Random Check for Plagiarism of Michelle Obama's 2008 Speech shows 96% plagiarized!

Michelle Obama, god awful speech maker. there are no democrats that give great speeches, some democrats can't even give a speech without having to take a pee break every 7 minutes.

michelles words obviously came from somewhere else

because michelle doesnt believe a word of what she said

her and her husbands full belief is

you didnt build that

whitey gets a free pass

blacks can never win
They have no control whatsoever over how hypocritical they allow themselves to get. They are all losers.
Is Trump the best thing that's ever happened to the GOP or what? :lol:
Interesting (and entertaining) when right wingers try to defend the indefensible rather than just hoping that the issue fades away quickly.....instead, they keep the issue in the spotlight......Go figure!

It's not an issue, I bet your parents told you the same thing, damn shame you didn't listen, the is just another regressive deflection because your candidate isn't trusted my a wide majority of Americans.
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Political rhetoric is nothing more than the same transparent, platitude-stuffed bullshit, over and over. The words are just (usually) put in different order.

That doesn't stop the silly partisans from screaming when "the other guy" does it.

I do wish they'd find another fucking hobby.

How about the other guy did it first and nobody cared.
Interesting (and entertaining) when right wingers try to defend the indefensible rather than just hoping that the issue fades away quickly.....instead, they keep the issue in the spotlight......Go figure!
Check it for yourself at the following website:

Plagiarism Checker
Oh dear.....:itsok::itsok:
Oh dear what? Is that your best response?

I cannot tell if you are denying the facts, or simply saying she should be allowed to do what you all accuse Melania of.

I honestly think it is the latter. I mean it would have to be. I see this is another thing that you just hate. I mean every time your hypocrisy is exposed, it must suck for you.

However, you and your types take it to another level. You are actually saying Michelle obama should be able to plagiarize, bill clinton should be able to lie and sexually assault women, hillary ought to be able to violate laws, obama should be able to lie to us, on and on and on and on.

You are all fucking unreal losers.
I'm very sorry for you.....I really am. Look what you've hitched your wagon to.
Check it for yourself at the following website:

Plagiarism Checker
Oh dear.....:itsok::itsok:
Oh dear what? Is that your best response?

I cannot tell if you are denying the facts, or simply saying she should be allowed to do what you all accuse Melania of.

I honestly think it is the latter. I mean it would have to be. I see this is another thing that you just hate. I mean every time your hypocrisy is exposed, it must suck for you.

However, you and your types take it to another level. You are actually saying Michelle obama should be able to plagiarize, bill clinton should be able to lie and sexually assault women, hillary ought to be able to violate laws, obama should be able to lie to us, on and on and on and on.

You are all fucking unreal losers.
I'm very sorry for you.....I really am. Look what you've hitched your wagon to.
Nice obfuscation. As you vote proudly for hillary. The biggest fucking liar that American politics has ever experienced.
Check it for yourself at the following website:

Plagiarism Checker
Oh dear.....:itsok::itsok:
Oh dear what? Is that your best response?

I cannot tell if you are denying the facts, or simply saying she should be allowed to do what you all accuse Melania of.

I honestly think it is the latter. I mean it would have to be. I see this is another thing that you just hate. I mean every time your hypocrisy is exposed, it must suck for you.

However, you and your types take it to another level. You are actually saying Michelle obama should be able to plagiarize, bill clinton should be able to lie and sexually assault women, hillary ought to be able to violate laws, obama should be able to lie to us, on and on and on and on.

You are all fucking unreal losers.
I'm very sorry for you.....I really am. Look what you've hitched your wagon to.
Nope, actually feel sorry for you.
Check it for yourself at the following website:

Plagiarism Checker
Oh dear.....:itsok::itsok:
Oh dear what? Is that your best response?

I cannot tell if you are denying the facts, or simply saying she should be allowed to do what you all accuse Melania of.

I honestly think it is the latter. I mean it would have to be. I see this is another thing that you just hate. I mean every time your hypocrisy is exposed, it must suck for you.

However, you and your types take it to another level. You are actually saying Michelle obama should be able to plagiarize, bill clinton should be able to lie and sexually assault women, hillary ought to be able to violate laws, obama should be able to lie to us, on and on and on and on.

