Ranking member (D) rips into Issa(R) during oversight committee.....

We know this gives dot orgasms when he/she/its hero masters RIP into people, even American citizens of the country

how sad of a life is that?
Issa is a fascist asshole, and apparently ignorant of parliamentary procedure.

No, that's you dumbshit.
I would bet money you didnt bother to watch the actual tape of what went on.
Cummings is a scummy lying little scrap of shit sent by the administration to derail this investigation. Cummings needs to be investigated.

The guy starts any "investigation" with a supposition of guilt and will not accept any other answer, maybe witch hunts and show trials appeal to you fascists but to those who would like to see justice applied evenly and fairly his nakedly partisan tactics are a horror.

Speaking of "investigations", Occupied? Would you like to take a crack at explaining how Eric Holder's Department of Justice still hasn't even interviewed the people who complained that they were discriminated against by the IRS? It's an "on-going" investigation supposedly so people like Holder and Jay Carney can't discuss it (gotta LOVE that dodge!) yet the investigation never seems to go anywhere.
they go on and on about witch hunts, yet TM just advertised how PMSnbc is going to do some program on BUSH and the truth about Iraq or something

so I guess that doesn't QUALIFY as a Witch Hunt

Only investigations of their dear master Obama and his comrades in arms administration are "witch Hunts"
a ranting Dimwit like Cummings needs to go back to his broke ghetto state of Maryland and fix it first before he goes to Washington to spout off like a jerk....glad Issa ignored him...

A ranting despot like Issa needs to go back to his desert wasteland state of California and help it get federal right of way for more water before he goes to Washington and tries to channel his inner Joe McCarthy. What YOU pay for food depends on it.

It was Democrats who directed the water away from the farms you dumb fuck. :rolleyes:

Lol, he didnt know they were doing it for the environment, endangered species, and pot growing, all things liberals want and advocate, but then he blames conservatives, youre right, he is a dumbfuck
a ranting Dimwit like Cummings needs to go back to his broke ghetto state of Maryland and fix it first before he goes to Washington to spout off like a jerk....glad Issa ignored him...

A ranting despot like Issa needs to go back to his desert wasteland state of California and help it get federal right of way for more water before he goes to Washington and tries to channel his inner Joe McCarthy. What YOU pay for food depends on it.

I'm glad Cummings stood his ground, you stupid Nazi-lover, you.

You stupid Racist you! Elijah Cummings was 'out of order'. He was trying to make a political statement. That portion of the Hearing was over. Has anyone found that TEA partier who spit on Cummings and called him a ****** when he was making that 'rub your nose in it' victory march with Pelosi. The whole thing was videoed by hundreds of people........not yet, but still looking? Don't feel so bad, OJ hasn't found the real killer yet either.
She's taking the 5th because she knows she'd be going to prison. And she still might be.

And libs are O.K. with her performance.

Self-serving losers.

More likely she'll have an 'unexpected' heart attack and die.
Issa is a fascist asshole, and apparently ignorant of parliamentary procedure.

No, that's you dumbshit.
I would bet money you didnt bother to watch the actual tape of what went on.
Cummings is a scummy lying little scrap of shit sent by the administration to derail this investigation. Cummings needs to be investigated.

The guy starts any "investigation" with a supposition of guilt and will not accept any other answer, maybe witch hunts and show trials appeal to you fascists but to those who would like to see justice applied evenly and fairly his nakedly partisan tactics are a horror.

You certainly are naive!
Issa gave cummigs a chance to ask questions and or make a statement.....he turned down the offer.
Guess it would have gotten in the way of his rant.
Exctly...Now Issa is the villain, and Cummings is a VICTIM...these leftist shitheads never stop do they?

Cummings HAD his chance...he blew it...Now how long before his race creeps into the mix from the left? (Predictable folks)...
a ranting Dimwit like Cummings needs to go back to his broke ghetto state of Maryland and fix it first before he goes to Washington to spout off like a jerk....glad Issa ignored him...

A ranting despot like Issa needs to go back to his desert wasteland state of California and help it get federal right of way for more water before he goes to Washington and tries to channel his inner Joe McCarthy. What YOU pay for food depends on it.

I'm glad Cummings stood his ground, you stupid Nazi-lover, you.

Desert wasteland?.....how many crops does your State produce?....
Elijah Cummings has lost his pea pickin mind. Why is HE complaining about "one sided investigations?"
Issa is a fascist asshole, and apparently ignorant of parliamentary procedure.

No, that's you dumbshit.
I would bet money you didnt bother to watch the actual tape of what went on.
Cummings is a scummy lying little scrap of shit sent by the administration to derail this investigation. Cummings needs to be investigated.

The guy starts any "investigation" with a supposition of guilt and will not accept any other answer, maybe witch hunts and show trials appeal to you fascists but to those who would like to see justice applied evenly and fairly his nakedly partisan tactics are a horror.

Didnt watch the video for sure.
they go on and on about witch hunts, yet TM just advertised how PMSnbc is going to do some program on BUSH and the truth about Iraq or something

so I guess that doesn't QUALIFY as a Witch Hunt

Only investigations of their dear master Obama and his comrades in arms administration are "witch Hunts"

she seems to have abandoned that thread....i guess she is passed out....
Issa is a fascist asshole, and apparently ignorant of parliamentary procedure.

No, that's you dumbshit.
I would bet money you didnt bother to watch the actual tape of what went on.
Cummings is a scummy lying little scrap of shit sent by the administration to derail this investigation. Cummings needs to be investigated.

The guy starts any "investigation" with a supposition of guilt and will not accept any other answer, maybe witch hunts and show trials appeal to you fascists but to those who would like to see justice applied evenly and fairly his nakedly partisan tactics are a horror.

First of all, Issa showed corroborating evidence to reveal that Lerner helped oversee the targeting. If you look closely, some of HER emails could be seen on the screen behind him. She pleads the Fifth, simply because she knows that telling the truth will put her behind bars for a long time.

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