Rangel: An Attack on Bush is an attack on all Americans (Merged)

Definitely anti-Bush without a doubt. Anti-American? Naw, I love America...great place! I'm about as anti-American as you are....

You sound just like the little dictators that were just here and they sure as hell ain't America lovers.
Yeah, anybody who doesn't think much of Bush must hate America. :lame2:

Thinking ill of him doesn't hurt a thing--letting the entire world know that you think he's a piece of shit while we are at war makes America weak but I know---you live in this little world of me, my and mine. Your freedom of speech is more important to you than our countries' strength.
The only thing worse than having foreign leaders on our soil trashing Bush are so so-called Americans who trash him here daily and make America an easy target. Divided we are falling and you're oh so willing to divide.
If America stood as one and demanded an end to terrorist bs "OR ELSE" it would stop. You know why ?---cause they know if we stand as one they could never ultimately get away with the shit they pull.
Thinking ill of him doesn't hurt a thing--letting the entire world know that you think he's a piece of shit while we are at war makes America weak but I know---you live in this little world of me, my and mine. Your freedom of speech is more important to you than our countries' strength.

Yeah, talking on a messageboard is really gonna weaken the US. As for the war in Iraq, Bush made his bed, he can lie in it. Seems like a lot of people do not agree with him on this. So you would kowtow peoples' freedom of speech just so it "looks good" to the rest of the world? How democratic of you. How nice. What do you do for an encore, try and repeal the first amendment?

The only thing worse than having foreign leaders on our soil trashing Bush are so so-called Americans who trash him here daily and make America an easy target.

This doesn't relate to me in any way, shape or form.

and make America an easy target. Divided we are falling and you're oh so willing to divide.If America stood as one and demanded an end to terrorist bs "OR ELSE" it would stop. You know why ?---cause they know if we stand as one they could never ultimately get away with the shit they pull.

This has got to be one of the most lamest things I have read in a long time. I can just see OBL and his ilk - wherever they are - seeing the headline "Americans 100% behind their president" and sending out the decree "Hey, guys, no more attacks on American troops or planning terrorist attacks because they are united on this!!"...Piss weak...One thing that makes the US and the rest of the western world great is the ability to speak your mind. Once you start taking those things away, the terrorists are winning the war of the minds....You a champion of that are you?
Yeah, talking on a messageboard is really gonna weaken the US. As for the war in Iraq, Bush made his bed, he can lie in it. Seems like a lot of people do not agree with him on this. So you would kowtow peoples' freedom of speech just so it "looks good" to the rest of the world? How democratic of you. How nice. What do you do for an encore, try and repeal the first amendment?

Unfortunately the division does not only occur on message boards or don't you read? Would I withhold my opinion if it would help solve a national issue ? You bet your sweet ass I would. Freedom of speech is a right--it's not mandatory to say every piece of shit that comes to you head just because you can or because you hate.

This doesn't relate to me in any way, shape or form.

Bullshit---you trash him all the time

This has got to be one of the most lamest things I have read in a long time. I can just see OBL and his ilk - wherever they are - seeing the headline "Americans 100% behind their president" and sending out the decree "Hey, guys, no more attacks on American troops or planning terrorist attacks because they are united on this!!"...Piss weak...One thing that makes the US and the rest of the western world great is the ability to speak your mind. Once you start taking those things away, the terrorists are winning the war of the minds....You a champion of that are you?[/QUOTE

Evidence of how really ignorant you are of the power of unity. If your mind is weak, speaking it lets everyone know how really weak you are. There is a difference between speaking and blowing smoke out of your ass. You better see what's coming out of the back of your pants !
What a bunch of garbage. Why should I pretend I agree with anything that I don't so as to assuage your, apparently, delicate senisibilities.

If Bush does something right, I'll be happy to say so. And I've said he's good on at least one issue. But I'm not going to hold my tongue because neo-con extremists get offended. Y'all sure didn't worry about unity and the way we looked to the rest of the world when the psycho right harassed Bill Clinton for 8 years.
What a bunch of garbage. Why should I pretend I agree with anything that I don't so as to assuage your, apparently, delicate senisibilities.

If Bush does something right, I'll be happy to say so. And I've said he's good on at least one issue. But I'm not going to hold my tongue because neo-con extremists get offended. Y'all sure didn't worry about unity and the way we looked to the rest of the world when the psycho right harassed Bill Clinton for 8 years.

I realize that liberals are too concerned about themselves to sacrifice anything for the greater good. I'm not offended by you or what you say but I am aware of the damage your selfish prattle is to the security and well being of our country. ME MY MINE.
I realize that liberals are too concerned about themselves to sacrifice anything for the greater good. I'm not offended by you or what you say but I am aware of the damage your selfish prattle is to the security and well being of our country. ME MY MINE.