You are all fucking unreal losers.
I'm very sorry for you.....I really am. Look what you've hitched your wagon to.

Not really much of a comeback... The Owl just pointed out that three top Democrats (one the presumptive nominee) and a First Lady all plagiarized, and that is ok.
Political rhetoric is nothing more than the same transparent, platitude-stuffed bullshit, over and over. The words are just (usually) put in different order.

That doesn't stop the silly partisans from screaming when "the other guy" does it.

I do wish they'd find another fucking hobby.
What ought to concern you is how democrats (socialist one world order) have taken over the 3 main sources of communication to the masses. They have monopolized control over the MEDIA, EDUCATION, and HOLLYWOOD (entertainment industry.).

The socialists have been all too aware for a very long time how bandwagon reasoning works and how important it is to hype issues. Especially if they are lies. In order to get what they want, they are too willing to lie in order to get it.

Inevitably they want the utter destruction of an America they hate. The sheep in this country are seduced into believing wholeheartedly that America has been illegitimate from its founding.

Of course the ELITE socialists (socialism is the old feudal system. Look it up) are more interested in taking ALL opportunity from everyone in the peasant class. In fact the OLD MONEY are deeply offended by the NOTION that anyone in the serf class or a peasant could ever reach their level.

The free market has provided that OPPORTUNITY that had never existed before. More people (thousands and thousands) from the peasant class have made it out of poverty due to that opportunity.

The problem the larger number of voters don't make it. Lets face it. The odds are against them. So, when they see the riches and their own people chanting bling bling in their faces, they become bitter. The more bitter the more violence. The more anger and despair, the greater need for scapegoat.

You get the picture. That is what we are seeing and that is why we are in this position. Those that are utterly seduced by this 60 year movement have little to zero ability to see truth. Instead they are all in lock step with the lies pushed by those three entities. All working to crush the free market that is essentially the best friend of the ambitious in the peasant class.
The Owl just pointed out that three top Democrats (one the presumptive nominee) and a First Lady all plagiarized, and that is ok.
Actually that Alinsky claim is a typical Right-wing lie.

FALSE: Michelle Obama Copied Her 2008 DNC Speech from Saul Alinsky

A simplistic comparison of Alinksy and Mrs. Obama's uses of "the world as it is" and "the world as it should be" (phrases that were arguably exceedingly common in concept for policy speeches) suggested a surface likeness. But Alinsky's purportedly plagiarized half-sentence was part of a passage about adopting a realistic approach to "the world as it is" versus "the world as it should be." By contrast, Michelle Obama was paraphrasing her husband's lamenting acceptance of "the world as it is" when "the world as it should be ... reflect[ed] our values and aspirations" and was not expressing it as her own thought.

As such, the plagiarism claim applied to Mrs. Obama was weak on its face, given that it involved a mere eight common words supposedly lifted from the oft-invoked Alinsky and expressed a notion opposite to the one offered by Alinsky.
Love the smell of GOP desperation in the morning.

Smells like….


I cant figure out if the GOP position is now that Plagiarism is ok because other people have done it. Or plagiarism is not ok and Melania did not do it.

Seems like they want their cake and eat it too by throwing up every defense "Shes smart! And she copied a speech from Obama that we loved except when Obama gave it! And whats wrong with Copying anyway? She didnt copy but just saying! Everyone copies! Here is Obama copying someone which means copying is bad...when Obama does it. Not Melania tho because she didnt copy but if she did thats cool!"
Love the smell of GOP desperation in the morning.

Smells like….


I cant figure out if the GOP position is now that Plagiarism is ok because other people have done it. Or plagiarism is not ok and Melania did not do it.

Seems like they want their cake and eat it too by throwing up every defense "Shes smart! And she copied a speech from Obama that we loved except when Obama gave it! And whats wrong with Copying anyway? She didnt copy but just saying! Everyone copies! Here is Obama copying someone which means copying is bad...when Obama does it. Not Melania tho because she didnt copy but if she did thats cool!"

I have been dealing with a lot of personal crap and work crap lately. Tell me, have they used the old line yet that; “All great writers borrow from others; the best steal outright”?

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