.

What a nice portrayal of black people. This common right wing stereotype of black people demonstrates exactly why they don't vote Republican.

Idiots like yourself excuse the GOP's failings with "because gifts" when the real reason is as obvious to everyone else as the dunce cap on your pointy head. They are not going to vote for a party which denigrates them the way you just did.
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Paul is kidding himself if he thinks anyone with an R is going to get more than 5% of the black vote. They are a monolithic group that takes orders from their masters at the Democrat plantation. They're content with being taken care of by the government and will do as they are told, they have been for the past 50 years.

What a nice portrayal of black people. This common right wing stereotype of black people demonstrates exactly why they don't vote Republican.

Idiots like yourself excuse the GOP's failings with "because gifts" when the real reason is as obvious to everyone else as the cone on your pointy head. They are not going to vote for a party which denigrates the way you just did.
Who got the 1964 Civil Rights Bill passed? Republicans! How did blacks thank them? They voted for the party that gave them more welfare for the next 50 years, not opportunities. Get your head out of the sand and face reality.
Paul is kidding himself if he thinks anyone with an R is going to get more than 5% of the black vote. They are a monolithic group that takes orders from their masters at the Democrat plantation. They're content with being taken care of by the government and will do as they are told, they have been for the past 50 years. There are some exceptions but not many.

Same goes for the Hispanic vote. Signing on to immigration reform won't get him anywhere either. Even if he DOES get some of the Hispanic vote, he will lose more than that from those against rewarding illegals with citizenship. Somebody who sticks to their conservative principals can win, not someone who acts like a liberal.

I'm not convinced you're right.

I think more blacks than not would like to have cush office jobs that pay 6 figures, but they're stuck with the belief that "whitey" is holding them back, rather than recognizing that Leroy is holding his own people back.

It's a cultural issue. The mentality needs to change. I'm optimistic because blacks are listening to Paul. They're not listening to even a lot of the black republicrats.

As far as immigration goes I haven't heard him say anything pro-amnesty, so I'm not sure you're correct there. I agree with your premise though that "immigration reform" as it has been presented is a democrook scheme and should not even be compromised on. Certainly something needs to be done, but the democrook scheme is not it.

I don't think he's betraying conservative priniples. Individual freedom and smaller government are conservative principles.

Government control and central planning are bed wetter policies. i don't see him embracing those.

There are certainly areas of opportunity. For example:

1) School vouchers - There is a lot of support in black communities to get their kids out of poor black schools, the Democrats crap on them.

2) Morality - There are a lot of religious blacks who don't agree with Democrats on a lot of issues.

3) Out of wedlock Paternity - Black males have kids then aren't held accountable to support them.

By focusing on opportunity and responsibility for actions instead of dependency and government control, a good candidate could pull in a lot more black vote, though I don't think any Republican could get a majority, but everyone they pull over cancels out someone they didn't.


I think libertarianism is becoming "trendy" also. I think there's an opportunity to pull a significant % of the minority vote from the statists.

Paul is kidding himself if he thinks anyone with an R is going to get more than 5% of the black vote. They are a monolithic group that takes orders from their masters at the Democrat plantation. They're content with being taken care of by the government and will do as they are told, they have been for the past 50 years.

What a nice portrayal of black people. This common right wing stereotype of black people demonstrates exactly why they don't vote Republican.

Idiots like yourself excuse the GOP's failings with "because gifts" when the real reason is as obvious to everyone else as the cone on your pointy head. They are not going to vote for a party which denigrates the way you just did.
Who got the 1964 Civil Rights Bill passed? Republicans! How did blacks thank them? They voted for the party that gave them more welfare for the next 50 years, not opportunities. Get your head out of the sand and face reality.

Jesus, are you fools still conflating the Republicans of half a century ago with the conservatives of half a century ago? Seriously? You are the modern inheritor of the 1960s Southern Democrats, kiddo. Sorry to break it to ya.

