Rape Laws Have Removed the Presumption of Innocence

Contrary to what the OP is suggesting, rape is a very difficult crime to prove and is rarely reported. In fact rape is one of the most under reported crimes, less then half of rape victims report it to the police. On average 1 out of every 4 reported rapes lead to an arrest, and 3 out of every 100 rapists will see any jail time at all.

97 of Every 100 Rapists Receive No Punishment, RAINN Analysis Shows | RAINN | Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network
You just dismissed the OP's link and then post something diametrically opposed and equally easy to dismiss. If that doesn't give you pause for thought, nothing will. As dubious as I am about the stats provided, that does not counter the fact that rape is obviously open to abuse. Unlike charges of murder, for example, where you have to produce a body, allegations of rape can be made and are sometimes prosecuted without any physical evidence. That would almost certainly be the case of an accusation which takes place long after the alleged offense.

Yes, indeed.

The day after the events Jane Doe had no complaints . She went to the ER because her mother insisted once the videos went viral. There were no findings of vaginal tears nor of any other urogenital abnormality , She asserted that she had no intention of filing a complaint.

But once the NY Times and the National Organization of Women got involved the AG decided to grandstand for the powerful political factions.


Jane Doe is a minor, she may have felt humiliated by the experience and unsure of how to handle it. A parent stepping in to make sure her child's rights were not violated is commendable.

The minor girl was so drunk witnesses saw her puking all over the street and those boys still took her to a location where she woke up naked on a couch. They also took it upon themselves to post pictures of her without her consent.

It was reckless behavior and they didn't think they would have a consequence.

Mays was also found guilty of disseminating a nude photo of a minor.

The ruling brings an end to a trial that gained media attention for its lurid text messages, cell phone pictures and videos, and social media posts surrounding the sexual abuse of the girl.

Two teens found guilty in Steubenville rape case - CNN.com
You just dismissed the OP's link and then post something diametrically opposed and equally easy to dismiss. If that doesn't give you pause for thought, nothing will. As dubious as I am about the stats provided, that does not counter the fact that rape is obviously open to abuse. Unlike charges of murder, for example, where you have to produce a body, allegations of rape can be made and are sometimes prosecuted without any physical evidence. That would almost certainly be the case of an accusation which takes place long after the alleged offense.

Yes, indeed.

The day after the events Jane Doe had no complaints . She went to the ER because her mother insisted once the videos went viral. There were no findings of vaginal tears nor of any other urogenital abnormality , She asserted that she had no intention of filing a complaint.

But once the NY Times and the National Organization of Women got involved the AG decided to grandstand for the powerful political factions.


Jane Doe is a minor, she may have felt humiliated by the experience and unsure of how to handle it. A parent stepping in to make sure her child's rights were not violated is commendable.

The minor girl was so drunk witnesses saw her puking all over the street and those boys still took her to a location where she woke up naked on a couch. They also took it upon themselves to post pictures of her without her consent.

It was reckless behavior and they didn't think they would have a consequence.

Mays was also found guilty of disseminating a nude photo of a minor.

The ruling brings an end to a trial that gained media attention for its lurid text messages, cell phone pictures and videos, and social media posts surrounding the sexual abuse of the girl.

Two teens found guilty in Steubenville rape case - CNN.com

"Testimony from Elayna Andres, a sober, 17-year-old girl who witnessed the alleged incident described the victim as someone who had just forcibly declined an offer for a safe ride back to her friends and away from the boys, who had walked to the door before stumbling to the ground and who was not passed out, even though she was believed to be intoxicated.
"She was conscious," Andres testified. In fact, the girl wasn't actually carried anywhere like that, testimony concluded. The guys put her down after the photo was snapped. And Andres wasn't alarmed enough to prevent them all from leaving together."

You're aware the trial is over, right? Both sides called witnesses that testified to the state of the victim. Again, the states evidence included pictures, video, and messages on twitter and facebook by party goers as well as numerous testimonials from people at the party.

