Raphael Warnock wins the runoff

Time for Repubs to get off the pot and play the game. The Dems changed the voting rules. Campaigning means squat nowadays. Time for ALL repubs to vote EARLY. And by Maildrop. Never mind who the candidate is. Play the Dem game. Starting Election Day with a 200,000 vote deficit does NOT win elections. Arizona and Georgia prove that. Repubs in Florida voted EARLY and won a landslide.

It's time to cheat harder than they did.

And when they regain control, it's time to build guillotines.

I hate to break it to you, but the Left is not going anywhere. Nor is the Right. But both need the Centrists to get elected and get anything done.

The worst of it is that, if members of both parties demand their way, with no compromise, then absolutely nothing gets done. It becomes a war between parties and the people get screwed.


You first.

The right has been letting the leftist vermin get away with deep, deep bullshit for decades. That's all the compromise you get.


You first.

The right has been letting the leftist vermin get away with deep, deep bullshit for decades. That's all the compromise you get.


Ok. I don't give a damn who compromises first. I give a damn that these well paid, well bribed elected officials actually DO something for the people instead of just fighting against the other party.
Ok. I don't give a damn who compromises first. I give a damn that these well paid, well bribed elected officials actually DO something for the people instead of just fighting against the other party.

Well, if the "other party" is the party of sexually assaulting and mutilating children and murdering preborn babies, then by all means, we won't even talk about compromise.

Well, if the "other party" is the party of sexually assaulting and mutilating children and murdering preborn babies, then by all means, we won't even talk about compromise.


Sexual assault is illegal. Prosecute them.

Make abortion illegal except in very specific cases, like a high risk to the mother's life or to remove a dead fetus from a womb.

But those issues should barely be a blip on the radar for Congress. Fix our bloated, unwieldy tax system, where we spend $500 billion just figuring out our taxes. Fix our broken down infrastructure. Provide a healthcare safety net so the poorest do not die of treatable illnesses. Fund the VA and keep the promises made to our veterans. Pass a law that says the budget is balanced every year, or those in charge cannot stay in office. Make Congress use the same retirement program and healthcare system they give others.

Surely those issues can involve compromise from both parties.
Sexual assault is illegal. Prosecute them.

Make abortion illegal except in very specific cases, like a high risk to the mother's life or to remove a dead fetus from a womb.

But those issues should barely be a blip on the radar for Congress. Fix our bloated, unwieldy tax system, where we spend $500 billion just figuring out our taxes. Fix our broken down infrastructure. Provide a healthcare safety net so the poorest do not die of treatable illnesses. Fund the VA and keep the promises made to our veterans. Pass a law that says the budget is balanced every year, or those in charge cannot stay in office. Make Congress use the same retirement program and healthcare system they give others.

Surely those issues can involve compromise from both parties.

We can agree on issues and disagree on others.

I do not see a lot of willingness to compromise in the words of so many people on this board.

We can agree on issues and disagree on others.

I do not see a lot of willingness to compromise in the words of so many people on this board.


Sadly that is true. But on the board, too many want to "win the argument" rather than have an actual discussion.

Hopefully elected officials can be more mature and focused.
That's all you want from Hunter's supposed laptop. To see his dick.

It's all fake anyway. How do we know it's Hunter's laptop? Because some legally blind guy says so?

List the chain of custody for this laptop. That thing has been passed around more than Lauren Boebert at a Bachelor Party.

Yet it is evidence in a Federal firearms case.

🤡 🤡 🤡 🤡 🤡 🤡 🤡 🤡 🤡
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