Ranking member (D) rips into Issa(R) during oversight committee.....

Asswipe....the "rogue" people in Cincy has been disproven, they said the orders came from DC.

People at some local office aren't going to launch a NATIONAL campaign against the Tea Party and individuals outside their jurisdiction unless given HQ approval....you stupid pile of shit.

who was the "rogue agent" at the Cincinnati office? Oh yeah. A conservative Republican appointed by Bu$h II
Republican at Cincinnati IRS: Scrutiny was 'normal'
WASHINGTON -- John Shafer, a manager in the IRS' Cincinnati field office, has told congressional investigators that the scrutiny of tea party bases started as "normal business" in early 2010 when one of his agents came to him with a difficult case, according to a transcript released by Democrats on a key House committee Tuesday.

Shafer's account confirms what another IRS worker, Gary Muthert, told the committee as well. Shafer — who described himself as a "conservative Republican" in the interview — said he wanted all similar cases to be treated the same for "consistency.

It doesnt matter. This comes up all the time. The libs post some piece of shit that everyone knows is false, we spend several posts showing it's false while they call us names, then they stop posting. ANd then in the next thread they repeat the same point, as if the other thread never happened.
Asswipe....the "rogue" people in Cincy has been disproven, they said the orders came from DC.

People at some local office aren't going to launch a NATIONAL campaign against the Tea Party and individuals outside their jurisdiction unless given HQ approval....you stupid pile of shit.

who was the "rogue agent" at the Cincinnati office? Oh yeah. A conservative Republican appointed by Bu$h II

ad hominem much :eusa_hand: Who is "they" and wheres your link? Go back to the kiddie pool son. :bye1: This thread is for grown ups.


The "rogue agents in Cincinnati" meme was disproven months ago. You are a classic low information, low intelligence poster.
In fact, virtually everything the administration has said about this affair is a lie. And that includes Obama's statement of "not even a smidgen of corruption". Every statement is false. They know they are false. Every statemetn the administration will make will be false as well.
First if all, that wretched America-hating, communist living Demo**** Lerner took the fifth amendment before fellow communist, Elijah Cummings showed a faux outrage in order to get the rump swabs in the media to focus on him instead of Lerner's scandal. There was no need for any further discussion since that communist **** Lerner took the 5th.

Ohhhhh, how quickly you forget, the people have spoken and elections have consequences. I couldn't help but notice your link, NBC, which is nothing more than DNC-TV. ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC....none can be taken seriously as they are all nothing more than the Democrat party's propaganda machines. They have no reporters, just Democrats with agendas.

Had this IRS scandal happened under a Republican president, and Lerner was a Republican, the Democrat party's throne sniffers, the media, would be talking non-stop about what is Lerner covering up, saying it is even a bigger scandal than Nixon's; and of course any Republican having a similar outburst like Cummings would be completely ignored by the media.

Go ahead and be a sheep of the Democrat-Media complex, if the mainstream media were objective, Rush Limbaugh, FOX and conservative radio never would have made it, but you are too much of an imbecile to realize this.

That's ridiculous and you know it. Republicans love Arab owned Fox because the goal of that network is to divide America. The GOP, being 90% white have already don't that. All Fox has to do is rile them up.

and people with your mindset are trying to bring people together?.....

What do you mean? What "mindset"?
Asswipe....the "rogue" people in Cincy has been disproven, they said the orders came from DC.

People at some local office aren't going to launch a NATIONAL campaign against the Tea Party and individuals outside their jurisdiction unless given HQ approval....you stupid pile of shit.

ad hominem much :eusa_hand: Who is "they" and wheres your link? Go back to the kiddie pool son. :bye1: This thread is for grown ups.


The "rogue agents in Cincinnati" meme was disproven months ago. You are a classic low information, low intelligence poster.
In fact, virtually everything the administration has said about this affair is a lie. And that includes Obama's statement of "not even a smidgen of corruption". Every statement is false. They know they are false. Every statemetn the administration will make will be false as well.

Thanks for letting us know about that. Someone must have deleted your link. Could you repost it please?
First if all, that wretched America-hating, communist living Demo**** Lerner took the fifth amendment before fellow communist, Elijah Cummings showed a faux outrage in order to get the rump swabs in the media to focus on him instead of Lerner's scandal. There was no need for any further discussion since that communist **** Lerner took the 5th.

