Rangel wants to make a deal


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
Rep. Charles Rangel seeking last-minute deal to settle ethics charges against him in Congress

Read this carefully. The INTENT of the Democrats in charge of House is to find some MINOR wrist slap deal to protect Rangel and the Dems.

A laundry list of ILLEGAL activities, unethical behavior and down right dishonest practices by Rangel would be swept under the rug if ONLY they can come to some minor wrist slapping decision on how to make this all go away.

Can you IMAGINE what the Democrats and the Liberals would howl if a Republican Congress was THIS open about sweeping past misdeeds under the rug?
"Everyone would like this to go away," House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) said of the closed-door talks on whether Rangel will accept a wrist-slap deal to avoid an "adjudicatory process" similar to a trial before the House ethics committee.

Read more: Rep. Charles Rangel seeking last-minute deal to settle ethics charges against him in Congress


"I hope it's true," said an influential congressional Democrat who, like all his colleagues, is anxious to spare the party an embarrassing public spectacle that Republicans will exploit in the November mid-term elections.

Read more: Rep. Charles Rangel seeking last-minute deal to settle ethics charges against him in Congress

Simple unbelievable.
Rep. Charles Rangel seeking last-minute deal to settle ethics charges against him in Congress

Read this carefully. The INTENT of the Democrats in charge of House is to find some MINOR wrist slap deal to protect Rangel and the Dems.

A laundry list of ILLEGAL activities, unethical behavior and down right dishonest practices by Rangel would be swept under the rug if ONLY they can come to some minor wrist slapping decision on how to make this all go away.

Can you IMAGINE what the Democrats and the Liberals would howl if a Republican Congress was THIS open about sweeping past misdeeds under the rug?

Charlie has a lot of Dirt on Key Democrats, Like good ole Nancy, This will go away.
How long before the race card is played?

It has been played several times already. For example when it was announced Rangel was being investigated they made the claim it was racist because he was black and no white congressmen were being investigated at the same time.
Of course he wants to make a deal. He telegraphed that with his threats of wanting a public hearing. The last thing the Dems want is a tawdry ethics violation hearing of one their major players during an election cycle.
How long before the race card is played?

It has been played several times already. For example when it was announced Rangel was being investigated they made the claim it was racist because he was black and no white congressmen were being investigated at the same time.

Who is this mysterious "they"?

Back it up with a link, maybe?
How long before the race card is played?

It has been played several times already. For example when it was announced Rangel was being investigated they made the claim it was racist because he was black and no white congressmen were being investigated at the same time.

Who is this mysterious "they"?

Back it up with a link, maybe?

They would be black leaders and if you REALLY want to see it DUMB ASS, do a goggle for it. It was NATIONAL NEWS when it happened. I am sure there are still archived stories for those to fucking stupid to have seen them when they were first published.

But then you don't want to see them, this is just an attempt to deflect. You see fuckstain, the meat of the story is the fact that the Dems plan to let Rangel off, and here you are trying to derail it with a demand for evidence that anyone said something about a black man.
It has been played several times already. For example when it was announced Rangel was being investigated they made the claim it was racist because he was black and no white congressmen were being investigated at the same time.

Who is this mysterious "they"?

Back it up with a link, maybe?

They would be black leaders and if you REALLY want to see it DUMB ASS, do a goggle for it. It was NATIONAL NEWS when it happened. I am sure there are still archived stories for those to fucking stupid to have seen them when they were first published.

But then you don't want to see them, this is just an attempt to deflect. You see fuckstain, the meat of the story is the fact that the Dems plan to let Rangel off, and here you are trying to derail it with a demand for evidence that anyone said something about a black man.

Aren't you a polite one.

No, I asked because everyone here seems to put a lot of blame on "they", without ever sourcing who the "they" is. (Which I can't help but notice you still have not done).

And as for the rest of your post, I'm quite certain that the Dems in the House are going to let Rangel off with a slap on the wrist. Which is why I didn't comment on it. I also don't really care. Politics is politics, and EVERYONE is corrupt.

Edit to add:

I did GOOGLE it. Found nothing but Right-wing blogs talking about "they" playing the race card. So I guess we can assume you're full of shit?
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TruthDoesn'tMatter's Congressional Black Caucus preparing to whitewash Rangel....SURPRISE !!!!!!!!

Impossible to name a more corrupt group of congressmen in our government.

However, the Dem Party could not exist without the CORRUPT MONOLITHIC BLACK VOTE of thirteen % (13%) of the Black population of America. The Dem Party knows this, The Blacks know this.....and they are taking advantage of it.

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With Rangel's fate in the balance, Mayor Bloomberg said he didn't know if he's going to Rangel's annual birthday bash on Aug. 11 at the Plaza Hotel.

"I had planned to go, but we'll see what comes out of this and what happens," said Bloomberg, who appeared to speak of Rangel in the past tense.

"I can tell you this - Charlie Rangel did a lot for New York City, and we shouldn't forget that," Bloomberg said.

Read more: Rep. Charles Rangel seeking last-minute deal to settle ethics charges against him in Congress
Rep. Charles Rangel seeking last-minute deal to settle ethics charges against him in Congress

Read this carefully. The INTENT of the Democrats in charge of House is to find some MINOR wrist slap deal to protect Rangel and the Dems.

A laundry list of ILLEGAL activities, unethical behavior and down right dishonest practices by Rangel would be swept under the rug if ONLY they can come to some minor wrist slapping decision on how to make this all go away.

Can you IMAGINE what the Democrats and the Liberals would howl if a Republican Congress was THIS open about sweeping past misdeeds under the rug?

Charlie has a lot of Dirt on Key Democrats, Like good ole Nancy, This will go away.

I'd guess this is prolly close to the truth.
Rep. Charles Rangel seeking last-minute deal to settle ethics charges against him in Congress

Read this carefully. The INTENT of the Democrats in charge of House is to find some MINOR wrist slap deal to protect Rangel and the Dems.

A laundry list of ILLEGAL activities, unethical behavior and down right dishonest practices by Rangel would be swept under the rug if ONLY they can come to some minor wrist slapping decision on how to make this all go away.

Can you IMAGINE what the Democrats and the Liberals would howl if a Republican Congress was THIS open about sweeping past misdeeds under the rug?

I don't doubt he's guilty of peddling influence.

After all, that's how the system works, now.
Rep. Charles Rangel seeking last-minute deal to settle ethics charges against him in Congress

Read this carefully. The INTENT of the Democrats in charge of House is to find some MINOR wrist slap deal to protect Rangel and the Dems.

A laundry list of ILLEGAL activities, unethical behavior and down right dishonest practices by Rangel would be swept under the rug if ONLY they can come to some minor wrist slapping decision on how to make this all go away.

Can you IMAGINE what the Democrats and the Liberals would howl if a Republican Congress was THIS open about sweeping past misdeeds under the rug?

I don't doubt he's guilty of peddling influence.

After all, that's how the system works, now.

Oh, let's conveniently ignore the swindling, and felonious non-payment of taxes..... EVERY ONE is doing that also Editec....after all let's MINIMIZE every LITTLE thing because he's one of us Obamarrhoidal Liberrhoids !
Just so I can understand....

The majority wants Rangel to make a deal so the charges against him do not become a major story and put democrats in a position to have to answer toi the people?

So, again, just to be clear.....we elect them into office....we pay their salaries, benefits, expense accounts and pensions....so, in essence, we employ them......

And they are allowed to do things in an effort to hide from us things that they do not want us to know about as it pertains to their ethics.

And we are OK with this?

Even those on the left.....you are OK with this?

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