Rand Paul working for the minority vote.

Rand Paul seems to be doing quite a bit of positioning. Wouldn't the Libertarian position to be "let the states decide for themselves" in terms of voter ID? Would he support federal intervention to curtail these efforts?

I wonder if black voters will forget about his neo-confederate past?

I wonder if the People will buy into your old tired Race-Baiting again? Hopefully not. But i guess we'll see.

Yeah ... best to just ignore that dark side.

That would be the "honorable" thing, huh?

Because holding people accountable for their actions is .... "race-baiting"

Holding them to account for things they didn't really do is...


He's way too inexperienced. He contradicts himself and is a poser. The Establishment Democrats and Republicans would eat him for breakfast and still be hungry. He would not accomplish a single goal.

And he would drone bomb a liquor store holdup man.

Doesn't anyone here remember when we used to kick a fit about candidates not having enough experience? Paul's a beginner who would be way out of his depth. Just like Obama.

He has promise, but he is nowhere near ready to be President.

Who else do you have?

I don't see a single promising person in the GOP. There is no Reagan there, that's for sure. Nowhere in sight. Not even over the horizon.

All I see on the Left are populists. All I see on the Right are demagogues.

Rand Paul stands out just by being Libertarian. But it does not automatically follow a standout is the best guy for the job, especially if he wears a propeller hat.

Rand Paul won't get the nomination no matter how hard he tries. He is a libertarian...the GOP has no respect for libertarians and no matter how much he moves to the center...he will get raped. He has too many issues ranging from racist staff members, his father, and plagiarism.

Mike Huckabee is the answer...but he didn't really want to run - he wanted a talk show on Fox. If he were to be serious, he can be successful.
Nothing said about Rand Paul in your quote is off the Libertarian party line. Libertarians are not the same thing as Republicans. Rand Paul is a Libertarian using the more popular Republican brand to get ahead in life.

As for Voter ID, only an idiot supports such a waste of taxpayer dollars. It does not stop or prevent the types of voter fraud which occur, logical fallacies about needing an ID to buy liquor notwithstanding.

States with even the strictest Voter ID requirements still experience voter fraud. One has to be a willful idiot to continue to think it is efficacious.

Right now, he is about the only one in the pack I would vote for.

I'd vote for quite a few of them. None of them are perfect. I like Rand the most, but I could deal with Cruz, Perry, Rubio...

Just to name a few.

The only two I can see that would be completely out of the question are Jeb and Christie Cream.

Other than that I'll take just about any republicrat over anything the democrook party offers up.

Who else do you have?

I don't see a single promising person in the GOP. There is no Reagan there, that's for sure. Nowhere in sight. Not even over the horizon.

All I see on the Left are populists. All I see on the Right are demagogues.

Rand Paul stands out just by being Libertarian. But it does not automatically follow a standout is the best guy for the job, especially if he wears a propeller hat.

Rand Paul won't get the nomination no matter how hard he tries. He is a libertarian...the GOP has no respect for libertarians and no matter how much he moves to the center...he will get raped. He has too many issues ranging from racist staff members, his father, and plagiarism.

Mike Huckabee is the answer...but he didn't really want to run - he wanted a talk show on Fox. If he were to be serious, he can be successful.

yeah, put Ol Huck on the ticket ... great idea !!

Rand Paul seems to be doing quite a bit of positioning. Wouldn't the Libertarian position to be "let the states decide for themselves" in terms of voter ID? Would he support federal intervention to curtail these efforts?

I wonder if black voters will forget about his neo-confederate past?

Please explain his neo-confederate past!

Please rectify the fact you escaped your appointment at Planned Parenthood.

A massive dose of aspirin and a long swim in a waste treatment facility would be the most productive thing genetic garbage like you can endeavor to do.

Rand Paul seems to be doing quite a bit of positioning. Wouldn't the Libertarian position to be "let the states decide for themselves" in terms of voter ID? Would he support federal intervention to curtail these efforts?

I wonder if black voters will forget about his neo-confederate past?

Please explain his neo-confederate past!


