Ranking member (D) rips into Issa(R) during oversight committee.....

As usual I'm mildly amused by the non-stop attempts, by progressives, at trying to paint Benghazi as a "non issue".

Look at the bright side, Dottie...Benghazi will eventually get lost in the never ending string of gaffes...scandals...and policy blunders that the Obama White House has given us. Fast & Furious was a "cluster you know what" of the first order but we seldom hear about it now because it was overshadowed by Benghazi. Then Benghazi slipped off the front pages because it was overshadowed by the IRS investigation. Then that's lost in the crisis in the Ukraine...which of course simply illustrates once again how this White House has badly misjudged foreign policy.

Flashback: Obama Mocked Mitt Romney For Warning America About Russian Aggression [Video]

The sad thing is that we COULD have had the guy who got it right about Putin...who also happened to be the guy who understood how to fix broken organizations and work across the aisle to get things moving. Instead we got Barack Obama...easily the most naive President that this country has ever had when it comes to foreign policy and someone who doesn't have a clue about the economy or bi-partisanship.
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i wonder why an agency with "not a smidgen of corruption" according to obama; has a Department head that has to take the 5th Amendment under oath

anybody got a good answer for that?
There's no smidgen of corruption because nobody knows nothing and Bush did it anyway.
As usual I'm mildly amused by the non-stop attempts, by progressives, at trying to paint Benghazi as a "non issue".

Look at the bright side, Dottie...Benghazi will eventually get lost in the never ending string of gaffes...scandals...and policy blunders that the Obama White House has given us. Fast & Furious was a "cluster you know what" of the first order but we seldom hear about it now because it was overshadowed by Benghazi. Then Benghazi slipped off the front pages because it was overshadowed by the IRS investigation. Then that's lost in the crisis in the Ukraine...which of course simply illustrates once again how this White House has badly misjudged foreign policy.

Flashback: Obama Mocked Mitt Romney For Warning America About Russian Aggression [Video]

Let's not forget that dimocrap gem.... obamacare.

What a nightmare that one is.

And Iran. Another winner.... :dunno:
As usual I'm mildly amused by the non-stop attempts, by progressives, at trying to paint Benghazi as a "non issue".

Look at the bright side, Dottie...Benghazi will eventually get lost in the never ending string of gaffes...scandals...and policy blunders that the Obama White House has given us. Fast & Furious was a "cluster you know what" of the first order but we seldom hear about it now because it was overshadowed by Benghazi. Then Benghazi slipped off the front pages because it was overshadowed by the IRS investigation. Then that's lost in the crisis in the Ukraine...which of course simply illustrates once again how this White House has badly misjudged foreign policy.

Flashback: Obama Mocked Mitt Romney For Warning America About Russian Aggression [Video]

The sad thing is that we COULD have had the guy who got it right about Putin...who also happened to be the guy who understood how to fix broken organizations and work across the aisle to get things moving. Instead we got Barack Obama...easily the most naive President that this country has ever had when it comes to foreign policy and someone who doesn't have a clue about the economy or bi-partisanship.

bengazi? Libya?

Issa should combine the "Benghazi" and IRS investigations. Save money, time, and bullshit.

a ranting Dimwit like Cummings needs to go back to his broke ghetto state of Maryland and fix it first before he goes to Washington to spout off like a jerk....glad Issa ignored him...

A ranting despot like Issa needs to go back to his desert wasteland state of California and help it get federal right of way for more water before he goes to Washington and tries to channel his inner Joe McCarthy. What YOU pay for food depends on it.

I'm glad Cummings stood his ground, you stupid Nazi-lover, you.

We get your gay and have a hardon for Issa, but again liberal policies are causing the drought, more of those liberal unintended consequnces of their commie policies
Cummings is a race bating, freeloading, government pig..He does nothing but use his voters like toilet paper.

He's a true traitor to his race.

The true motive for that lying rant came about today.
The Congressional Black Caccus wants Issa to step down.
They will try and do anything to stop this investigation.

The Congressional Black Caucus wants Issa removed as House Oversight Committee chairman following Wednesday's uproar, which it sees as the latest in a series of disrespectful responses to pushback from Democrats during hearings on the IRS matter.

Cummings said he had a question. Issa said Ok. Cummings went on to make a statement and had no question.
Issa ended the hearing because it was going no where with Learner's answers of taking the 5th.
Cummings went on with his rant about the investigation being about the White House.
The IRS hearings have all been about Learner and the IRS not the WH.
As usual I'm mildly amused by the non-stop attempts, by progressives, at trying to paint Benghazi as a "non issue".

Look at the bright side, Dottie...Benghazi will eventually get lost in the never ending string of gaffes...scandals...and policy blunders that the Obama White House has given us. Fast & Furious was a "cluster you know what" of the first order but we seldom hear about it now because it was overshadowed by Benghazi. Then Benghazi slipped off the front pages because it was overshadowed by the IRS investigation. Then that's lost in the crisis in the Ukraine...which of course simply illustrates once again how this White House has badly misjudged foreign policy.

