Rap music shooting in Britain....really?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This is interesting...they have a violent rap music culture in Britain too...and they use guns...again...did the British government actually tell their people that guns were supposed to be confiscated?

Harlesden shooting: Man, 20, killed in drive-by machine gun attack 'victim of mistaken identity'

A young man killed in a drive-by machine gun attack in north-west London might have been a victim of mistaken identity, locals claim.

The 20-year-old is believed to have been gunned down by a high-powered Uzi at close range from a blacked-out hatchback.

The Metropolitan Police have said they do not believe the shooting, on Wednesday night, was gang-related.

However, speculation on social media suggested the attack was a result of a dispute between two rival rappers over stolen jewellery.

But people living near the scene, in Church Road, Harlesden, suggested that the victim - named locally as Oliver - was an innocent bystander.

You Europeans....you really like your fully automatic weapons...don't you know they are less accurate than hand guns at close range.........do your street thugs need some training...?

And where are they getting all these illegal guns?
What's the murder rate in Britain again?

Should be less after the confiscation of guns....but it first spiked after the confiscation...then went back to the same level it was...the confiscation changed nothing....
What's the murder rate in Britain again?

Should be less after the confiscation of guns....but it first spiked after the confiscation...then went back to the same level it was...the confiscation changed nothing....
What is it again?

The same as it was before they confiscated guns.....you will have to look it up...
You don't know it? It must be super high since nobody has any guns to protect themselves with.
What's the murder rate in Britain again?

Should be less after the confiscation of guns....but it first spiked after the confiscation...then went back to the same level it was...the confiscation changed nothing....
What is it again?

The same as it was before they confiscated guns.....you will have to look it up...
You don't know it? It must be super high since nobody has any guns to protect themselves with.

Actually, you are partially right....violent crime in Great Britain is higher than the United States because their people don't have access to guns......

Criminals still use guns...all the time.....they just don't murder each other that often....that is why their gun crime has stayed at the same level...even after the gun confiscation.....

but....gun crime in Britain was up 4% last year......and they now are arming more police with guns.......
Wow. Three whole percent difference. Well, I've totally changed my mind on the merits of banning and confiscation. Gun control does work after all!
3% borders on statistical insignificance and might simply come down to methodology. It's not enough to base policy or laws on, especially ones that abrogate basic human rights.
3% borders on statistical insignificance and might simply come down to methodology. It's not enough to base policy or laws on, especially ones that abrogate basic human rights.
Its murders per 100000 of population. Its not an opinion poll. The figures show that the US is the most unsafe country in the western world.
It's not a question of opinion but what constitutes murder. Does it take into account homicides, justifiable homicide, suicides, drunk driving deaths (or other vehicular homicides), accidental deaths, how what the data collected and processed, so on and so forth.
UK - 1%
US - 4%
Just saying like.....................................

Your criminals get guns when they want them...and shoot each other when they want to...despite your gun control....they just don't choose to shoot each other as often as our criminals do.....but that is changing....your gun crime is up 4%.....

Your social systems are failing...much like ours already have....single teen mothers are having young males who are not being raised to be men...and they are turning violent in your country...that is why more of your police are now being armed......when they weren't before......
3% borders on statistical insignificance and might simply come down to methodology. It's not enough to base policy or laws on, especially ones that abrogate basic human rights.
Its murders per 100000 of population. Its not an opinion poll. The figures show that the US is the most unsafe country in the western world.

No...that isn't true......Britain is twice as violent as the United States.....your criminals just don't commit murder as often...they are just 2x as violent.....
Perhaps if we all had guns we could get our murder rate up to American levels. Total bollox.
You carry on exercising your right to kill each other, we are quite comfortable over here in undefended Britain.
3% borders on statistical insignificance and might simply come down to methodology. It's not enough to base policy or laws on, especially ones that abrogate basic human rights.
Its murders per 100000 of population. Its not an opinion poll. The figures show that the US is the most unsafe country in the western world.

And here is some actual research...

Harvard University Study Reveals Astonishing Link Between Firearms, Crime and Gun Control

Harvard University Study Reveals Astonishing Link Between Firearms, Crime and Gun Control
According to a study in the Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy, which cites the Centers for Disease Control, the U.S. National Academy of Sciences and the United Nations International Study on Firearms Regulation, the more guns a nation has, the less criminal activity.
Continued from page 1

“There is a compound assertion that guns are uniquely available in the United States compared with other modern developed nations, which is why the United States has by far the highest murder rate,” report Kates and Mauser. “Though these assertions have been endlessly repeated," the statement “is, in fact, false.”

Norway, Finland, Germany, France and Denmark, which have high rates of gun ownership, have low murder rates. On the other hand, in Luxembourg, where handguns are totally banned and ownership of any kind of gun is minimal, the murder rate is nine times higher than Germany. Their source of information? The United Nations' International Study on Firearms Regulation, published by the UN's Economic and Social Council and the United Nations Commission on Crime-Prevention and Criminal Justice.

When Kates and Mauser compared England with the United States, they found “’a negative correlation,’ that is, ‘where firearms are most dense violent crime rates are lowest, and where guns are least dense, violent crime rates are highest.’ There is no consistent significant positive association between gun ownership levels and violence rates.”

In 2004, the U.S. National Academy of Sciences released an evaluation from its review of existing research. After reviewing 253 journal articles, 99 books, 43 government publications and its own original empirical research, it failed to identify any gun control that had reduced violent crime, suicide, or gun accidents, note Kates and Mauser.

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