Ranking member (D) rips into Issa(R) during oversight committee.....

a ranting Dimwit like Cummings needs to go back to his broke ghetto state of Maryland and fix it first before he goes to Washington to spout off like a jerk....glad Issa ignored him...

A ranting despot like Issa needs to go back to his desert wasteland state of California and help it get federal right of way for more water before he goes to Washington and tries to channel his inner Joe McCarthy. What YOU pay for food depends on it.

I'm glad Cummings stood his ground, you stupid Nazi-lover, you.

Blame the one's who actually caused the water shortage for farmers, which is Boxer and Pelosi, not Issa.
Boxer and Pelosi are the ones who got them to empty the rain water into the sea.
The Farmer's had a great solution to save the smelt and water their farms, but both Pelosi and Boxer ignored them. They had to do a political pay back to their environmental financial backers.

Cummings made a fool of himself, he did not stand his ground on anything.
Elijah Cummings has lost his pea pickin mind. Why is HE complaining about "one sided investigations?"
It's their Mantra...I think he KNOWS the orders came from Obama as does the wench in question (Lois [loser] Lerner), that re-asserted her 5th Amendment rights (which she gave up the first time she was there and SHOULD go to jail).
Issa is a fascist asshole, and apparently ignorant of parliamentary procedure.

No, that's you dumbshit.
I would bet money you didnt bother to watch the actual tape of what went on.
Cummings is a scummy lying little scrap of shit sent by the administration to derail this investigation. Cummings needs to be investigated.

"sent by the WH"? :eusa_doh:

He's the ranking member on the committee you ignoramus. :eusa_eh: Glad to help.

seriously, you are :up: one of the dumbest partisan hacks on this site.
a ranting Dimwit like Cummings needs to go back to his broke ghetto state of Maryland and fix it first before he goes to Washington to spout off like a jerk....glad Issa ignored him...

A ranting despot like Issa needs to go back to his desert wasteland state of California and help it get federal right of way for more water before he goes to Washington and tries to channel his inner Joe McCarthy. What YOU pay for food depends on it.

I'm glad Cummings stood his ground, you stupid Nazi-lover, you.

Blame the one's who actually caused the water shortage for farmers, which is Boxer and Pelosi, not Issa.
Boxer and Pelosi are the ones who got them to empty the rain water into the sea.
The Farmer's had a great solution to save the smelt and water their farms, but both Pelosi and Boxer ignored them. They had to do a political pay back to their environmental financial backers.

Cummings made a fool of himself, he did not stand his ground on anything.
Cummings whined like the pimp that he is.
No, that's you dumbshit.
I would bet money you didnt bother to watch the actual tape of what went on.
Cummings is a scummy lying little scrap of shit sent by the administration to derail this investigation. Cummings needs to be investigated.

The guy starts any "investigation" with a supposition of guilt and will not accept any other answer, maybe witch hunts and show trials appeal to you fascists but to those who would like to see justice applied evenly and fairly his nakedly partisan tactics are a horror.

Speaking of "investigations", Occupied? Would you like to take a crack at explaining how Eric Holder's Department of Justice still hasn't even interviewed the people who complained that they were discriminated against by the IRS? It's an "on-going" investigation supposedly so people like Holder and Jay Carney can't discuss it (gotta LOVE that dodge!) yet the investigation never seems to go anywhere.

ummm...... theres FIVE investigations going on simultaneously smart guy. ANOTHER reason that having a rw dog & pony show is ill advised.
A ranting despot like Issa needs to go back to his desert wasteland state of California and help it get federal right of way for more water before he goes to Washington and tries to channel his inner Joe McCarthy. What YOU pay for food depends on it.

I'm glad Cummings stood his ground, you stupid Nazi-lover, you.

Blame the one's who actually caused the water shortage for farmers, which is Boxer and Pelosi, not Issa.
Boxer and Pelosi are the ones who got them to empty the rain water into the sea.
The Farmer's had a great solution to save the smelt and water their farms, but both Pelosi and Boxer ignored them. They had to do a political pay back to their environmental financial backers.

Cummings made a fool of himself, he did not stand his ground on anything.
Cummings whined like the pimp that he is.

I gotta admit I laughed my ass off when he lost it. It was obvious even he didn't believe the shit he was spouting.:lol:
Blame the one's who actually caused the water shortage for farmers, which is Boxer and Pelosi, not Issa.
Boxer and Pelosi are the ones who got them to empty the rain water into the sea.
The Farmer's had a great solution to save the smelt and water their farms, but both Pelosi and Boxer ignored them. They had to do a political pay back to their environmental financial backers.

Cummings made a fool of himself, he did not stand his ground on anything.
Cummings whined like the pimp that he is.

I gotta admit I laughed my ass off when he lost it. It was obvious even he didn't believe the shit he was spouting.:lol:
Reminded me of the Reverend Al Sharpton minus the bullhorn...:badgrin:
Issa is a fascist asshole, and apparently ignorant of parliamentary procedure.