So I have to believe what Bush does is for the "greater good" even though I think he's completely incompetent? Piss on that..... You neo-cons really need to get over yourselves.
So I have to believe what Bush does is for the "greater good" even though I think he's completely incompetent? Piss on that..... You neo-cons really need to get over yourselves.

You don't have to believe shit. I wouldn't want to force you out of you selfish cocoon--be part of the ME MY MINE gang. People are sacrificing thier lives for the cause and you can't back off on your "right" to trash the American Administration. We can muddle along without you.
You don't have to believe shit. I wouldn't want to force you out of you selfish cocoon--be part of the ME MY MINE gang. People are sacrificing thier lives for the cause and you can't back off on your "right" to trash the American Administration. We can muddle along without you.

I think Bush has mishandled everything regarding Iraq and the WOT. So how is that "selfish". You guys crack me up... you think b/c your fearless leader does something, that it mus, by definition be right. Really lame... really....

Again, you think what you guys did for 8 years, intentionally, and when Clinton wasn't a screw-up (IMO, of course, and in the opinion of most given his approval ratings when he left office) was ok.?

Hypocrisy at its finest.
I think Bush has mishandled everything regarding Iraq and the WOT. So how is that "selfish". You guys crack me up... you think b/c your fearless leader does something, that it mus, by definition be right. Really lame... really....

Again, you think what you guys did for 8 years, intentionally, and when Clinton wasn't a screw-up (IMO, of course, and in the opinion of most given his approval ratings when he left office) was ok.?

Hypocrisy at its finest.

How is that selfish? Because instead of taking the situation as it is ( what's done is done) and making an effort to pull together against an enemy, you choose to use partisan mudslinging and lies to obstruct anything that we could possibly do to fix the situation. If the US were attacked like 9/11 during the blow-job years, I could have easily set Clintons' lies aside to fight those trying to destroy US.
Must suck to have such a big ego that you can't put it down, even for the sake of honesty.
I'm member of the RNC. Why does it matter?

I'm not sure it "matters" at all. I am curious if you are comfortable with any traditional set of political policies. Most people on this message board seem pretty sure of where they lie on the political spectrum, even if they do not follow every precept of a particular party. I just do not get that impression from you, after reading many if your posts. Law school will mess with you that way, though. ;)
Cause they think if you aren't a dittohead, you must be a loony leftist, commie, anti-American, terrorist-supporter.

Yup, Jillian, that's exactly what I think. :rolleyes: Just when I start to think you could be one of that rarest of species, Reasonables Liberalis, you go and prove me wrong. I guess the white rhinos still have you all outnumbered, ey?
I'm not sure it "matters" at all. I am curious if you are comfortable with any traditional set of political policies. Most people on this message board seem pretty sure of where they lie on the political spectrum, even if they do not follow every precept of a particular party. I just do not get that impression from you, after reading many if your posts. Law school will mess with you that way, though. ;)

I think it boils down to the 'Rules of Evidence' 'Fruits of the poison tree' no matter how righteous the evidence attorneys will always attack on the Fruits issue!:beer:
Yup, Jillian, that's exactly what I think. :rolleyes: Just when I start to think you could be one of that rarest of species, Reasonables Liberalis, you go and prove me wrong. I guess the white rhinos still have you all outnumbered, ey?

Nah... I really am a "reasonable liberal", I hope. Just this thread ticked me off.... lol... Comes from reading two days' worth of "unreasonable conservatives" diatribes. Plus, I knew that OFT is a right-of-center Republican. Didn't mean to lump you in.

Nah... I really am a "reasonable liberal", I hope. Just this thread ticked me off.... lol... Comes from reading two days' worth of "unreasonable conservatives" diatribes. Plus, I knew that OFT is a right-of-center Republican. Didn't mean to lump you in.


Have you ever forgiven the conservatives for impeaching Clinton?
I'm not sure it "matters" at all. I am curious if you are comfortable with any traditional set of political policies. Most people on this message board seem pretty sure of where they lie on the political spectrum, even if they do not follow every precept of a particular party. I just do not get that impression from you, after reading many if your posts. Law school will mess with you that way, though. ;)

I know exactly who I am politically. I'm a moderate Republican. I play devil's advocate alot in order to further a debate. I ask questions, but I know what my positions are. The reason you get that "impression" from me is that my mind can be changed. I'm not so embedded in right wing ideology that I can't see where the other side comes from. Since you are analyzing me, you have probably gotten the impression that I shy away from extremism. Politically, I'm open to both sides of a debate. When it comes to litigation, I'm not.

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