Raphael Warnock wins the runoff

Nope...and that's your fatal mistake--in thinking that I'm far left..and that only the far left is done with you and your ilk. Most of America, including many former supporters..are finished with Trump and the Q-bert wing of the party.

But do keep to your echo chambers--and suck up the confirmation and affirmation bias' therein. It just makes it better for me..to see the eternal looks of surprise in your eyes...as America repeatedly rejects you and your ilk..with heavy kicks to your crotches~
Most of America voted Republican as evidenced by the slim margins Democrats 'won' by. It's very difficult to shut down the D.C. elections cheat machine, they have been doing this for decades which goes to explain how legislators can be career politicians.
Really? Is that why he beat a career politician, got the most votes ever by any sitting president in history and about 90% of his endorsements just won?

If I didn't know better, I would have thought you were talking of Joe Biden, who:
  • Ran for office three times before getting more than 1.5% of the vote
  • Has failed at and turned to disaster EVERYTHING he's done since in office
  • Was avoided by his own party during an election and
  • Is the first president in history to be asked by his party NOT to run again!
Try as hard as you can to paint Trump in a different light, it will not work.
You shine a spot light on someone long enough, their true colors will come out.
Trump is a self-serving loser that is having a negative effect on everything he touches except for Nazis, KKK, white supremacists and QAnon. He is helping Nazis, KKK, white supremacists and QAnon
Yes I am obsessed with neutering Trump before he ruins our country, as are tens of millions others.
I feel bad for all of his cult members he has used over all these years. You are all fools.

Oh. I see that you also have a hero complex, which also often accompanies OCD. Explains a lot. Thanks.

Try as hard as you can to paint Trump in a different light, it will not work.
What DOES work for you, Elmo?

You shine a spot light on someone long enough, their true colors will come out.
Good to know for the upcoming Biden proctological examinations. But then, we can already smell him in the dark, no lights needed.

Trump is a self-serving loser that is having a negative effect on everything he touches
Sure you ain't talking of Joe Bedpan?

except for Nazis, KKK, white supremacists and QAnon. He is helping Nazis, KKK, white supremacists and QAnon
Wow, JUST LIKE JOE BIDEN is doing too! Except Joe puts all his work in for foreign Nazis like Zelensky! :happy-1:
Preposterous. They aren’t the enemy. They are Americans same as you.

Compromise is the political technique used by Reagan. Bush, Clinton, Bush II, and even Obama used it. They were not defeats. They were successes.

Example. Clinton and the Republicans argued about Welfare Reform. In the end they compromised allowing more jobs training and more restrictions. It was a partial win for both.

In your world that is a defeat. And it was no where near a defeat.

Anyone who.is a DemocRAT is the.enemy

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