Nixon's Southern Strategy: "It's All In The Charts"

"From now on, the Republicans are never going to get more than 10 to 20 percent of the Negro vote and they don't need any more than that...but Republicans would be shortsighted if they weakened enforcement of the Voting Rights Act. The more Negroes who register as Democrats in the South, the sooner the Negrophobe whites will quit the Democrats and become Republicans. That's where the votes are. Without that prodding from the blacks, the whites will backslide into their old comfortable arrangement with the local Democrats."

That's a Republican strategist laying out the GOP plan going forward.

Like I said in another topic yesterday, 50 years from now, conservatives will be claiming that today's conservatives were the champions of gay rights at the beginning of the 21st century.
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Paul is kidding himself if he thinks anyone with an R is going to get more than 5% of the black vote. They are a monolithic group that takes orders from their masters at the Democrat plantation. They're content with being taken care of by the government and will do as they are told, they have been for the past 50 years.

What a nice portrayal of black people. This common right wing stereotype of black people demonstrates exactly why they don't vote Republican.

Idiots like yourself excuse the GOP's failings with "because gifts" when the real reason is as obvious to everyone else as the cone on your pointy head. They are not going to vote for a party which denigrates the way you just did.
Who got the 1964 Civil Rights Bill passed? Republicans! How did blacks thank them? They voted for the party that gave them more welfare for the next 50 years, not opportunities. Get your head out of the sand and face reality.

Since LBJ signed it, the democrooks got the credit.

That's the bottom line. Giving handouts certainly played a big roll in the shift as well.

To be honest I barely skim through anything Nutz ever posts and it's only when someone else quotes him, because it's always been race card bullshit and unworthy of the effort.

I don't care what he claims to believe or who he claims to support. He's another mindless moonbat who injects racist bullshit into every issue.

So again...

Do it for the puppies Nutz, they deserve the oxygen.

:lol: Like I said, typical teaper spewing nonsense and destroying the GOP. You must be one of those SJ/ Rotigallia teapers.

You realize this is the guy you've been agreeing with for the last several pages...

If he has been agreeing with me, he's full of shit and just trying to inject himself into the subject to hijack it..

I won't give his bullshit the time of day. He's beneath stupid.

Paul is kidding himself if he thinks anyone with an R is going to get more than 5% of the black vote. They are a monolithic group that takes orders from their masters at the Democrat plantation. They're content with being taken care of by the government and will do as they are told, they have been for the past 50 years.

What a nice portrayal of black people. This common right wing stereotype of black people demonstrates exactly why they don't vote Republican.

Idiots like yourself excuse the GOP's failings with "because gifts" when the real reason is as obvious to everyone else as the cone on your pointy head. They are not going to vote for a party which denigrates the way you just did.
Who got the 1964 Civil Rights Bill passed? Republicans! How did blacks thank them? They voted for the party that gave them more welfare for the next 50 years, not opportunities. Get your head out of the sand and face reality.

Civil Rights Act of 1964 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What a nice portrayal of black people. This common right wing stereotype of black people demonstrates exactly why they don't vote Republican.

Idiots like yourself excuse the GOP's failings with "because gifts" when the real reason is as obvious to everyone else as the cone on your pointy head. They are not going to vote for a party which denigrates the way you just did.
Who got the 1964 Civil Rights Bill passed? Republicans! How did blacks thank them? They voted for the party that gave them more welfare for the next 50 years, not opportunities. Get your head out of the sand and face reality.

Since LBJ signed it, the democrooks got the credit.

That's the bottom line. Giving handouts certainly played a big roll in the shift as well.

Did the 1964 Civil rights Bill have provisions for "handouts"?
Paul is kidding himself if he thinks anyone with an R is going to get more than 5% of the black vote. They are a monolithic group that takes orders from their masters at the Democrat plantation. They're content with being taken care of by the government and will do as they are told, they have been for the past 50 years. There are some exceptions but not many.

Same goes for the Hispanic vote. Signing on to immigration reform won't get him anywhere either. Even if he DOES get some of the Hispanic vote, he will lose more than that from those against rewarding illegals with citizenship. Somebody who sticks to their conservative principals can win, not someone who acts like a liberal.

