Raphael Warnock wins the runoff

Mail-in ballots were used to a great extent during the covid pandemic. Whether they were used by democrats or republicans speaks more to which would tend to be more fearful of the virus.

Do you have any actual evidence that mail-in ballots are more susceptible to cheating? And more importantly, that there was actual cheating going on in the recent run-off election?
Loser Denial was rampant after the 2020 presidential election. The pissy, paranoidal refusal to respect the will of the People, the foundation of democracy, still festers in some alienated, disgruntled hinterlands.
Yout know, the good guys...

The ones who support a woman's right to choose and defend the right of same sex couples to marry.

Those good guys.
And murder babies and allow illegals to flood the US and burn down cities and murder police....

Those good guys.
Any person who has a religious background whether they are religious or not can be left or right. You can be a Democrat, but you cannot be a Progressive Socialist Communist. The softening of Christianity has weakened the nation in the name of social justice. We were a lower tax nation with at least some discipline. And that does not mean we have to be perfect. Now the all-powerful godless state has replaced God with many frauds masquerading as preachers.
You do know that that is literally as old as America, right?

This era is the era of unmasking...and there's a reason why Preacher and Pedophile go together like ham and eggs~
Compromise= surrender to the enemy, period! I want the GOP to oppose at all costs.
...at all costs. You are a traitor..pure and simple..to everything good that America stands for.
You are the enemy...and a majority of Americans know it.

Get used to losing...for a steady diet of it is coming your way.
...at all costs. You are a traitor..pure and simple..to everything good that America stands for.
You are the enemy...and a majority of Americans know it.

Get used to losing...for a steady diet of it is coming your way.
So you think the only " patriots" are far Left whackjobs like you? Fuck that and fuck you.
So you think the only " patriots" are far Left whackjobs like you? Fuck that and fuck you.
Nope...and that's your fatal mistake--in thinking that I'm far left..and that only the far left is done with you and your ilk. Most of America, including many former supporters..are finished with Trump and the Q-bert wing of the party.

But do keep to your echo chambers--and suck up the confirmation and affirmation bias' therein. It just makes it better for me..to see the eternal looks of surprise in your eyes...as America repeatedly rejects you and your ilk..with heavy kicks to your crotches~
Also, there is nothing, not a DAMNED thing that says the GOP has to rubber stamp any far Left ideas.
Yeah..true enough. Of course, you are not really representative of the GOP. As the true GOP emerges..and sees that compromise is the only way to survive..your ilk will be relegated back to the fringes..where you've always lurked..from Birchers to Birthers..idiots all~

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