Rapture anyday now!

I didn't say my whole life revolves around thinking about the end! I want to be here as long as possible with my family and friends. I'm sure most people just dont sit and dwell about when they're going to die and what it will be like! I feel that i can have a happier and more fulfilled life because i'm NOT afraid of where i'm going when i die. My family are very important to me, and i want to be with them as long as possible.

Why do you make the baseless assumption that others who don't share your beliefs are afraid of what will happen when they die?

I said I'M NOT AFRAID...I didn't say anything about others who don't believe do...but i know some do, i've talked to people that do. So it's not a baseless assumption. Maybe you're not afraid...but some are.

It appears that from your handful of anecdotal experiences you extrapolated. 20% of the world's population believe in reincarnation. Those that fear the unknown seek comfort in mythology. Those that are curious about the unknown seek knowledge instead.
There will be no rapture.

How do I know this?

Because the biblical rapture calls for physical bodies both living and dead to rise from the earth. That's not rapture, it's an alien invasion. I'm not being snarky, I'm not joking. When you die your spirit doesn't become worm food. Your body does. You have no need of a physical body in the place some call Heaven. Or Valhalla. Or Nirvana. Or Sto'Vo'Kor.

So the rapture you envision defies all physical and spiritual laws.

Just saying.

Thing is, according to the Bible, God's children are coming back to earth with Christ, and will remain in our glorified bodies, just as Christ remains in His.
Since the cross our spirit goes to God, while our remains do not. But that same flesh will rise from the grave and reunite with the spirit. The body will no longer be subject to the 4 dimensions that we are now, and will be like Christ, able to appear and disappear through the dimensions the scientists are finding now.
It defies what we used to believe as physical law. We have since become enlightened by Hawking and others. And in no way defies spiritual law. For instance, what laws do you believe the Holy Spirit is bound by?

No, the bible clearly says that the dead were calling out from their graves "Are we there yet?" and the Magic Sky Fairy told them to wait a bit longer. Eventually the day came and the first to go were the dead that rose from their graves and ascended into the sky.

If you're going to argue over Revelations, please take the time to read it.

If you're going to TRY to quote it, it's named REVELATION, not REVELATION"S".
And you really don't know what you're talking about...
Why do you make the baseless assumption that others who don't share your beliefs are afraid of what will happen when they die?

Why do you accuse others of baseless assumptions they never made? Usually when you have to defend yourself against a claim that was never made, you are doing so because it's true.

In less than 3 weeks you have been exposed twice as less than honest but have failed on both occasions to admit as much. Your defensiveness says volumes and justifiably so.

If by exposed you mean you're making up crap about me, then yes you have. But then I've ignored you because you arent an intellectually honest person.

But im not defending myself here. Im asking why you find the need to falsely accuse others. The fact that you need to make this about me instead of addressing my question is quite telling about your integrity.

Please, pull the log out of your eye.
It appears that from your handful of anecdotal experiences you extrapolated. 20% of the world's population believe in reincarnation. Those that fear the unknown seek comfort in mythology. Those that are curious about the unknown seek knowledge instead.

Which, of course, is why you refuse to actually go to God and learn anything. because you are soooo curious about the unknown.

Instead you deride people who seek and share knowledge you don't want to hear.
Why do you accuse others of baseless assumptions they never made? Usually when you have to defend yourself against a claim that was never made, you are doing so because it's true.

In less than 3 weeks you have been exposed twice as less than honest but have failed on both occasions to admit as much. Your defensiveness says volumes and justifiably so.

If by exposed you mean you're making up crap about me, then yes you have. But then I've ignored you because you arent an intellectually honest person.

But im not defending myself here. Im asking why you find the need to falsely accuse others. The fact that you need to make this about me instead of addressing my question is quite telling about your integrity.

Please, pull the log out of your eye.

Yanno....................considering that the Rapture is a myth brought about by Cotton Mather in the 17th century, I'm guessing it's something that some crackpot made up from a bunch of cherry picked verses in the Bible.

However.......................if I DO wake up one morning and all the self righteous types are gone? I'm gonna go walking down my street and invite all the ones still left over for barbeque and beers, and we'll toast the fact that nobody is going to judge us by unfair moral standards.
It appears that from your handful of anecdotal experiences you extrapolated. 20% of the world's population believe in reincarnation. Those that fear the unknown seek comfort in mythology. Those that are curious about the unknown seek knowledge instead.

Which, of course, is why you refuse to actually go to God and learn anything. because you are soooo curious about the unknown.

Instead you deride people who seek and share knowledge you don't want to hear.