No, that's you dumbshit.
I would bet money you didnt bother to watch the actual tape of what went on.
Cummings is a scummy lying little scrap of shit sent by the administration to derail this investigation. Cummings needs to be investigated.

"sent by the WH"? :eusa_doh:

He's the ranking member on the committee you ignoramus. :eusa_eh: Glad to help.

seriously, you are :up: one of the dumbest partisan hacks on this site.
You are seriously stupid. I dont mean garden variety liberal stupid. I mean a special kind of stupid.
Why do you think Cummings, whose job on the committee is to investigate to find the truth, has done nothing but manufacture red herrings and false explanations and gum up the investigation? He is the WHite House's man on the committee. I am certain he is obstructing it deliberately, probably on orders from Jarrett. It's hard to see any other explanation.

We're sure a long way from Sam Ervin's Watergate committee.
Cummings whined like the pimp that he is.

I gotta admit I laughed my ass off when he lost it. It was obvious even he didn't believe the shit he was spouting.:lol:
Reminded me of the Reverend Al Sharpton minus the bullhorn...:badgrin:

Yeah he did. I cant believe they elect these fools to represent them yet nothing ever changes. You would think after being kicked in the nuts over and over again they would turn their backs on em.
Cummings expressed the frustration of a majority of Americans concerning this waste of the people’s time, where House republicans are motivated solely by partisanism, not a desire to find any ‘truth.’
I gotta admit I laughed my ass off when he lost it. It was obvious even he didn't believe the shit he was spouting.:lol:
Reminded me of the Reverend Al Sharpton minus the bullhorn...:badgrin:

Yeah he did. I cant believe they elect these fools to represent them yet nothing ever changes. You would think after being kicked in the nuts over and over again they would turn their backs on em.
They won't because they're complicit.
a ranting Dimwit like Cummings needs to go back to his broke ghetto state of Maryland and fix it first before he goes to Washington to spout off like a jerk....glad Issa ignored him...

A ranting despot like Issa needs to go back to his desert wasteland state of California and help it get federal right of way for more water before he goes to Washington and tries to channel his inner Joe McCarthy. What YOU pay for food depends on it.

I'm glad Cummings stood his ground, you stupid Nazi-lover, you.


Catherine Engelbrecht Quashes Elijah Cummings' Accusations of Racism

But people like you have given Obama so many more titles.
Blame the one's who actually caused the water shortage for farmers, which is Boxer and Pelosi, not Issa.
Boxer and Pelosi are the ones who got them to empty the rain water into the sea.
The Farmer's had a great solution to save the smelt and water their farms, but both Pelosi and Boxer ignored them. They had to do a political pay back to their environmental financial backers.

Cummings made a fool of himself, he did not stand his ground on anything.
Cummings whined like the pimp that he is.

I gotta admit I laughed my ass off when he lost it. It was obvious even he didn't believe the shit he was spouting.:lol:

I did too. It was hilarious. Of course they have to deflect the direction.

It was the Democrats Durbin and Schumer and possible a few others we don't know about yet, who asked the IRS to investigate the Tea Party in the fist place.
What a moron, Cummings is. Trying to get to the bottom of this as he states, but she takes the 5th. What a load of horsepuckey.
Cummings whined like the pimp that he is.

I gotta admit I laughed my ass off when he lost it. It was obvious even he didn't believe the shit he was spouting.:lol:

I did too. It was hilarious. Of course they have to deflect the direction.

It was the Democrats Durbin and Schumer and possible a few others we don't know about yet, who asked the IRS to investigate the Tea Party in the fist place.

Then cummings makes this ridiculous statement: We cant have an investigation when you only hear one side of the story.
All the while Lois Lame pleads the fifth and refuses to hand over all her E-mails. You cant make this shit up!:lol:
Last edited:
A ranting despot like Issa needs to go back to his desert wasteland state of California and help it get federal right of way for more water before he goes to Washington and tries to channel his inner Joe McCarthy. What YOU pay for food depends on it.

I'm glad Cummings stood his ground, you stupid Nazi-lover, you.

Blame the one's who actually caused the water shortage for farmers, which is Boxer and Pelosi, not Issa.
Boxer and Pelosi are the ones who got them to empty the rain water into the sea.
The Farmer's had a great solution to save the smelt and water their farms, but both Pelosi and Boxer ignored them. They had to do a political pay back to their environmental financial backers.

Cummings made a fool of himself, he did not stand his ground on anything.
Cummings whined like the pimp that he is.

Totally agree...he is a "pimp" for Obama
Cummings expressed the frustration of a majority of Americans concerning this waste of the people’s time, where House republicans are motivated solely by partisanism, not a desire to find any ‘truth.’

It's always a waste of time when it comes to corruption with liberals
Issahole lived up to his name. He looked and acted like a punk being slapped around by an old man. Anyone who thinks the general public won't perceive it as such is delusional. Issahole didn't have the guts to stand up to the old black dude. Showed him complete disrespect. Used his power to shut the guys microphone off. Thats just a cowardly punk ass thing to do.

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