Ranking member (D) rips into Issa(R) during oversight committee.....

Gee, point out that both Mitt Romney and (gasp) Sarah Palin were 100% correct in their assessments of Putin and Russia and Barack Obama was completely naive about his assessment of Putin and Russia...and liberals suddenly shy away from this string like it has "cooties"! LOL

What's the matter, kiddies...afraid to admit that even "Caribou Barbie" was smarter all along than Barry? Ouch!!! I can see how that would make your morning coffee taste awful...

prove this claim with the citation of FACTS,

what exactly did Palin say Putin would do?

Remember your guy called him a good man with a good soul

Sarah Palin said that Obama's weak response to Putin's invasion of Georgia would lead to Putin doing the same thing in the Ukraine...which is exactly what took place. So tell me, TM...since you spent months denigrating Palin's intelligence...did you want to take a crack at explaining why it turned out that she was right and Barry was OH SO VERY WRONG!!!

keep derailing the thread and maudes will be notified. Thank you for your cooperation. :thup:
Hilarious. Remember Douglas Shulman? Anyone?

He was the guy that Bush appointed to the IRS. The guy who was in charge for the entire scandal.

Why isn't he being interviewed?



Because he will say what Issa and the GOP don't want to hear.

Isn't that fucking hilarious????

Where have you been? Obviously not looking for the truth or you would have never asked that question.

Douglas Shulman, Former IRS Commissioner, Facing Tough Questions At Hearing

From your link:

Shulman's responses, usually relayed by a deputy, did not acknowledge that agents had ever targeted tea party groups for special scrutiny. At a congressional hearing March 22, 2012, Shulman was adamant in his denials.

"There's absolutely no targeting. This is the kind of back and forth that happens to people" who apply for tax-exempt status, Shulman said at the House Ways and Means subcommittee hearing.


Darrell Issa Gets Played
Congressman Elijah Cummings released the full transcript of the testimony given before the congressional committee on which Cummings serves, the one chaired by Darrell Issa, concerning the IRS dumbassery.

Elijah Cummings Releases IRS Transcript - Darrell Issa Gets Played - Esquire


So you release a report from GOP released quotes a year to three years ago. Since then, so much has happened. Like the "truth". Something Republicans seem terribly allergic to.

Once again, you had no idea that he had even been questioned. And once again, you only care to look at bias sources for what was said, rather than actually listening to testimony. Your interpretation is totally biased. I can only hope you are never made to experience what those groups have had to go through. If you truly wanted only the truth you would have been aware of who has testified because you would have listened to all the hearings, read all the documents themselves rather than just read those wishing to make light of the matter, and not give you all the truth. In a shorter version you wouldn't let your politics cloud your judgement.

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