Flashback: Obama Mocked Mitt Romney For Warning America About Russian Aggression [Video]

The sad thing is that we COULD have had the guy who got it right about Putin...who also happened to be the guy who understood how to fix broken organizations and work across the aisle to get things moving. Instead we got Barack Obama...easily the most naive President that this country has ever had when it comes to foreign policy and someone who doesn't have a clue about the economy or bi-partisanship.

bengazi? Libya?

Issa should combine the "Benghazi" and IRS investigations. Save money, time, and bullshit.


What, no comment on the video clip from the 2012 Presidential debate on foreign affairs, Dottie? Tell me that you didn't watch that and CRINGE! Romney nailed Putin's tendencies while Obama showed that he was a community organizer PRETENDING to be a statesman. Too bad the main stream media didn't do their jobs and properly analyze what each man proposed.
What, no comment on the video clip from the 2012 Presidential debate on foreign affairs, Dottie? Tell me that you didn't watch that and CRINGE! Romney nailed Putin's tendencies while Obama showed that he was a community organizer PRETENDING to be a statesman. Too bad the main stream media didn't do their jobs and properly analyze what each man proposed.

I cringe more when I hear baby bush say he was going to have a "humble foreign policy"

the neocon idea of foreign policy is insane to most thinking people.
What, no comment on the video clip from the 2012 Presidential debate on foreign affairs, Dottie? Tell me that you didn't watch that and CRINGE! Romney nailed Putin's tendencies while Obama showed that he was a community organizer PRETENDING to be a statesman. Too bad the main stream media didn't do their jobs and properly analyze what each man proposed.

I cringe more when I hear baby bush say he was going to have a "humble foreign policy"

the neocon idea of foreign policy is insane to most thinking people.

You want to REALLY cringe, Jilly? Guess who also nailed Putin back in 2008 but was mocked by the main stream press for not knowing diddly about foreign affairs? You gotta LOVE this!!!

"Astonishingly, it turned out that the one person who actually predicted Russia would invade Ukraine was former vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin, who has been widely ridiculed for her lack of foreign policy acumen. The former Alaska governor was mocked and derided during her campaign for saying one could see Russia from Alaska as a way of buttressing her foreign policy credentials.

But in 2008, Palin had warned, ''After the Russian Army invaded the nation of Georgia, Senator Obama's reaction was one of indecision and moral equivalence, the kind of response that would only encourage Russia's Putin to invade Ukraine next.''"
The Times of India

Now THAT is classic...I won't hold my breath waiting for the apologies from smug journalists to Gov. Palin for ridiculing her. Funny how it turns out that SHE is the one who had it right all along.
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What, no comment on the video clip from the 2012 Presidential debate on foreign affairs, Dottie? Tell me that you didn't watch that and CRINGE! Romney nailed Putin's tendencies while Obama showed that he was a community organizer PRETENDING to be a statesman. Too bad the main stream media didn't do their jobs and properly analyze what each man proposed.

Russia is a 3rd world gangster country doing the only thing it can at this point to get in the paper. Please tell me you're not insinuating that US military action be taken. Who will pay for it? Your side? Increased taxes perhaps :rofl: Besides, the defense contractors are still fat from the last two Repub-instigated wars and the taxpayers are fleeced for the next 2-3 generations because of it in addition to the deregulating you people championed for banks.
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What, no comment on the video clip from the 2012 Presidential debate on foreign affairs, Dottie? Tell me that you didn't watch that and CRINGE! Romney nailed Putin's tendencies while Obama showed that he was a community organizer PRETENDING to be a statesman. Too bad the main stream media didn't do their jobs and properly analyze what each man proposed.

Russia is a 3rd world gangster country doing the only thing it can at this point to get in the paper. Please tell me you're not insinuating that US military action be taken. Who will pay for it? Your side? Increased taxes perhaps :rofl: Besides, the defense contractors are still fat from the last two Repub-instigated wars and the taxpayers are fleeced for the next 2-3 generations because of it in addition to the deregulating you people championed for banks.

No, what I'm "insinuating" is pretty much the same thing that Sarah Palin spoke of WAY back in 2008...that Barack Obama was viewed as weak by other world leaders and that weakness would embolden the Putin's and the Assads. Admit it, Dottie...this Administration's foreign policy is in tatters! "Leading from behind"? A "reset button"? Is it any wonder why our enemies don't respect us and our allies are nervous about us? This is amateur hour...
What, no comment on the video clip from the 2012 Presidential debate on foreign affairs, Dottie? Tell me that you didn't watch that and CRINGE! Romney nailed Putin's tendencies while Obama showed that he was a community organizer PRETENDING to be a statesman. Too bad the main stream media didn't do their jobs and properly analyze what each man proposed.

Russia is a 3rd world gangster country doing the only thing it can at this point to get in the paper. Please tell me you're not insinuating that US military action be taken. Who will pay for it? Your side? Increased taxes perhaps :rofl: Besides, the defense contractors are still fat from the last two Repub-instigated wars and the taxpayers are fleeced for the next 2-3 generations because of it in addition to the deregulating you people championed for banks.

