Raphael Warnock wins the runoff

Those who lost are mostly poor losers and the biggest loser is Donald Trump. The hypocrisy of the current iteration of Republicans is out in the open when Walker was getting over a million votes in mostly rural Georgia.

A coalition of Democrats and "RINOS" will see the light and put together bills creating new jobs, make taxes fair and useful, and protect our planet.

No longer will the Federal Government be run by fiat, as was done by Trump and his corrupt buddies. Of course, we will need to do something of the Supreme Court, The Court is completely in control of six individuals waiting in the trees before destroying the Constitution and making our democracy a sham.

These six have the total control of power, power to destroy the Civil Rights fought for in the 50's and 60's, and those that lied during their nomination by those nominated by Trump and now will served - unfortunately - well into this century.
Trump didn't ask Herschel to run nor did he campaign for him in the runoff. DeSantis on the other hand, did!

"Former president Donald Trump demanded for months that Herschel Walker enter the U.S. Senate race in Georgia, and the scandal-plagued football star obliged despite pleas from his family not to run, Walker’s adult son, Christian, said in a Tuesday night tweet storm in the wake of his father’s loss to Democrat Raphael Warnock."

In a series of tweets Tuesday night, Christian Walker said that “Trump called my dad for months DEMANDING that he run. Everyone with a brain begged him: “PLEASE DON’T DO THIS. This is too dirty, you have an insane past… PLEASE DON’T DO THIS.”
Funny, I thought Mitch McFunkle ran the GOP and dictated allocation of funding and campaign control. :smoke:

Not an ex-real estate former illegitimate tax cheat president that everyone has abandoned and moved on from!
People should be moving on from Trump because he is an ex-real estate former illegitimate tax cheat president, immoral, unethical fraudster.
But the real reason people are moving on is everything Trump touches LOSES. Trump has turned into the BIGGEST LOSER of modern politics.
People should be moving on from Trump because he is an ex-real estate former illegitimate tax cheat president, immoral, unethical fraudster.
But the real reason people are moving on is everything Trump touches LOSES. Trump has turned into the BIGGEST LOSER of modern politics.

Could you clutch those pearls just a bit tighter, pixie?

Because you are obsessed?
No, it's because...

But the real reason people are moving on is everything Trump touches LOSES. Trump has turned into the BIGGEST LOSER of modern politics.

Really? Is that why he beat a career politician, got the most votes ever by any sitting president in history and about 90% of his endorsements just won?

If I didn't know better, I would have thought you were talking of Joe Biden, who:
  • Ran for office three times before getting more than 1.5% of the vote
  • Has failed at and turned to disaster EVERYTHING he's done since in office
  • Was avoided by his own party during an election and
  • Is the first president in history to be asked by his party NOT to run again!

You think that mail in ballots are used mostly by Democrats, hence your unwarranted opposition.
Of course mailins are used by you Dims, you are too lazy to go stand in line and vote. Many dont vote at all just let someone fill out their ballot for them. Doof.

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