Ranking member (D) rips into Issa(R) during oversight committee.....

a ranting Dimwit like Cummings needs to go back to his broke ghetto state of Maryland and fix it first before he goes to Washington to spout off like a jerk....glad Issa ignored him...
a ranting Dimwit like Cummings needs to go back to his broke ghetto state of Maryland and fix it first before he goes to Washington to spout off like a jerk....glad Issa ignored him...

A ranting despot like Issa needs to go back to his desert wasteland state of California and help it get federal right of way for more water before he goes to Washington and tries to channel his inner Joe McCarthy. What YOU pay for food depends on it.

I'm glad Cummings stood his ground, you stupid Nazi-lover, you.
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a ranting Dimwit like Cummings needs to go back to his broke ghetto state of Maryland and fix it first before he goes to Washington to spout off like a jerk....glad Issa ignored him...

A ranting despot like Issa needs to go back to his desert wasteland state of California and help it get federal right of way for more water before he goes to Washington and tries to channel his inner Joe McCarthy. What YOU pay for food depends on it.

I'm glad Cummings stood his ground, you stupid Nazi-lover, you.

^ that
that's funny leftard; because your own Dear Leader says what went on is unacceptable and wont be tolerated

libs are losers who lie to themselves
She's taking the 5th because she knows she'd be going to prison. And she still might be.

And libs are O.K. with her performance.

Self-serving losers.
a ranting Dimwit like Cummings needs to go back to his broke ghetto state of Maryland and fix it first before he goes to Washington to spout off like a jerk....glad Issa ignored him...

A ranting despot like Issa needs to go back to his desert wasteland state of California and help it get federal right of way for more water before he goes to Washington and tries to channel his inner Joe McCarthy. What YOU pay for food depends on it.

I'm glad Cummings stood his ground, you stupid Nazi-lover, you.


Catherine Engelbrecht Quashes Elijah Cummings' Accusations of Racism
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Catherine Engelbrecht??? That voter-disenfranchising rw hack? :rofl:

a ranting Dimwit like Cummings needs to go back to his broke ghetto state of Maryland and fix it first before he goes to Washington to spout off like a jerk....glad Issa ignored him...

...said the ranting dimwit. He practiced law for 19 years BEFORE running for office. Whats your claim to fame? :eusa_eh:

Elijah Cummings - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Cummings attended law school at the University of Maryland School of Law, graduating in 1976 and entering the Maryland Bar in December 1976. He practiced law for 19 years before first being elected to the House in the 1996 elections.
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I wonder why information that is denied to committee members is released to the media?

Anyone got a good answer for that?
Catherine Engelbrecht??? That voter-disenfranchising rw hack? :rofl:

a ranting Dimwit like Cummings needs to go back to his broke ghetto state of Maryland and fix it first before he goes to Washington to spout off like a jerk....glad Issa ignored him...

...said the ranting dimwit. He practiced law for 19 years BEFORE running for office. Whats your claim to fame? :eusa_eh:

Elijah Cummings - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Cummings attended law school at the University of Maryland School of Law, graduating in 1976 and entering the Maryland Bar in December 1976. He practiced law for 19 years before first being elected to the House in the 1996 elections.

Cummings has diahrhea of the mouth.....nobody wants to listen to his racist crap...
Firebug is just serving-up what people who watch Fox news crave :up: manufactured, election year, controversies that end up amounting to nothing
a ranting Dimwit like Cummings needs to go back to his broke ghetto state of Maryland and fix it first before he goes to Washington to spout off like a jerk....glad Issa ignored him...

A ranting despot like Issa needs to go back to his desert wasteland state of California and help it get federal right of way for more water before he goes to Washington and tries to channel his inner Joe McCarthy. What YOU pay for food depends on it.

It was Democrats who directed the water away from the farms you dumb fuck. :rolleyes:
Firebug is just serving-up what people who watch Fox news crave :up: manufactured, election year, controversies that end up amounting to nothing

It's winding up pretty early this time. All that girl on MSNBC wants to talk about is Christie's traffic jam and all FOX wants to talk about is Obamacare.

I guess they are trying to build up where they think their opponent is weakest ... but when did the media start having opponents. I understand that partisan newspapers have existed for the entire life of our nation, I guess I'm just old enough to remember when broadcast outlets were a lot more balanced.
Issa is a fascist asshole, and apparently ignorant of parliamentary procedure.

No, that's you dumbshit.
I would bet money you didnt bother to watch the actual tape of what went on.
Cummings is a scummy lying little scrap of shit sent by the administration to derail this investigation. Cummings needs to be investigated.
Issa is a fascist asshole, and apparently ignorant of parliamentary procedure.

No, that's you dumbshit.
I would bet money you didnt bother to watch the actual tape of what went on.
Cummings is a scummy lying little scrap of shit sent by the administration to derail this investigation. Cummings needs to be investigated.

The guy starts any "investigation" with a supposition of guilt and will not accept any other answer, maybe witch hunts and show trials appeal to you fascists but to those who would like to see justice applied evenly and fairly his nakedly partisan tactics are a horror.

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