Ohhhhh, how quickly you forget, the people have spoken and elections have consequences. I couldn't help but notice your link, NBC, which is nothing more than DNC-TV. ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC....none can be taken seriously as they are all nothing more than the Democrat party's propaganda machines. They have no reporters, just Democrats with agendas.

Had this IRS scandal happened under a Republican president, and Lerner was a Republican, the Democrat party's throne sniffers, the media, would be talking non-stop about what is Lerner covering up, saying it is even a bigger scandal than Nixon's; and of course any Republican having a similar outburst like Cummings would be completely ignored by the media.

Go ahead and be a sheep of the Democrat-Media complex, if the mainstream media were objective, Rush Limbaugh, FOX and conservative radio never would have made it, but you are too much of an imbecile to realize this.

That's ridiculous and you know it. Republicans love Arab owned Fox because the goal of that network is to divide America. The GOP, being 90% white have already don't that. All Fox has to do is rile them up.

Yep, FOX is trying to divide the parasites from their hosts.

With Red States being the parasites and Blue States being the "host". Thanks for pointing that out. Glad someone brought it up before me.
Speaking of traitors lets include Eric Holder.. He's made a mockery of truth and justice..he should surely die a hideous death, he's earned it.
Darrell Issa Cuts Rep. Elijah Cummings?s Mic Like He Is Bill O?Reilly Or Something

<iframe src="http://embed.newsinc.com/Single/iframe.html?WID=1&VID=25683857&freewheel=69016&sitesection=wonkette&width=500&height=281" height="281" width="500" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0"></iframe>

So here’s a good example of just how unfair and rude Democrats can be in their relentless control of the media: Watch as Rep. Elijah Cummings, against all rules of good taste, behaves as if his position as ranking Democrat on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee entitles him to talk during Darrell Issa’s hearing into the IRS’s alleged targeting of Tea Party groups, even though Issa adjourned the hearing, cut Cummings’s mic, and walked out. Silly Democrat, you do not count!

Okay, so we've see a lot of Republicans run away rather than have the truth heard and lying like this is very typical of Issa.
Issa is next to Reid, Ryan, Pelosi, Boehner, Cantor and McConnel as the biggest snakes in the grass in the legislative branch.
One remark on this thread...

Cummings didn't 'Rip' into anything or anybody.

What he did was have a hissy-fit. Like a spoiled child who couldn't have his way, he stomped his feet, held his breath and screamed like the bitch he is.

And dimocrap scum are proud of that juvenile display?

That's ridiculous and you know it. Republicans love Arab owned Fox because the goal of that network is to divide America. The GOP, being 90% white have already don't that. All Fox has to do is rile them up.

and people with your mindset are trying to bring people together?.....

What do you mean? What "mindset"?

i told you Dean.....you might have that Lamprey stuck to your ass "Dottie" and RW fooled.....but your little play dumb games dont work with the rest of us....
Issa should combine the "Benghazi" and IRS investigations. Save money, time, and bullshit.

LOL...I think that Eric Holder has already done that, Texan...his DOJ is "investigating" both topics with the same level of enthusiasm...which is to say they aren't investigating them at all.

The only reason the DOJ even pretends that there are investigations to either is that it gives Jay Carney or Barack Obama the ability to dodge the few questions the main stream media throws their way with the "I can't answer that because it's an "ongoing investigation"! excuse.
Issa should combine the "Benghazi" and IRS investigations. Save money, time, and bullshit.

LOL...I think that Eric Holder has already done that, Texan...his DOJ is "investigating" both topics with the same level of enthusiasm...which is to say they aren't investigating them at all.

The only reason the DOJ even pretends that there are investigations to either is that it gives Jay Carney or Barack Obama the ability to dodge the few questions the main stream media throws their way with the "I can't answer that because it's an "ongoing investigation"! excuse.

exactly right; libs are losers and liars
For Lois Lerner to be held in contempt of Congress she'd have to be charged by the Holder Department of Justice. Anyone want to hold their breath waiting for THAT to happen?

A Special Prosecutor needs to be appointed to handle this since it's OBVIOUS that Eric Holder is not going to be part of anything that harms the Obama White House.
i wonder why an agency with "not a smidgen of corruption" according to obama; has a Department head that has to take the 5th Amendment under oath

anybody got a good answer for that?

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