No, what I'm "insinuating" is pretty much the same thing that Sarah Palin spoke of WAY back in 2008...that Barack Obama was viewed as weak by other world leaders and that weakness would embolden the Putin's and the Assads. Admit it, Dottie...this Administration's foreign policy is in tatters! "Leading from behind"? A "reset button"? Is it any wonder why our enemies don't respect us and our allies are nervous about us? This is amateur hour...
And no time to be still in OJT.
Gee, point out that both Mitt Romney and (gasp) Sarah Palin were 100% correct in their assessments of Putin and Russia and Barack Obama was completely naive about his assessment of Putin and Russia...and liberals suddenly shy away from this string like it has "cooties"! LOL

What's the matter, kiddies...afraid to admit that even "Caribou Barbie" was smarter all along than Barry? Ouch!!! I can see how that would make your morning coffee taste awful...
Gee, point out that both Mitt Romney and (gasp) Sarah Palin were 100% correct in their assessments of Putin and Russia and Barack Obama was completely naive about his assessment of Putin and Russia...and liberals suddenly shy away from this string like it has "cooties"! LOL

What's the matter, kiddies...afraid to admit that even "Caribou Barbie" was smarter all along than Barry? Ouch!!! I can see how that would make your morning coffee taste awful...

hmmm...... Interesting thread derailing points. :eusa_think: I think it was a masterful move for our 2-term, proud, INTELLIGENT President NOT to plunge this great nation INTO ANOTHER MULTI-TRILLION $$$ UNPAID FOR MILITARY ACTION like his Repub predecessor. Seriously, its amateur hour w/ you dinks trying to derail my thread.

See more on Know Your Meme

back to topic...

Issa (R) being a cheap political-point hatchet man using his committee to waste time and spend money we don't have when theres no there there.
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Gee, point out that both Mitt Romney and (gasp) Sarah Palin were 100% correct in their assessments of Putin and Russia and Barack Obama was completely naive about his assessment of Putin and Russia...and liberals suddenly shy away from this string like it has "cooties"! LOL

What's the matter, kiddies...afraid to admit that even "Caribou Barbie" was smarter all along than Barry? Ouch!!! I can see how that would make your morning coffee taste awful...

hmmm...... Interesting thread derailing points. :eusa_think: I think it was a masterful move for our 2-term, proud, INTELLIGENT President NOT to plunge this great nation INTO ANOTHER MULTI-TRILLION $$$ UNPAID FOR MILITARY ACTION like his Repub predecessor. Seriously, its amateur hour w/ you dinks trying to derail my thread.

See more on Know Your Meme

back to topic...

Issa (R) being a cheap political-point hatchet man using his committee to waste time and spend money we don't have when theres no there there.
Really really hurts that Palin, reviled as a complete moron, still was more on track than Obama, praised as the smartest president ever.

No, the issue is that Lerner took the 5th multple times rather than answer questions about emails she sent where she is clearly a partisan agent of the Democrats intent on squelching conservatives.
That is a scandal. That is worse than Watergate.
Gee, point out that both Mitt Romney and (gasp) Sarah Palin were 100% correct in their assessments of Putin and Russia and Barack Obama was completely naive about his assessment of Putin and Russia...and liberals suddenly shy away from this string like it has "cooties"! LOL

What's the matter, kiddies...afraid to admit that even "Caribou Barbie" was smarter all along than Barry? Ouch!!! I can see how that would make your morning coffee taste awful...

prove this claim with the citation of FACTS,

what exactly did Palin say Putin would do?

Remember your guy called him a good man with a good soul
Gee, point out that both Mitt Romney and (gasp) Sarah Palin were 100% correct in their assessments of Putin and Russia and Barack Obama was completely naive about his assessment of Putin and Russia...and liberals suddenly shy away from this string like it has "cooties"! LOL

What's the matter, kiddies...afraid to admit that even "Caribou Barbie" was smarter all along than Barry? Ouch!!! I can see how that would make your morning coffee taste awful...

prove this claim with the citation of FACTS,

what exactly did Palin say Putin would do?

Remember your guy called him a good man with a good soul

Sarah Palin said that Obama's weak response to Putin's invasion of Georgia would lead to Putin doing the same thing in the Ukraine...which is exactly what took place. So tell me, TM...since you spent months denigrating Palin's intelligence...did you want to take a crack at explaining why it turned out that she was right and Barry was OH SO VERY WRONG!!!
Gee, point out that both Mitt Romney and (gasp) Sarah Palin were 100% correct in their assessments of Putin and Russia and Barack Obama was completely naive about his assessment of Putin and Russia...and liberals suddenly shy away from this string like it has "cooties"! LOL

What's the matter, kiddies...afraid to admit that even "Caribou Barbie" was smarter all along than Barry? Ouch!!! I can see how that would make your morning coffee taste awful...

prove this claim with the citation of FACTS,

what exactly did Palin say Putin would do?

Remember your guy called him a good man with a good soul

he's posting off-topic missy. Don't encourage thread-derailment :talktothehand:

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