After a trial, it was determined that the girl was unconscience/ too drunk to give consent and the boys were found guilty.
You're aware the trial is over, right? Both sides called witnesses that testified to the state of the victim. Again, the states evidence included pictures, video, and messages on twitter and facebook by party goers as well as numerous testimonials from people at the party.

After a trial, it was determined that the girl was unconscience/ too drunk to give consent and the boys were found guilty.

The standard is beyond reasonable doubt - the case will be reversed on appeals. Hopefully the prosecutor will be disbarred.

Yes, indeed.

The day after the events Jane Doe had no complaints . She went to the ER because her mother insisted once the videos went viral. There were no findings of vaginal tears nor of any other urogenital abnormality , She asserted that she had no intention of filing a complaint.

But once the NY Times and the National Organization of Women got involved the AG decided to grandstand for the powerful political factions.


Jane Doe is a minor, she may have felt humiliated by the experience and unsure of how to handle it. A parent stepping in to make sure her child's rights were not violated is commendable.

The minor girl was so drunk witnesses saw her puking all over the street and those boys still took her to a location where she woke up naked on a couch. They also took it upon themselves to post pictures of her without her consent.

It was reckless behavior and they didn't think they would have a consequence.

Mays was also found guilty of disseminating a nude photo of a minor.

The ruling brings an end to a trial that gained media attention for its lurid text messages, cell phone pictures and videos, and social media posts surrounding the sexual abuse of the girl.

Two teens found guilty in Steubenville rape case - CNN.com

"Testimony from Elayna Andres, a sober, 17-year-old girl who witnessed the alleged incident described the victim as someone who had just forcibly declined an offer for a safe ride back to her friends and away from the boys, who had walked to the door before stumbling to the ground and who was not passed out, even though she was believed to be intoxicated.
"She was conscious," Andres testified. In fact, the girl wasn't actually carried anywhere like that, testimony concluded. The guys put her down after the photo was snapped. And Andres wasn't alarmed enough to prevent them all from leaving together."


The article I posted backed up what I said, not to mention the fact that they did post pictures of her and she is a minor, that is against the law (think child porn) she never gave permission for them to do that.

But since they were on a predatory role they must have thought they could get away with it. well they didn't :cool:
As a point of clarification: "yes" from a girl/woman who is too drunk to validly GIVE her ok is NOT a real "yes."

It used to be considered ungentlemanly and kind of uncool to take advantage of an intoxicated female.

Hate to burst contumacious' bubble, but the verdict in that case in Stuebenville appears to have been right on the money.
It used to be considered ungentlemanly and kind of uncool to take advantage of an intoxicated female.

Yeah, what happened to that? Why aren't you pro-Steubenville guys advocating for that good behavior?

Now what is supposed to be okay is peeing on her while she's unconscious?

And then posting naked pictures of her on Facebook?

I know what I think of rotten males like that.
As a point of clarification: "yes" from a girl/woman who is too drunk to validly GIVE her ok is NOT a real "yes."

It used to be considered ungentlemanly and kind of uncool to take advantage of an intoxicated female.

Hate to burst contumacious' bubble, but the verdict in that case in Stuebenville appears to have been right on the money.

Rape Trial Day 4: Expert Testifies for Defense

Kim Fromme, a professor of clinical psychology at the University of Texas, studies the effects of alcohol on people

Fromme said it is possible the girl could have been sexually assaulted during a blackout and have no memory of it. However, she also said the girl could have had a sexual encounter and given consent without recalling she had done so."

As a point of clarification: "yes" from a girl/woman who is too drunk to validly GIVE her ok is NOT a real "yes."

It used to be considered ungentlemanly and kind of uncool to take advantage of an intoxicated female.

Hate to burst contumacious' bubble, but the verdict in that case in Stuebenville appears to have been right on the money.

Rape Trial Day 4: Expert Testifies for Defense

Kim Fromme, a professor of clinical psychology at the University of Texas, studies the effects of alcohol on people

Fromme said it is possible the girl could have been sexually assaulted during a blackout and have no memory of it. However, she also said the girl could have had a sexual encounter and given consent without recalling she had done so."


