Raped in Afghanistan= 12 yrs in prison for adultery and forced to marry your rapist!

How about you assholes recite something from the New Testament?

We live under grace.... Jesus died on the cross so we dont have to live under those laws.

I am forgiven.... not condemned to Hell.

So you were forgiven for willingly calling them "assholes"? :eusa_pray:

And which part of the Bible do you think the book of Matthew is in? :confused:

The only thing worse than a self-righteous Christian is a self-righteous Christian that has no clue of what the Bible says.
I'm not a Christian so answer the fucking question can you quote something from the New Testament that dictates a Christian to kill in the name of God?

Why don't you try and keep up? :confused: I never referred to you as a Christian. And I don't think I would ever confuse you with a Christian anyway. :tongue:

Obviously Infidel proposes to be a loving Christian and yet shows he knows nothing about the Bible if he doesn't know something so elementary as to which part of the Bible the Book of Matthew is even in. That was my only point and it had nothing to do with you.

My post was not aimed at you nor were you even quoted in it. So get off of me. Now.
So tell me something what laws do Christians have that force them to kill people? Where in the Bible does it tell a Christian they must kill for their religion?
Not sure where in the Bible it tells Christians to rape, plunder, and murder.

But European history is full of Christians slaughtering each other and everyone around them for countless centuries.

And then they sailed to the Americas, both North and South, and committed genocide on every indigenous people they encountered. :eek:
Again I ask where in the bible does it tell Christians to kill in the name of God?

What do you care? You're not a Christian anyway.
Get 12 years in prison for having sex out of wedlock, forced to marry that bastard (because he also knocked you up) and possibly be killed for the sham of having sex out of wedlock.

Afghanistan is a fucked up country. I say leave the country and then nuke it entirely and have it started over!

Jailed Afghan rape victim has sentence reduced, remains in jail - CNN.com

In a remarkable case that is all too common in Afghanistan but has drawn international attention, 21-year-old Gulnaz was attacked by a relative two years ago, but sentenced to 12 years in jail for adultery.

She has since given birth to a girl from the attack. Because of the dishonor of sex outside of wedlock, she had been given the choice of marrying her attacker to get out of jail and legitimize her infant daughter in the eyes of Afghanistan's conservative society.

The child is imprisoned with her at Badambagh Prison on the outskirts of Kabul.
Jawad: Afghan system failed rape victim Woman being forced to marry her rapist
Gulnaz says she at first tried to hide the attack against her because she could be killed for bringing shame on her community.
Only her pregnancy exposed the attack and began criminal investigations that led to her conviction for adultery.
And in the US the right wants to ban abortion in the case of rape or incest.

BS Some may do but it is a minority, meaning you had nothing to say.
So tell me something what laws do Christians have that force them to kill people? Where in the Bible does it tell a Christian they must kill for their religion?

The Old Testament is fruaght with examples of why it is okay to kill for God.

If course to some christians, the OT isn't anything but an interesting historical artifact.

To others, it's the word of God.

Go figure.
The old testament mentions Christians?

My point EXACTLY, Big.
The Old Testament is fruaght with examples of why it is okay to kill for God.

If course to some christians, the OT isn't anything but an interesting historical artifact.

To others, it's the word of God.

Go figure.
The old testament mentions Christians?

My point EXACTLY, Big.
My post was in question form or didn't you catch that part?
ok where in the old testament is Christians mention?
What do you care? You're not a Christian anyway.
bigrebnc1775 is just a wanna-be who wishes he could debate with the big boys.

But he lacks the intellectual chops to do so and feels left out of the game. :lol:
but back to the point of all you democracy loving people

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xyh8pVUCOfg]This is what democracy looks like 10/06/11 - YouTube[/ame]
Hey Hey Ho Ho this is what democracy looks like
LOL bigrebnc1775, looks like you posted on the wrong thread once again. :lol: :cuckoo:

no I didn't isn't Afghanistan a democracy now? Isn't that what we are trying to help them achieve? If you answer yes then that is what democracy looks like. Sing along everybody.
Hey Hey ho ho this is what democracy looks like

Hey hey ho ho.....
How about you assholes recite something from the New Testament?

We live under grace.... Jesus died on the cross so we dont have to live under those laws.

I am forgiven.... not condemned to Hell.

Jesus never said he died so you didn't have to live under the Old Testament laws. Those laws were NOT abolished.

For someone who is so religious yourself(apparently), and as someone who was once a very devout christian, I'm surprised you don't know that all Jesus died for on the cross was your sins. It had NOTHING to do with old testament law.
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Get 12 years in prison for having sex out of wedlock, forced to marry that bastard (because he also knocked you up) and possibly be killed for the sham of having sex out of wedlock.

Afghanistan is a fucked up country. I say leave the country and then nuke it entirely and have it started over!
If the article is true, I can not say I dissagree with anything you stated. but then again, I doubt the article is true, if all our media said was true, there would have been no need to rush to dump Obamas body over the sea the next morning or to shoot Joe Binlden in the first place when they could have arrested him and brought him to court (they keep and feed lesser criminals in jail for decades)
Just bring em all home. Afghanistan is for Afghans. They don't even like us particularly. They only like our money & weapons. And i think they've received more than enough of both at this point. We've won the Longest War. Time to bring our brave men & women home.
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Just bring em all home. Afghanistan is for Afghans. They don't even like us particularly. The just like our money & weapons. And i think they've received more than enough of both at this point. We've won the Longest War. Time to bring our brave men & women home.

You've repeated your talking points enough. Now go play with your finger paints.
Just bring em all home. Afghanistan is for Afghans. They don't even like us particularly. The just like our money & weapons. And i think they've received more than enough of both at this point. We've won the Longest War. Time to bring our brave men & women home.

You've repeated your talking points enough. Now go play with your finger paints.

Oh what the Hell,if it pisses you off...We've won The Longest War. Time to bring our brave men & women home. :)
Just bring em all home. Afghanistan is for Afghans. They don't even like us particularly. The just like our money & weapons. And i think they've received more than enough of both at this point. We've won the Longest War. Time to bring our brave men & women home.

You've repeated your talking points enough. Now go play with your finger paints.

Oh what the Hell,if it pisses you off...We've won The Longest War. Time to bring our brave men & women home. :)

Time for Wapner!
Karzai: Afghan rape victim free to decide if she wants to stay in prison - CNN.com

First, she is brutally RAPED! Of course she doesn't report it, because in like all Muslim countries, rape victim's are honor killed routinely (many times by her own family) and most of the time tried for adultry. The rapist knocked her up, so she had to report it.

Second, they don't charge the rapist, instead they charger her with adultry and sentence her to 12 years.

Third, they force her to marry the rapist.

Lastly, she can't even leave the prison, because her family will "honor" kill her.

Last question: Why are we over there. No matter how many of them we kill they aren't going to change and no society will force. I say we pull out and then nuke the entire country. It's a lost cause!

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