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The GOP claims to be about smaller government. The proverbial bathtub drowning. However, when they occupied all the branches of government, they showed their true colors. They bowed down and worshiped Mammon. They exploded the size of the federal government and the debt, and gave themselves totalitarian powers. That's when I stopped voting.

Rand Paul is probably the only Republican candidate on the board who really does want to shrink the size and reach of the federal government. He gets a lot of points from me for that.

His father was hardcore. He never ever wavered from his principles, and I greatly admired him for that, even though there were several deal breakers about him I could not get past.

Rand Paul does not impress me as being as principled as his dad. He strikes me as someone who folds like a cheap suit, and that is not what we need. Obama has that same sartorial weakness.

Unfortunately, someone who has the kind of passion it takes to tear down the massive federal edifice rarely comes with the great communication skills necessary to acquire the position from which to achieve the goal. These characteristics seem to be mutually exclusive.

Paul is a much better communicator than his dad, and more photogenic. (The Jheri curl or whatever the hell he is using in his hair has to go, though.) But he does not have the steadfastness of his father.
Rand Paul seems to be doing quite a bit of positioning. Wouldn't the Libertarian position to be "let the states decide for themselves" in terms of voter ID? Would he support federal intervention to curtail these efforts?

I wonder if black voters will forget about his neo-confederate past?

Please explain his neo-confederate past!

Please rectify the fact you escaped your appointment at Planned Parenthood.

A massive dose of aspirin and a long swim in a waste treatment facility would be the most productive thing genetic garbage like you can endeavor to do.

Because I am asking someone to provide evidence of Rand Paul's neo-confederate past? Here is a hint, I like Rand Paul...voted for him when I lived in KY and I am unaware of any neo-confederate past. Thus, I am asking for an explanation.

Did I miss something, or are you a teaper who just spews nonsense because that is all you know how to do?
I wonder if black voters will forget about his neo-confederate past?

God, he had a staffer who had been a neo-confederate in the past and Paul said it was wrong, but didn't use the word "apologize" in his statement about it. That's a "neo-confederate past?"

Rand Paul seems to be doing quite a bit of positioning. Wouldn't the Libertarian position to be "let the states decide for themselves" in terms of voter ID? Would he support federal intervention to curtail these efforts?

I wonder if black voters will forget about his neo-confederate past?

Please explain his neo-confederate past!

Please rectify the fact you escaped your appointment at Planned Parenthood.

A massive dose of aspirin and a long swim in a waste treatment facility would be the most productive thing genetic garbage like you can endeavor to do.

no need to affirm your ignorance, it's a given.
Please explain his neo-confederate past!

Please rectify the fact you escaped your appointment at Planned Parenthood.

A massive dose of aspirin and a long swim in a waste treatment facility would be the most productive thing genetic garbage like you can endeavor to do.

Because I am asking someone to provide evidence of Rand Paul's neo-confederate past? Here is a hint, I like Rand Paul...voted for him when I lived in KY and I am unaware of any neo-confederate past. Thus, I am asking for an explanation.

Did I miss something, or are you a teaper who just spews nonsense because that is all you know how to do?

I just said where the accusation came from in the post before this unless someone gets in first. It's a stupid and ignorant accusation.
I wonder if black voters will forget about his neo-confederate past?

God, he had a staffer who had been a neo-confederate in the past and Paul said it was wrong, but didn't use the word "apologize" in his statement about it. That's a "neo-confederate past?"


Never mind democrook hero Senator Robert "sheets" Byrd cast a “no” vote on the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1964.


The association of someone alleged to be less than sensitive about black issues makes one guilty of genocide by default!!!

Fucking retards...

  • Thanks
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I'm certainly not saying Rand Paul is above playing politics, or "working" specific demographics, but these are all pretty standard libertarian positions. It's not anything new, and doesn't conflict with any of his past positions that I'm aware of.
Please rectify the fact you escaped your appointment at Planned Parenthood.

A massive dose of aspirin and a long swim in a waste treatment facility would be the most productive thing genetic garbage like you can endeavor to do.

Because I am asking someone to provide evidence of Rand Paul's neo-confederate past? Here is a hint, I like Rand Paul...voted for him when I lived in KY and I am unaware of any neo-confederate past. Thus, I am asking for an explanation.