And, the negative, racist teaper faction chimes in...no wonder minorities aren't budging...you give this guy the bully pulpit to spew the hate of the racist Teaper faction

The idea that fiscal conservatism is "racist" is actually pretty racist since you are saying blacks can't operate according to the same rules as the rest of us. Think about it.
:lol: Where have I said that? Now you are acting like a pissant Teaper, manufacturing an argument that was never made...think about it, I have never said that. Many teapers are racists as seen by the nonsense posted by teaper members on this forum...like SJ.
We agree for different reasons. He is an irrational teaper full of piss and vineger. He scares away moderates. He needs to be silenced, he is a disgrace.

So he has the right answer, but you call him a racist who needs to be silenced, oh, and "he" is the one full of piss and vinegar. Have you ever considered reading what you write before you hit "submit reply?"

I'm not clear how you think going after liberals who overwhelmingly love Democrats while leaving conservatives at home is going to win elections. I'm also not sure how you've not noticed after guys like Romney, McCain and Dole that it didn't work.

Where did I call him a racist? Please be specific. I called SJ a racist...and always will because he is a racist piece of shit, but I don't think anyone will argue that point.

You say tea partiers are racists, you say SJ is a tea partier, but you're not saying SJ is a racist. LOL, you didn't take math or logic, did you?
Now you are acting like a pissant Teaper, manufacturing an argument that was never made...think about it, I have never said that. Many teapers are racists as seen by the nonsense posted by teaper members on this forum...like SJ.

LOL, tell me how you're against insults again...
Now you are acting like a pissant Teaper, manufacturing an argument that was never made...think about it, I have never said that. Many teapers are racists as seen by the nonsense posted by teaper members on this forum...like SJ.

LOL, tell me how you're against insults again...

That is what happens when you act like a pathetic little teaper who attributes arguments that were never made. You see, teapers act ignorant. to the facts and lie in effort to deceive and hide their racist attitudes. I thought better of you, Kaz. I don't think you are a racist, but you are certainly employing their tactics.
So he has the right answer, but you call him a racist who needs to be silenced, oh, and "he" is the one full of piss and vinegar. Have you ever considered reading what you write before you hit "submit reply?"

I'm not clear how you think going after liberals who overwhelmingly love Democrats while leaving conservatives at home is going to win elections. I'm also not sure how you've not noticed after guys like Romney, McCain and Dole that it didn't work.

Where did I call him a racist? Please be specific. I called SJ a racist...and always will because he is a racist piece of shit, but I don't think anyone will argue that point.

You say tea partiers are racists, you say SJ is a tea partier, but you're not saying SJ is a racist. LOL, you didn't take math or logic, did you?

You seem to be confused. Didn't you take reading comprehension?

SJ is a teaper and SJ is a rabid racist. He is representative of many teapers who are full of hate!

Do you not think SJ is a rabid racist asshole?
Now you are acting like a pissant Teaper, manufacturing an argument that was never made...think about it, I have never said that. Many teapers are racists as seen by the nonsense posted by teaper members on this forum...like SJ.

LOL, tell me how you're against insults again...

That is what happens when you act like a pathetic little teaper who attributes arguments that were never made. You see, teapers act ignorant. to the facts and lie in effort to deceive and hide their racist attitudes. I thought better of you, Kaz. I don't think you are a racist, but you are certainly employing their tactics.

OK, now that's seriously pathetic. You insult people all the time. That's fine, but your hypocrisy is ridiculous, and blaming me is just flat out pathetic. Grow a pair and take responsibility for your own actions. I didn't make you do anything, shemale. You did what you did on your own.
Where did I call him a racist? Please be specific. I called SJ a racist...and always will because he is a racist piece of shit, but I don't think anyone will argue that point.

You say tea partiers are racists, you say SJ is a tea partier, but you're not saying SJ is a racist. LOL, you didn't take math or logic, did you?

You seem to be confused. Didn't you take reading comprehension?

SJ is a teaper and SJ is a rabid racist. He is representative of many teapers who are full of hate!

Do you not think SJ is a rabid racist asshole?


So you want me to tell you where you called him a racist while you continue to call him a racist. I don't know what you're talking about. I guess that's accurate since you don't know what you're talking about either.

