Rangel: An Attack on Bush is an attack on all Americans (Merged)

The meaning of that "phrase" is that some like to have a nice cake to show people that they have a nice cake. Then they want to eat the cake because it tastes good. But once they eat it, they have no cake to show everyone.

Rangel wants to be able to Bash Bush whenever he wants but he also wants to appear like he's defending American Honor and the presidency. You can't blame the president for killing soldiers, killing blacks in Katrina and contributing to terrorism and then defend his honor when someone else says the same thing. Its dishonest.

I know what the phrase means and the context in which you used it. I didn't get into Law School by being a dumbass. I was merely being facetious. Grow a sense of humor.

P.S. Look up the definition of the word dishonest. You used it out of context.
Or could just be that the Democrats know this kind of loony rhetoric is going to far with mainstream America and they don't want to be associated with Chavez and his lunacy, they need to protect their own Hyde's.

Bingo Barn!
Cause the Saud's are Bush's buddies...

But we digress....

I love how this thread was changed from "Rangel said somethng good" to yet another dem-bashing thread.

Hey, you brought up the Saud's and buddies..All was well before that..Liberal brain fart, no doubt.:whip:
:shocked: :D

napi21 (1000+ posts) Thu Sep-21-06 10:13 PM
Response to Original message
10. I disagree with that. I think I undersand where they were coming from.
You've heard about a fatherscreaming at his kid for all the terrible things he's done,but that same father will fist fight with some other guy who slams that same kid? It's that phenomonon that says I can say what I want about MY KID, but you have NO right!!!

I honestly think if Charlie and Nancy had NOT said anything, the RW would have pushed the idea that obviously the 'dems all agree with Chavez. Now, I do agree with himon a lot of things. I agree with Abahmadinijad too, but it's something you don't say on a public stage! Is it politics? Of course it is! Butwith 5 weeks to go to the Nov elections, I think they did the right thing.
:shocked: :D

napi21 (1000+ posts) Thu Sep-21-06 10:13 PM
Response to Original message
10. I disagree with that. I think I understand where they were coming from.
You've heard about a father screaming at his kid for all the terrible things he's done,but that same father will fist fight with some other guy who slams that same kid? It's that phenomenon that says I can say what I want about MY KID, but you have NO right!!!

I honestly think if Charlie and Nancy had NOT said anything, the RW would have pushed the idea that obviously the 'dems all agree with Chavez. Now, I do agree with him on a lot of things. I agree with Ahmadinejad too, but it's something you don't say on a public stage! Is it politics? Of course it is! But with 5 weeks to go to the Nov elections, I think they did the right thing.

I'll add to this and say.....
I think Rangel was somewhat, sincere...
Pelosi, not so much...
OK Grump, tell you what, why don't YOU post some proof of what you claim? Convince me, if you're able that Hugo Chavez is VERY POPULAR amongst the poor, the vast majority. Convince me that those elections were not fraudulent. Convince me that his government isn't corrupt.

Furthermore, convince me that Bush and Cheney are expecting everyone to, as you say, "dance their tune"... go ahead ... and I'll decide which links I'll accept as valid, and what isn't ... just like you do with everyone else... and don't post anything that isn't conservative, it won't be accepted as credible.

You do realise you made the initial assertion, so really it should be yours to prove, but as you are too lazy to, I'll do YOUR research for you. I don't "decide" what links are valid - if they are right-wing blog they have an agenda. If it is Fox or Free Republic, ditto. And where have I ever said that anything that left-leaning media says IS credible.
Anyway, here's a snippet. As far as I know wikipedia has no political leanings, but they do demand citations from their contributors.


Domestically, Chávez has launched Bolivarian Missions, whose goals are to combat disease, illiteracy, malnutrition, poverty, and other social ills.

After an extended period of popular dissatisfaction and economic decline[11] under the administration of President Carlos Andrés Pérez and the violent repression known as El Caracazo,[12] Chávez made extensive preparations for a military coup d'état.[13]

Chávez utilized his charisma and flamboyant public speaking style—noted for its abundance of colloquialisms and ribald manner—on the campaign trail to win the trust and favor of a primarily poor and working class following. By May 1998, Chávez's support had risen to 30% in polls, and by August he was registering 39%. Chávez went on to win the Carter Center-endorsed 1998 presidential election on December 6, 1998 with 56% of the vote.[13][25]

Chávez's first few months in office were dedicated primarily to dismantling what his supporters deemed puntofijismo via new legislation and constitutional reform, while his secondary focus was on immediately allocating more government funds to new social programs.

Lastly, the Venezuelan judiciary was reformed. Judges, under the new constitution, were now to be installed after passing public examinations and were not, as in the old manner, to be appointed by the National Assembly.

Elections for the new unicameral National Assembly were held on July 30, 2000. During this same election, Chávez himself stood for reelection. Chávez's coalition garnered a commanding two-thirds majority of seats in the National Assembly while Chávez was reelected with 60% of the votes. The Carter Center monitored the 2000 presidential election; their report on that election stated that, due to lack of transparency, CNE partiality, and political pressure from the Chávez government that resulted in unconstitutionally early elections, it was unable to validate the official CNE results.[32] However, they concluded that the presidential election legitimately expressed the will of the people.[33]

following Chávez's imposition of capital controls, inflation fell to 13.4% the lowest in 14 years,[35] while economic growth was steady at four percent.