Did I miss something, or are you a teaper who just spews nonsense because that is all you know how to do?

I just said where the accusation came from in the post before this unless someone gets in first. It's a stupid and ignorant accusation.

Yeah, that is what I thought he was referring to...just making sure.
nothing said about rand paul in your quote is off the libertarian party line. Libertarians are not the same thing as republicans. Rand paul is a libertarian using the more popular republican brand to get ahead in life.

As for voter id, only an idiot supports such a waste of taxpayer dollars. It does not stop or prevent the types of voter fraud which occur, logical fallacies about needing an id to buy liquor notwithstanding.

States with even the strictest voter id requirements still experience voter fraud. One has to be a willful idiot to continue to think it is efficacious.

Please explain his neo-confederate past!

Please rectify the fact you escaped your appointment at Planned Parenthood.

A massive dose of aspirin and a long swim in a waste treatment facility would be the most productive thing genetic garbage like you can endeavor to do.

Because I am asking someone to provide evidence of Rand Paul's neo-confederate past? Here is a hint, I like Rand Paul...voted for him when I lived in KY and I am unaware of any neo-confederate past. Thus, I am asking for an explanation.

Did I miss something, or are you a teaper who just spews nonsense because that is all you know how to do?


Because you're a blithering imbecile and a danger to the genepool. People like you used to get yourselves killed before there were so damn many safety warnings on everything.

There are trees near you diligently producing the oxygen you're stealing, you owe them a sincere apology for wasting their time. The least you could do in penance is climb up one with a short rope around your neck and take a long leap.

Do it for the puppies...

Because I am asking someone to provide evidence of Rand Paul's neo-confederate past? Here is a hint, I like Rand Paul...voted for him when I lived in KY and I am unaware of any neo-confederate past. Thus, I am asking for an explanation.

Did I miss something, or are you a teaper who just spews nonsense because that is all you know how to do?

I just said where the accusation came from in the post before this unless someone gets in first. It's a stupid and ignorant accusation.

Yeah, that is what I thought he was referring to...just making sure.

Well, [MENTION=16263]nodoginnafight[/MENTION] 's link didn't support anything else. He needs to man up and admit what he posted was bull and he should have verified it rather than posting it. I predict he doesn't have the gonads to man up, here's his chance to prove me wrong.
Last edited:
Please rectify the fact you escaped your appointment at Planned Parenthood.

A massive dose of aspirin and a long swim in a waste treatment facility would be the most productive thing genetic garbage like you can endeavor to do.

Because I am asking someone to provide evidence of Rand Paul's neo-confederate past? Here is a hint, I like Rand Paul...voted for him when I lived in KY and I am unaware of any neo-confederate past. Thus, I am asking for an explanation.

Did I miss something, or are you a teaper who just spews nonsense because that is all you know how to do?


Because you're a blithering imbecile and a danger to the genepool. People like you used to get yourselves killed before there were so damn many safety warnings on everything.

There are trees near you diligently producing the oxygen you're stealing, you owe them a sincere apology for wasting their time. The least you could do in penance is climb up one with a short rope around your neck and take a long leap.

Do it for the puppies...

:lmao: Typical teaper. You guys prove my point all of the time.
Please rectify the fact you escaped your appointment at Planned Parenthood.

A massive dose of aspirin and a long swim in a waste treatment facility would be the most productive thing genetic garbage like you can endeavor to do.

Because I am asking someone to provide evidence of Rand Paul's neo-confederate past? Here is a hint, I like Rand Paul...voted for him when I lived in KY and I am unaware of any neo-confederate past. Thus, I am asking for an explanation.

Did I miss something, or are you a teaper who just spews nonsense because that is all you know how to do?


Because you're a blithering imbecile and a danger to the genepool. People like you used to get yourselves killed before there were so damn many safety warnings on everything.

There are trees near you diligently producing the oxygen you're stealing, you owe them a sincere apology for wasting their time. The least you could do in penance is climb up one with a short rope around your neck and take a long leap.

Do it for the puppies...


I'm confused. It seems like you're both saying you like Rand Paul and you are both saying you don't believe the ridiculous accusation he has a "neo-confederate" past. Am I missing something?

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