I have no knowledge that SJ is a racist. Call me crazy, but I'm not taking your word for it. What about you? Are you a racist?
What a nice portrayal of black people. This common right wing stereotype of black people demonstrates exactly why they don't vote Republican.

Idiots like yourself excuse the GOP's failings with "because gifts" when the real reason is as obvious to everyone else as the cone on your pointy head. They are not going to vote for a party which denigrates the way you just did.
Who got the 1964 Civil Rights Bill passed? Republicans! How did blacks thank them? They voted for the party that gave them more welfare for the next 50 years, not opportunities. Get your head out of the sand and face reality.

Jesus, are you fools still conflating the Republicans of half a century ago with the conservatives of half a century ago? Seriously? You are the modern inheritor of the 1960s Southern Democrats, kiddo. Sorry to break it to ya.

Nixon's Southern Strategy: "It's All In The Charts"

"From now on, the Republicans are never going to get more than 10 to 20 percent of the Negro vote and they don't need any more than that...but Republicans would be shortsighted if they weakened enforcement of the Voting Rights Act. The more Negroes who register as Democrats in the South, the sooner the Negrophobe whites will quit the Democrats and become Republicans. That's where the votes are. Without that prodding from the blacks, the whites will backslide into their old comfortable arrangement with the local Democrats."

That's a Republican strategist laying out the GOP plan going forward.

Like I said in another topic yesterday, 50 years from now, conservatives will be claiming that today's conservatives were the champions of gay rights at the beginning of the 21st century.
Another liberal diatribe about "southern strategy" and evil Republicans. You're dismissed.
You say tea partiers are racists, you say SJ is a tea partier, but you're not saying SJ is a racist. LOL, you didn't take math or logic, did you?

You seem to be confused. Didn't you take reading comprehension?

SJ is a teaper and SJ is a rabid racist. He is representative of many teapers who are full of hate!

Do you not think SJ is a rabid racist asshole?


So you want me to tell you where you called him a racist while you continue to call him a racist. I don't know what you're talking about. I guess that's accurate since you don't know what you're talking about either.

I have no knowledge that SJ is a racist. Call me crazy, but I'm not taking your word for it. What about you? Are you a racist?

I though you were talking about the other guy. But yes, SJ is pathetic.

As for me, no, I am not a racist by any means. I love everybody...even people like SJ.
You seem to be confused. Didn't you take reading comprehension?

SJ is a teaper and SJ is a rabid racist. He is representative of many teapers who are full of hate!

Do you not think SJ is a rabid racist asshole?


So you want me to tell you where you called him a racist while you continue to call him a racist. I don't know what you're talking about. I guess that's accurate since you don't know what you're talking about either.

I have no knowledge that SJ is a racist. Call me crazy, but I'm not taking your word for it. What about you? Are you a racist?

I though you were talking about the other guy. But yes, SJ is pathetic.

As for me, no, I am not a racist by any means. I love everybody...even people like SJ.
Bullshit, you're one of the most hateful people on this site, as well as a racist. You also have a very unhealthy obsession with me. Get some help.
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You say tea partiers are racists, you say SJ is a tea partier, but you're not saying SJ is a racist. LOL, you didn't take math or logic, did you?

You seem to be confused. Didn't you take reading comprehension?

SJ is a teaper and SJ is a rabid racist. He is representative of many teapers who are full of hate!

Do you not think SJ is a rabid racist asshole?


So you want me to tell you where you called him a racist while you continue to call him a racist. I don't know what you're talking about. I guess that's accurate since you don't know what you're talking about either.

I have no knowledge that SJ is a racist. Call me crazy, but I'm not taking your word for it. What about you? Are you a racist?

When confronted with people who are this deliberately stupid, what emotion should you have? Love? Sadness? Anger? Pity? Hate?

I choose hate.

However I should not be held liable for choosing to hate people who are this incorrigibly insipid, especially when they have the gall to act as if they're not motivated by hate. Hate is a perfectly natural reaction when confronted with an entity that not only has no value, but reduces the quality of life for the people in your society.

The world's genepool would be better off if imbeciles like this had been sucked into planned parenthood sewers.

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