Been there, done that, don't need another holey t-shirt! :eusa_angel:

Holy Hand Grenade manual - Famous Quotes

Holy Hand Grenade manual

Brother: And Saint Attila raised the Hand Grenade up on high, saying:

"O Lord, bless this thy Hand Grenade that with it thou mayest blow thine enemies to tiny bits, in thy mercy."

And the Lord did grin, :eusa_angel: and the people did feast upon the lambs and sloths and carp and anchovies and orangutans and breakfast cereals and fruit bats and large chu..
Maynard: Skip a bit, Brother.

Brother: And the Lord spake, saying:

"First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin.
Then, shalt thou count to three, no more, no less.
Three shalt be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three.
Four shalt thou not count, nor either count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three.
Five is right out.
Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in my sight, shall snuff it."

Maynard: Amen. :eusa_angel:

Yanno....................considering that the Rapture is a myth brought about by Cotton Mather in the 17th century, I'm guessing it's something that some crackpot made up from a bunch of cherry picked verses in the Bible.

However.......................if I DO wake up one morning and all the self righteous types are gone? I'm gonna go walking down my street and invite all the ones still left over for barbeque and beers, and we'll toast the fact that nobody is going to judge us by unfair moral standards.

If the self righteous are gone, how will you still be around? Just wonder;)
I sure wish the rapture would happen already and that your god would take all you loony mothafuckers away! :D
I sure wish the rapture would happen already and that your god would take all you loony mothafuckers away! :D

You realize that those left behind are supposed to end up being on fire, right?
I sure wish the rapture would happen already and that your god would take all you loony mothafuckers away! :D

You realize that those left behind are supposed to end up being on fire, right?

Supposed to, but won't. Nothing in the bible is true.

Nothing, that's a pretty bold statemente.

So you're saying it's better to live with a brawling woman in a wide house than to dwell on the corner of a rooftop? Im not sure I agree.
...Nothing in the bible is true.

I wouldn't go that far; Leviticus offers some compelling insights as to how to deal with women on the rag and the Pauline letters provide an excellent basis for the subjugation of the fairer sex.

Other than that though, it's pretty much a crock of shit.
You realize that those left behind are supposed to end up being on fire, right?

Supposed to, but won't. Nothing in the bible is true.

Nothing, that's a pretty bold statemente.

So you're saying it's better to live with a brawling woman in a wide house than to dwell on the corner of a rooftop? Im not sure I agree.

:lol: Wtf?

The world wasn't made in 6 days, Noah wasn't 600 years old... it's all made up stuff. Just because it's written in a book doesn't make it fact. See: Alice in Wonderland.
Supposed to, but won't. Nothing in the bible is true.

Nothing, that's a pretty bold statemente.

So you're saying it's better to live with a brawling woman in a wide house than to dwell on the corner of a rooftop? Im not sure I agree.

:lol: Wtf?

The world wasn't made in 6 days, Noah wasn't 600 years old... it's all made up stuff. Just because it's written in a book doesn't make it fact. See: Alice in Wonderland.

You're going to want to reread your Bible if you have no clue what i talking about.
I sure wish the rapture would happen already and that your god would take all you loony mothafuckers away! :D

You realize that those left behind are supposed to end up being on fire, right?

Only if their "works" fail to pass judgment. Your assumption that all who don't believe as you do will burn in eternal damnation gives one more lie to the myth of a "loving God".
You're going to want to reread your Bible if you have no clue what i talking about.

No evidence of you knowing what you are talking about . Your repeated drivel is just you having faith .
Just like every inmate in a secure establishment for challenged people .
What is it that compels you to repeat things endlessly ? Incidentally , no sign of the Rapture . And that invented son of God has still not shown up as promised .
If it ended up that there is no God, well then.....I lived my life the way I wanted and it gave me HOPE for a better life with Him. What's wrong with that? It's a lot better than thinking there's nothing but your body ending up in dirt covered in worms. I think many are a little jealous that we can feel like this and are usually a lot happier people. I think I'm much wiser than you think....why don't you wise up?

Actually not, it’s delusional and pathetic.

This is also representative of the arrogance of Christians, who perceive themselves better than those free from faith.

So much for Christian humility and forbearance.

How am I being arrogant. I stated it's a lot better than thinking worms are going to eat you....which MANY non-believers have said will happen! Did i say i was any better than those "free from faith" as you put it? No.....I just stated I'm happy with what i believe. If it makes you happy to be eaten by worms....I imagine you'll find out some day.

Unless your body is cremated, frozen, embalmed like a mummy or launched into outer space it will ultimately be "eaten by worms" irrespective of what you happen to believe while you are alive.

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