Raphael Warnock wins the runoff

Show me proof of President Trump saying that.

You can't.

Now, run along.

You really are an idiot.

The Globalists and their loyal democrat and RINO Flying Monkeys already vaporized the Constitution. It’s a question of time before The People stop chanting “Fuck Joe Biden” and start marching on their State Capitals
They institutionalize people who have the non-real world views you have.
People with these views end up hurting someone because of frustration of the real world.
You really are an idiot.

I swear you brain dead fuckers will believe ANYTHING!

Whatever happened to critical thinking in America? I learned it in school! I guess now that all they teach in school is how evil white people are and how grade schoolers need to be able to choose what sex they are, there just are no standards for actual thought.

Sure is going to be fun when karma bites you ignorant bitches right in the face.

I swear you brain dead fuckers will believe ANYTHING!

Whatever happened to critical thinking in America? I learned it in school! I guess now that all they teach in school is how evil white people are and how grade schoolers need to be able to choose what sex they are, there just are no standards for actual thought.

Sure is going to be fun when karma bites you ignorant bitches right in the face.

So it is fake news that Trump suggested suspending the Constitution and had dinner with a Hitler/Nazi lover?

The mafia stands up for their principles of loyalty. That doesn’t make standing up for the principles a good thing.

The problem isn’t standing up for principles. It is what principles you want to stand for. Ones based in hatred. When you hate you surrender the best part of yourself.

They aren’t the enemy. They are fellow Americans. Every American has the same rights, no matter what color, or whatever, including where they live and how they vote.

Liberals in California are just as American as the reddest Conservative in Texas.

But that isn’t the Principle you are standing up for is it?
Nope. Sorry. Liberals are NOT Americans. Not by a long shot. They are Communists, hell bent on twisting and contorting America into a new Soviet Union. Sorry, but the Left need to be destroyed.

The mafia stands up for their principles of loyalty. That doesn’t make standing up for the principles a good thing.

The problem isn’t standing up for principles. It is what principles you want to stand for. Ones based in hatred. When you hate you surrender the best part of yourself.

They aren’t the enemy. They are fellow Americans. Every American has the same rights, no matter what color, or whatever, including where they live and how they vote.

Liberals in California are just as American as the reddest Conservative in Texas.

But that isn’t the Principle you are standing up for is it?
Also. Your claim that every American has rights falla flat on its face. If you are a black LGTPQRSTUVWXYZ then we will bend over backwards for you. But if you are a straight qhite male Conservative Christian? Then discriminate away with impunity.
So it is fake news that Trump suggested suspending the Constitution and had dinner with a Hitler/Nazi lover?

Can you prove that was genuinely President Trump's account? Looked pretty phony to me.

When you show me video of the man actually saying something, I'll be interested. Faking something online is the easiest thing in the world to do. BULLDOG does it every time he/she/it posts.

You fools are so easy.


Nope. Sorry. Liberals are NOT Americans. Not by a long shot. They are Communists, hell bent on twisting and contorting America into a new Soviet Union. Sorry, but the Left need to be destroyed.

I hate to break it to you, but the Left is not going anywhere. Nor is the Right. But both need the Centrists to get elected and get anything done.

The worst of it is that, if members of both parties demand their way, with no compromise, then absolutely nothing gets done. It becomes a war between parties and the people get screwed.
Also. Your claim that every American has rights falla flat on its face. If you are a black LGTPQRSTUVWXYZ then we will bend over backwards for you. But if you are a straight qhite male Conservative Christian? Then discriminate away with impunity.

What discrimination have you faced? Please enlighten us.
Another entertaining comeback.
Hardly. I doubt proving you just another pathetic fraud on the left is very "entertaining" to you. Kinda like being the government getting their dirty underwear examined and shown to the world by Elon Musk. But who knows, maybe you like sticking pins in the eyes of your dolls.

Trump provides you standard responses.
No doubt by secret brainwaves or over the secret "Trump" channel, right, TickleMeElmo?

He would never give you responses this lame. Stick to the Trump cult instructed responses.
So in other words, I was spot on as usual.
You really are an idiot.

Meantime, you're so pathetic that even with Mitch's GOP pulling all support from Walker, and legions of election cheats, media cover ups and fake elections, you idiots still just barely beat him! :auiqs.jpg:

Now that Musk has exposed the unconstitutional un-American unholy government/media election fraud crime ring, your lucky days are running out.
It looks like the Dims stole another one. Sad, very sad.
Time for Repubs to get off the pot and play the game. The Dems changed the voting rules. Campaigning means squat nowadays. Time for ALL repubs to vote EARLY. And by Maildrop. Never mind who the candidate is. Play the Dem game. Starting Election Day with a 200,000 vote deficit does NOT win elections. Arizona and Georgia prove that. Repubs in Florida voted EARLY and won a landslide.

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