The recall vote itself was held on August 15, 2004. A record number of voters turned out to defeat the recall attempt with a 59% "no" vote.[51][52] The election was overseen by the Carter Center and the Organization of American States, and was certified by them as fair and open.[

There's plenty there - both good and bad - but he is far from Hitler, and he is far from a dictator. Is there corruption in Venezuala? I'd say absolutely, but that was rife before Chavez came to power. As you can read from the whole link, he is definitely a champion of the poor, but like most socialist programmes, those who have the money don't want to give up, so a power struggle ensues. Is Chavez a good guy? Dunno - to some yes, others no, but to paint his as a dictator is not only untrue, it's kinda simplistic and lazy IMO. The situation is very complicated in that country. What you DO have is a US administration that hates socialism and the nationalising of certain assets. That is the real problem, and one way of making him a target is by demonising him.
Hey, you brought up the Saud's and buddies..All was well before that..Liberal brain fart, no doubt.:whip:

neo-con distortion.... the thread was fine for a few posts until insein and dillo did their little anti-dem dance. But then again, they need to do that. Their hatred's so great they can't help it.
neo-con distortion.... the thread was fine for a few posts until insein and dillo did their little anti-dem dance. But then again, they need to do that. Their hatred's so great they can't help it.

I guess you haven't seen the liberal "hate Bush" dance thats been going on for years? Oh thats right liberals have different rules for themselves than they do for others.
I know what the phrase means and the context in which you used it. I didn't get into Law School by being a dubass. I was merely being facetious. Grow a sense of humor.

P.S. Look up the definition of the word dishonest. You used it out of context.

No, its the perfect word for the situation.

Main Entry: dis·hon·est
Pronunciation: (")dis-'ä-n&st also (")diz-
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French deshoneste, from des- dis- + honeste honest

2 : characterized by lack of truth, honesty, or trustworthiness : UNFAIR, DECEPTIVE

- dis·hon·est·ly adverb

Of course i could have used these

synonyms DISHONEST, DECEITFUL, MENDACIOUS, UNTRUTHFUL mean unworthy of trust or belief.

DISHONEST implies a willful perversion of truth in order to deceive, cheat, or defraud <a swindle usually involves two dishonest people>.
DECEITFUL usually implies an intent to mislead and commonly suggests a false appearance or double-dealing <the secret affairs of a deceitful spouse>.

MENDACIOUS may suggest bland or even harmlessly mischievous deceit and when used of people often suggests a habit of telling untruths <mendacious tales of adventure>.
UNTRUTHFUL stresses a discrepancy between what is said and fact or reality <an untruthful account of their actions>.
neo-con distortion.... the thread was fine for a few posts until insein and dillo did their little anti-dem dance. But then again, they need to do that. Their hatred's so great they can't help it.

Hey Jili,
Isn't that huge bucket of BullShit you and Gump are carrying for the leftist, socialist, Democrat Party getting heavy and unwieldy? Don't drop it around here, we don't want you two to stink this board up any worse than you normally do. Distortion? hahahahahahaha it's hard to believe you attempt to use that lame ass mind to attempt to practice law.....I guess they are giving law degrees away with a tootsie roll and that same shitty Noam Chomsky book that the little troll from Venezuala is pushing......Please use a chauffeur service to get around, you're not safe behind the wheel of an automobile.
He wasn't my candidate nor part of my political party...:beer:
Also, you need to read your own link....carefully...and look at the context of not only Kerry's comments, but what the story actually said.

Oh, you mean that Kerry was only saying something for political expediency? You mean Rangel (being in the same Party) is just like Kerry?

Better reread Insein's posts about eating your cake.
That ain't no joke. You gotta love this--

neo-con distortion.... the thread was fine for a few posts until insein and dillo did their little anti-dem dance. But then again, they need to do that. Their hatred's so great they can't help it.

The thread was fine until a few people saw through the bullshit that the left was slinging around. Then when the left was confronted with the fact that they treat our President like that 24/7/365, all of the sudden the thread wasnt' so "fine". And what excuse will they use when they start treating him like shit again? "Well we're Americans--we can call our President anything we want".
Oh really? So you don't allow non-citizens freedom of speech. Well I have news for ya--we got millions of Mexicans running around our country speaking against our president. You got a lot of people to shut up.
Don't bother--we know it's all another liberal lie. If being an American is what gives you the right to freedom of speech then use it wisely or don't be surprised when someone questions your patriotism. Y'all sound exactly like our enemy.
Certainly looks like it to me

Could be! I tend to treat each incident on their merits. I find painting a broad brush on EVERYTHING very lazy. You?

Bullshit---still pissed cause you libs are getting exposed for the liars you are ?
Bullshit---still pissed cause you libs are getting exposed for the liars you are ?

Not pissed, not a lib, and not a liar...:thanks:

You right-wing neocons have to got to get it through your skulls that anybody to the left of Atilla the Hun ain't a liberal....:tng:
Not pissed, not a lib, and not a liar...:thanks:

You right-wing neocons have to got to get it through your skulls that anybody to the left of Atilla the Hun ain't a liberal....:tng:

How about anti-Bush and anti-American ? That fit you any better ?

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