She is a minor and they posted pics of her naked being raped and urinated on and that is against the law.
As a point of clarification: "yes" from a girl/woman who is too drunk to validly GIVE her ok is NOT a real "yes."

It used to be considered ungentlemanly and kind of uncool to take advantage of an intoxicated female.

Hate to burst contumacious' bubble, but the verdict in that case in Stuebenville appears to have been right on the money.

Rape Trial Day 4: Expert Testifies for Defense

Kim Fromme, a professor of clinical psychology at the University of Texas, studies the effects of alcohol on people

Fromme said it is possible the girl could have been sexually assaulted during a blackout and have no memory of it. However, she also said the girl could have had a sexual encounter and given consent without recalling she had done so."


She could have given "consent" without recalling it and without the "consent" having ANY legal meaning. That's true even if she had been of a legal age to give a valid consent.

But if her alleged "consent" came only under the influence of intoxication, it may not be a valid consent. And if she happens to be a minor (legally disqualified from giving a valid consent), then she did not consent two times over.

The guys were fucking guilty.

As a point of clarification: "yes" from a girl/woman who is too drunk to validly GIVE her ok is NOT a real "yes."

It used to be considered ungentlemanly and kind of uncool to take advantage of an intoxicated female.

Hate to burst contumacious' bubble, but the verdict in that case in Stuebenville appears to have been right on the money.

Rape Trial Day 4: Expert Testifies for Defense

Kim Fromme, a professor of clinical psychology at the University of Texas, studies the effects of alcohol on people

Fromme said it is possible the girl could have been sexually assaulted during a blackout and have no memory of it. However, she also said the girl could have had a sexual encounter and given consent without recalling she had done so."


This kind of testimony is not a commentary on what happened, but given in response to a posed hypothetical question.

If the boys assaulting her were not constantly tweeting the events, and posting pictures and videos, there might be some sort of defense that they were so drunk they didn't know what they were doing, or she gave consent although she might not remember it. Someone so drunk that they don't know they are having sex is too drunk to tweet the rape as it happened.
The legal age of consent in Ohio is 16. And I don't know any state that doesn't have some form of a Romeo and Juliet laws that exempts children under 18 but within a certain age from consent laws.
Jane Doe is a minor....

BTW, this right here is enough for rape in most states, even if the other party is under 18 also. Consensual sex with a minor is statutory rape in a great many states.

Watch the video those boys bragged about her being so passed out she was a "dead girl" they laughed about pissing on her and penetrating her. What they did to her was wrong.

On the minor point they did not have permission to post the photos of her passed out with them urinating in her and simulating sexual acts on her. She has rights and gave no permission for that and the photos showed she was passed out.
A teammate also testified that they tried to force themselves into her mouth but couldn't manage it.
This is so disgusting it is beyond words. How bad a culture are we going to get when the default position of the unconscious is consent? It's a commentary the true heart of degeneracy.

Soraya Chemaly: Steubenville: We're Sick and Tired of Rape Being Treated Like an Unavoidable Joke

The flip side of that narrative is that a drunk, possibly lying, definitely regretful, stupid, slutty, selfish and careless girl ruined their hopes for the future. She'll be yet another "spider who lured them" and "ruined their lives." Here is where we indulge in the national sport of victim-blaming in high-def digital. The kind that allows us to blame one person for her own assault and avoid the rigorous self-reflection necessary to understand the system that produces kids who think its okay to humiliate and violate a limp and incapacitated girl for kicks. Why aren't we talking about why the 40+ teenagers involved that night didn't step in and stop what was happening?

As one of the boys was quoted saying in a tonally rape-friendly media piece, "It just felt like she was coming on to me." Which, of course, is clear license to treat a living girl like an inflatable silicon sex doll.

At the link are 50 cases in which rapists believed that the silence of an unconscious person means consent. The rapists did not consider themselves rapists at all. No one said NO.

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